thursday: september twenty-third, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday: september twenty-third, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up this morning to Q97, and I felt dead when I woke up. The traffic lady on there said "Is it Friday?" I actually thought it was, but it was only Thursday, darnit.

I wore my SUPER FLY jeans with my blue tank top today. They have so many things on it, like I was bored and decided to write and draw a bunch of crap on it, but they're so cool! The back of them are blank for me to draw on, and I got them for less than $10, so they're awesome. It was a hit all day.

Today I was going to get my yearbook picture taken. I happened to get it taken in the morning before school, one of the first many-few people to get theirs taken. Since I don't have PE, I had to go before, during lunch, or after school today or tomorrow, but I did my hair all pretty today so I got it done today.

In Journalism it was SO cold in the class, but I was hot from walking and running around, so I didn't really need my jacket. We read the newspaper, and Yvonne and I tried contacting the office to them and they wouldn't pick up because we wanted to know how much a full page advertisement cost.

I was tired in World History. I really don't like that class. It would be better if I knew more people and if they weren't so ignorant and obnoxious, *ahem* hence yesterday...

We watched more of the movie again in English, and I realized we had a writing assignment due tomorrow. I needed my book for it, and didn't have it with me, so it became homework.

I owe Jamie in Spanish 50 cents because she gave me a candy bar from FBLA.

Lunch was the same: Sophia and I met up with Chelsi, we went to the bathroom, then to our lockers, then to where we usually eat. Of course, I had been holding in my pee since English and had to go, so we went back to the bathroom, and by that time the Vista bell rang, so we trudged back to the bridge.

Drama was pretty boring today. I almost fell asleep! Mrs. Adams lectured the usual noisemakers, and told one to go outside and work. No flirting with Chase or Evan today. No wait, before sixth started, I stayed with Sophia in her Geometry class where Chase is a TA, and he kept saying my hair was made of straw, and he said "Bye strawhead" when I left or whatever. I thought about flipping him off, but didn't want to give him the wrong signal, so I just waved it off. Oh well, I was in a bad mood anyway from English because Shawn and this other guy kept throwing notes at Tawny and they kept laughing and giggling, I couldn't concentrate on anything and they were being so rude.

All through my classes, passing periods, and lunch I got comments on my jeans. But Geometry got the biggest reaction. Jon kept saying "Do you know you have writing all over your pants?" He's always like that, and he's so stupid in class it's funny! He could be putting on a show, but he's certainly not like that in World History. Sam and Michael and Melissah and Sis and Austin and Thomas and a bunch of other people pointed out my pants. We finished our lesson 15 minutes early today, so I went over to Lydia and gave her some answers on the homework. Then Jon signed his name on my pants, and Sis put "The Muffin Whore" with a Sharpie on mine cause she put "To Muffin Whore" in my yearbook last year. Melissah wrote "Ben Sucks" on the back of my left leg, not in Sharpie. She also wrote "Ben Blows" on my left pocket, not in sharpie, and drew a satan star next to it, in Sharpie. She also wrote "We're pretty damn funny" and above it, "Austin and I." Austin wanted to write "Me Likey" on my ass, but I said no.

I gave Javier and Ben my animal crackers on the bus and they "fought" each other with them and had wars. Ben called the owl a "hooter." I showed Ben the messages Melissah wrote to him. Then I thought I could exchange messages with them to each other. I thought that was funny.

I got home, and did my Spanish and Geometry homework while watching "Ready Or Not" and "The Torkelsons." Then I had to go tan, and my guardian got me Carl's Jr. YEA!!!!! I've been craving that for weeks! After I ate, I washed the Corvette and got $5 out of it, yea! That car was dir-ty!

Then I finally did my English homework, and no reading cause I finished the book! Yea!

So now I'm just waiting for my friends to come online.

I'll spare you my feelings for Nathan I won't. I LOVE NATHAN!!!!!! He better be coming back, or I'll be REALLY mad....

-my journal-

-star side-