thursday, friday, and saturday: september sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday, friday, and saturday: september sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday: september sixteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Well, since I waited until today to type this, it's going to be rather short because I can't quite recall what happened on this date.

On the morning bus, I was sitting next to Lydia, and took her tub of glitter and wiped some of it on the back of Ben's and Javier's necks. They were like "What the fuck?..." and they rubbed their necks, spreaded the glitter. They looked pretty all day! Like little pixies! I even put some on Hasaan...

I wrote Javier a note in second.

After second, my second period class went to this assembly in LJ Williams building where Lori Salierno was giving a speech assembly thing on respect and stuff. It was REALLY moving. If she goes to your school, man is it amazing. She even said for people to talk to her after the assembly if they wanted to go to Calcutta, India for some kind of mentally disabled children's hospital thing, I can't remember. I wanted to talk to her, but I never did. I regret it. "Do not hate, just disrespect if you must."

Ben said there was a football game tonight and that he was going. I never knew about this, and considered going. I was gonna go because he was (I'm pathetic), unless I found someone else to go with. But I also didn't want to go. I dunno. I ended up not going, even though Jillian begged me to go after sixth, the time that I had to go to the bathroom really bad after downing a Diet Pepsi and racing back to Main Campus. I don't think she considers me a friend because she doesn't talk to me unless I talk to her first...

I'm sorry, but Jenna's a hypocrite major. (Sorry, just finished watching "Zenon: Girl Of The 21st Century.") Okay, the scene: She had the trashiest white boyfriend, whom lives in Tulare recently and doesn't see him ever, yet there's Adam, the freshman who "spread a rumor about Jenna giving him head" and likes her too. He also "kissed her" when they were "alone." I don't believe this. Jenna is always telling me things, and more than half of them are stupid and I don't believe them. Why were her and Adam alone in the first place? I don't believe that rumor about her, because I think she made it up. I know she likes Adam. She flirts flirts FLIRTS with him CONSTANTLY: Always talking, playfully doing whatever, sitting next to him, always AROUND him like a lost puppy or something. And she says she hates his guts! I don't like him either, but I don't go and flirt with him. Sorry, but that's not how the world works. And again, I'm sorry to throw this at you Jenna, but it's how I think and this has been bugging me for a few days. Hopefully you'll still be my friend after this confession. This is my journal, this is how I think. If you don't want to know it, don't read it.

I was mad. Ben and Javier weren't on the bus today. I had brought my CD player and speakers, but never got to play my music. Grrr....

friday: september seventeenth, nineteen ninety-nine

I was depressed today. First of all, it was kinda rainy, and I wore my [kinda] hootchie outfit, and I had to bring a jacket cause it was cold.

I realized today that I really REALLY don't want to move. At first I was okay with the idea, but now I really REALLY don't want to. I'm going to be getting my license soon, and then I can drive my friends around and we can stay out late at night and party without having cheaffurs, and I'm gonna miss my friends. And when Nathan comes back, and we're going out, and we're still going out by the time my departure comes, we're gonna have to break up, and I DON'T WANT THAT!!

My English teacher's a bitch...

My Geometry test was REALLY easy: So much easier than the quizes!

I wrote another note to Javier in Journalism today and gave it to him on the bus, the one where he and Hasaan almost missed it. We were just pulling out from the curb when Adam yells "Wait! There's Javi and Hasaan!" They were running, and were out of breath.

When we were at a redlight on the bus, Javier came up and sat in front of me and talked to me. I asked him why he moved up front, and he said the back was boring. I told him I felt loved. He still had glitter on him from yesterday.

saturday: september eighteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Of course, nothing happened today. My gaurdian said they were gonna go to work in the morning today, but ended up not going because they're kinda sick. So I got ready, and we went to the grocery store, dropped off laundry at the cleaners, and dropped off a roll of film to be developed.

Later, we picked up the film, and I got my pictures I took at school. They actually turned out good considering I take crappy pictures...

I talked to Jenna online a little bit, and she said she was going to the fair with her boyfriend, Raymond, and his brother, Tony. I wanted to go, I really REALLY did, but I didn't want to hang around Raymond cause he's the biggest jerk-off. I asked her to call Javier because I'd feel more comfortable around him. Javier said he was gonna go later tonight, and Jenna was leaving at 4pm. So I decided not to go, but now I wish I did because as of now, I'm extremely bored. I'm so bored I was listening to Christmas music earlier.

I played a LOT of solitaire on the computer today. My gaurdian and I left for a drive because people were going to look at the house today. So we looked around forever to see the house that burned down yesterday. Then we came back and the people never came. They always do that! They make appointments and never come. I hate that!!!

I still have to write a very long paper...ick. I'll probably end up doing the whole thing tomorrow. It's a paper essay thing on a character from the book we're reading in English class, and we have to choose a theme from one of Kohlberg's's hard to explain. But it's gonna take me forever...

I can't WAIT for Nathan...

-my journal-

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