wednesday: september fifteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

wednesday: september fifteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Stefania called me from Italy at almost 11pm last night. It was only almost 8am there. She called and told me she and Barbara were starting school today. And just to say hi, and what's up. I told her I sent her a letter. When my phone rang, I was just settling into bed, and it was quiet, then my phone rang, and scared me out of myself.

I got up again, and was still mad at my gaurdian. I refused (or at least tried) to not talk to them. I got up and got ready as usual, and left for school.

My freaking bus was late this morning. Usually, it comes at 7:40am, and it didn't come until almost 8am. I got to school practically two minutes before the tardy bell rang, and I had to go to my locker first. But I was fast, and I wasn't late. Plus, if I was late, Mrs. Mikkelsen would have understood.

Before second period, I went and wanted to talk to Ben and Javier. But first I went to my locker to get my History book. Then I saw Ben and Hasaan, and Hasaan's back was facing me. I went up to them and said hey casually, and I scared him. Then he went away, and Ben and I just talked. He said he had to get back inside because he (including Javier) had to take a tardy test, or whatever.

My History teacher keeps getting more pissy and pissy everyday...

The test wasn't that hard in Spanish today. I at least got a B on it.

Then I met up with Sophia and we went to the Drama Club meeting. Chelsi came by later and gave us the papers for CSF. There were around 40 people at the meeting, but probably half of them there were for the free food. We had Frito boats and bite size chocolates and candies. Sophia and I took them all at our table, and ate them, yum!

I'm starting to think Chase is cute because he looks a lot like Nathan! And it's bugging me!! Plus, he's nice, he's funny, and he sits practically right next to me in Drama. The only [physical] differences between him and Nathan are that he has darker skin, kinda bleached hair, but you can still see his natural color, he's taller, and he's older. But wow, I'm thinking he's cute. And his second period is right next to my second period, so I always see him. And I always see him walking to fourth, and in my Spanish class, which switches to Geometry where he's a TA, before, during, and after sixth.

The bus was no different that it usually was. Before it came, I asked Javier, Ben, Hasaan, whoever was listening but focusing my attention on them, if they saw me drive by yesterday. Really, my gaurdian was driving me, but what's a little white lie gonna hurt them? ;-) I said that I was driving the Corvette, then Hasaan's all "You shoulda given us a ride!" Javier was all "Dude! It's a two-seater!" Hasaan was like "no," and Javier was like "yes." They kept going back and forth. Then Hasaan yelled "Oh! A corvette!" He finally got it, hehe. Then since I have an Explorer, I asked how many could fit in there, and guessed five. Javier said probably eight. Then I said maybe I'll drive you guys home sometime. They all want me to give them a ride, but I don't have my license yet!!

I wrote Ben a note during second, and gave it to him before sixth. He didn't say anything about it yet...

I'm finally getting Geometry! I actually LEARNED how to copy an angle and bisect an angle!! Yea!!! Yesterday, and today during class, I was so clueless, now I'm getting really good at it! I've almost memorized all the steps too. I had to draw a picture using a copied line segment, bisected line segment, copied angle, bisected angle, and I had to be creative. I made an optical illusion! It can be a bug one way, or a ball getting thrown at a cat's face the other way. I'm definetly gonna score points with this one...

I typed up my narrative essay today, even though it's due Monday. I just want to get it out of the way because I have another major paper to do, and the rough draft is due Tuesday, so I'll work on it during the weekend.

I didn't want to do my Spanish homework cause I didn't understand it...I read a chapter in my book...and I finished my History homework.

All I really have to do is go to sleep now.

Goodnight! Bless me with sweet dreams of Nathan!

-my journal-

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