wednesday: september twenty-second, nineteen ninety-nine

wednesday: september twenty-second, nineteen ninety-nine

Today was a full day. I woke up to rain. Icky. And I wore pants and a spaghetti strap tank top in case it cleared up and got hot. It didn't...I had to keep changing my shoes cause they either hurt my feet with the blisters on them, or they didn't match my top. I finally stuck with an ol' dirty pair.

We got to school, and it was all gross and rainy. In first period (one of two of my classes that are freshmen classes), the power went out for 30 seconds, and all the freshmen were like, "YEA!!" and cheering. It was funny.

Oh my gosh, the highlight of my day. Second period World History with Mr. Mendoza. My first few words about today's class is: You REALLY should have been there.

I walked into class with Helen, and all the desks were surrounding the perimeter of the room. Helen made me sit next to her, I was more than happy to since I didn't really know anyone personally in there. Our assignment was for the class to create an island. The scene was that the class got shipwrecked, and we approached an island and had to stabilize a living environment and government. Mr. Mendoza said he wasn't going to help or be a part of it at all: It was just about the students.

So we all got situated, and decided Beth be the president. We opened a discussion for a name for the island. I volunteered with "Nakana" *hint hint*, and a majority of the votes agreed on it! I was so happy. When Beth asked me what it meant, of course, I said "I don't know. It's hawaiian." LOL.

Then we had to choose a design for a flag, but we skipped that and went to who would do what on the island, like hunt and gather food, cook, make shelters, explore the island, fish, etc...It got kinda restless, then a guy just tapped everyone's head with a number, and the number corresponded with what your job was. Mine just HAD to be cooking. Then we had to get into our little groups. I don't know what for, but I wasn't in charge, so I LISTENED and FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS, two very important key factors that weren't followed in this project by a lot of ignorant and obnoxious people.

When I was in my group, we weren't doing anything, so I thought this arrangement was pointless. I noticed about five people trying to get the classes attention by yelling, literally yelling out what suggestions there could be for rules of the island. I came up with having the same as the Constitution states, like the laws of the USA. Then we had to think of punishments. They were yelling still, and no one was listening this time. So I got up and stood in the middle of the room to see if the people would shut up and pay attention. Pinocchio asked what I was doing, and I said I wanted everyone's attention. He said I wasn't going to get any that way, so I ignored him like he was ignoring everyone else. Then I finally yelled "Okay, whoever wants to be a part of this island, move over there." and pointed to where the group of people were trying to get everyone's attention. Seem bad? It gets worse...

Our little group of do-gooders were trying to come up with some things, and some people were trying to come up with a design for the flag. One girl drew it on a piece of paper, went to the center of the room, and was yelling at people to get votes for the design. She just kept yelling and wasn't succeeding. Then came the climax...

I stood on a desk and yelled "PEOPLE JUST GIVE HER HER 15 SECONDS OF ATTENTION ALREADY!" I literally yelled it the loudest I could at the top of my lungs. I got most people's attention, some snickered at me, but I was pissed. This was falling apart before it started.

Mr. Mendoza finally told the class to go back to their seats, and we discussed what happened. He said this was an example of either democracy and/or autocracy. I was a very good project and example as well, but I'm sure as glad as hell I ain't really stuck on an island with those people. I've been telling people all day about that class. Now that class knows I have a loud voice and that when I'm getting pissed, I'll use it.

Before third period starting, I was hanging out with Sarah and this really big guy, and then it lightninged and thundered, and the guy said God took a picture of us and got mad. Sarah and I thought that was the neatest thing!

In Spanish, I was at Vista campus, and by that time it was POURING outside. There were puddles made in minutes, and bubbles floating on top. It kept thundering, the lights kept flickering... The longest thunder lasted around 30 seconds, that's long.

Sophia and Chelsi and I hung out on the freshman deck (upstairs in the Academic building). As always, I mooched off their lunches, and I stuffed a grape into a freshman's locker. Haha...

It was actually a boring day in Drama. Chelsi was making me frustrated with the game we were playing...

Geometry: same old, same old.

It turns out that Monday and Tuesday were the only days for trying out for "Bye Bye Birdie." All the parts required acting, singing, and dancing, so darnit, I didn't get a chance. Oh well, can't sing and dance anyway. Only act. Well, I can sing, but a lot of people disagree. What a way to encourage someone...

I got home, and put off homework until 6:30pm. I did my Spanish, I groaned when I got to Geometry. Mr. Ayers explained it to us, and he made it sound so hard...

DO YOU KNOW HOW FREAKING EASY GEOMETRY IS?!?!?!? It's so freaking easy it's not even funny. This is practically the easiest math has ever been for me in my life. I'm so excited!!!

Now all I have to do is finish reading "To Kill A Mockingbird."

Oh!!! School pictures are tomorrow. And I also found out that freshman's name today. It's Evan. But I don't know his last name. Oh well, I have 4 1/2 weeks and 3 more quarters to find it out...

La la, la la la la, la la, la la la la, la la, la la la la la...I dream of Nathan....but Chase and Evan are cuties too....I dream of Nathan.

-my journal-

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