sunday: september nineteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

sunday: september nineteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Wow, I had to think of the date for a minute because I didn't know the number! Anyway, today was, again, another uneventful day. Sorry. My life is boring. At least this week is. Possibly next Saturday or Sunday, I'm going to to go Magic Mountain, but with who? First I gotta find people who will go on ANY rollercoaster. Second, I want to bring a lot of people, but I have a lot of friends from different *ahem*, classes and social groups, so they wouldn't really mesh well. And if I invite this person, I gotta invite the other. Or if I invite one person, they'll turn me down...grrr....but I have a plan that I'll enforce tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens...

I woke up at 9am this morning, thinking I was going to go to Costco with my gaurdian, but since the car we have is "dead," we couldn't go anywhere. So, I just totally lounged today. My gaurdian suggested I bake some cookies.

I brought down my homework into the kitchen around noon and started on it, then awhile later, I started making cookies. They're called "The Worlds Best Cookies." I don't know if they're the WORLDS BEST, but they are pretty good. All I can really say is that they have oats, cornflakes, and coconut in them.

I started and finished my essay thing today. Man, did it take long! A couple hours. But I did it. And I'm glad it's over with.

Then a realtor came to the house and wanted to show it to some people. Now, realtors are supposed to make appointments, not drop by. My gaurdian was kinda pissed. So was I!! My room wasn't clean and I had to shove everything under my bed! Grrr....

And I spent half my day sitting in front of the computer chatting and playing solitaire and playing 98 Degrees on the CD player. I told Jenna that a really romantic thing would be if Nathan was singing "I Do (Cherish You)" to me and gave me a flower. But he ain't like that, so I don't expect it.

Well, hopefully, I can change this kid for the better. I mean, I'm not about to get into half the things he does. But here's the situation: I've changed physically since Nathan last saw me (for the better I've changed, thank God). And Nathan didn't really know me, he only liked me for my looks (to my knowledge). So now that I've changed, and he is coming back, and that I love him so much, I'm afraid he's not going to like me back because of my change. Two of my friends that I've confessed this to say that he will like me because I've changed FOR THE BETTER. But I don't know...I have my doubts. Jenna and I even made a bet that when he comes back if he'll like me or not. If he does like me and we go out, she wins $10. If he doesn't like me, I win $10. Cheesy huh?

-my journal-

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