monday and tuesday: september nineteenth and twentieth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday and tuesday: september nineteenth and twentieth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday: september nineteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

I can't really remember anything I did today. I brought my CD player once again to the school, but really wanting to play it on the bus. I was hoping that my friends would all be on there this time so I could have a little popularity with them. Ha ha! Not really. I mean, I was trying to rush and kept changing the CD's cause I'm the first one off the bus, so I didn't have much time. If I ever bring it again, I'm bringing headphones, not the speakers.

Today was a day for tryouts for the musical "Bye Bye Birdie." It was just a day for singing or dancing, and since I can't do either, I skipped it.

Jenna seemed depressed. Or sad. I don't know.

Chase sat next to me in Drama! AHHH!!! Well, we spent most of the period outside doing drama exercises, and Chelsi was my partner. Then we went back inside, and he kept saying my hair felt and looked like straw. That offended me, but inside I think he was flirting too.

There's a freshman in that class that I'm kinda keeping my eye on. He's funny, plays football, is energetic, cute, and nice.

I got a D on my paper in English. A D!!!! I worked SO hard on it, and this is an honors class people. And this really smart guy, Ike, got a C on it. A lot of us got D's on it. That bitch of a teacher expects so much out of us, and we're already an honors class! Give me a break! She put more error comments on my final paper than my rough draft paper! I talked to my gaurdian about this. I said if I keep getting unfair grades like that, and I put in so much time and effort into my papers, I'm going to talk to the teacher. If she gives me the same commentary and excuses she did on my papers, my gaurdian is gonna talk to her. I'm so fed up, even though it's one paper so far. But she gave practically everyone else a D too. There's some kind of pattern going on here...

tuesday: september twenty-first, nineteen ninety-nine

I can't ever remember what I did today, isn't that pathetic? nails are getting longer. I made myself stop biting them. At first, I was biting them ever since I was born, then a couple years ago, i stopped. Off and on, I'd bite them every once in awhile. Then this summer I was biting them, so I made myself stop when school started. My three middle fingers on my left hand look really good. I want to get a manicure. If not soon, I want to get one for Harvest.

Speaking of Harvest, I want to take Javier or Ben. But only just as friends of course. And I also want to go with a group of people, not just me and the guy. And no dinner! I'll save that for the Winter Formal. I keep forgetting to bring it up around Javier and Ben, or anybody, but I don't want to ask them because one: They may want to go with a different girl. Two: They may not want to go with me. Three: They may not want to go period. I don't know, I shouldn't worry so much, but this is my LAST year here, I need to make it awesome, and I want to go to everything, do everything, whatever! Stand out!!

I also keep forgetting to bring up those half price coupons for Magic Mountain up to my friends...

I went to school early today with Jenna because I was meeting up with Yvonne at Starbucks. I got there at 7:30am. By the time it was 7:50am, I left with my Mocha Frappaccino to school; she wasn't there by then. We met up with each other after first, and she was mad because I wasn't there. It turned out that she just about got there as I left...we'll be doing that soon again.

Today was the second day for try-outs for "Bye Bye Birdie." Again, it was just dancing and singing parts.

Chase sat next to me in Drama again! Yea!!! Two days in a row! We were telling stories in the class, which is the earliest form of drama. We had to tell a true and fake one, and had people guess which one was true. That one freshman and I held a conversation today. It was nice. I don't even know his name, and I like him!

Not a lot of homework, thank God. I'm behind my reading schedule in English. I'll make it up tomorrow when I will have to read 26 pages and finish the book.

-my journal-

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