wednesday: september first, nineteen ninety-nine

wednesday: september first, nineteen ninety-nine

I talked to my parents about dropping Chemistry and switching it with Drama. I though they were gonna tell me to stay with Chemistry, but it turns out, they wanted me to do whatever I was comfortable with. One of my gaurdians even pointed out that all my classes were hard. So I was really pleased they let me make that decision.

I could barely eat dinner last night too. All I had was a half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and about a cup full of rice and beans. This problem is really starting to scare me. I can't eat in big portions like I used to. I know I don't have an eating problem, but I feel like I'm on the verge of getting on. I don't eat breakfast and lunch anymore. From when I wake up until after school I only have water and tictacs. Then I get home, and eat a few cookies and maybe some ice cream, then barely any dinner.

I had to force myself to eat yesterday because if I didn't, I surely would have fainted from my cramp.

This morning I had a cramp again, but it wasn't like the one yesterday. I took another couple of Midols, and it was gone by the end of 1st period.

My bus was really late this morning. It was so packed on there, more than it had ever been. I wish they would get us a bigger bus. I got to school five minutes before it started. I was hoping to get there earlier so I could order my yearbook and get my ASB sticker.

In Journalism we read about the history of newspapers. It was really boring. I have to highlight important parts on page three for homework in there.

In Chemistry we silently read chapter one and answered some questions about it. I didn't really want to do the work because I knew I wasn't going to be in there the next day. Oh well. The book still remains in my locker.

Before third, I went to fetch Sarah after second and made her wait with me for Josh. I remembered that he was getting a ride from Vista. It was almost time for class to start, so I left him and didn't see him.

In English, we discussed the story she read after I bolted out of there for the nurses office; "The Bitter Bread." We got into assigned groups (thank God, I barely know anyone in there) and discussed it. We have to read chapter four of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and we may have a quiz on it tomorrow. I'm just going to skim what I read so I'll be prepared.

In Spanish, we did Cinco Al Dia and sang a song. I don't remember what about, just what some mystery girl is about. We have easy homework in there. I feel like I'm in Spanish 1.

Senorita Montemayor let us out three minutes early for lunch, and I bolted out there to see if I could catch Josh before he left. Once I got to the Orchestra room, Miriam came up to me and asked where Jenna was. I didn't know, and I was looking for Sarah and Jillian. Then I turned around, and Josh was there. He surprised me, and I my heart started to beat faster like it always does when I'm around him. So the three of us were talking awhile. Then I left to find Sarah. Josh isn't much of a hugger. I wish he was.

I found them, and we kept waiting for Marisa, which takes forever to get from Vista. Then Sarah said "Forget her," after I kept begging for her or Jillian to go with me to the bathroom. We went there, I relieved myself, and Sarah goes "There goes Josh" as I was washing my hands. I told her to yell at him to wait. Then I thought against it and yelled "Nevermind!" but it was too late. Josh waited, and he's all "What?" And I was "Nevermind! Nothing!"

It turns out Josh and I just walk to my locker so I can get my Geometry book and put away my Chemistry book. Then he wanted to get a locker, and I waited with him.

I saw Jenna with Cassie and Miriam, and I wanted to ask Jenna if her mom was still picking us up, and where we would meet after school because I had a counselor appointment. She said in front of LJ. Then Cassie asked me to bring her her video yearbook from last year, the one with Nathan in it because I was so loving him last year. I said "Ok." and in my mind I said "God dammit Jenna! Why'd you tell her I had it?!" Then I went back to Josh, he got his locker, and we walked towards the cafeteria after he put a majority of what was in his backpack into his locker.

He decided to go to Taco Bell with a friend, and lunch was almost over by then. I went to find Sarah, and she was in line. I was telling Marisa my problem about how I think everyone's mad at me. She just said I was paranoid, and I know I am, but I do think that a lot of people think I'm annoying. I especially think Josh feels this way, and that he doesn't want to go out with me anymore.

Then I had to go to World History, and I asked Mrs. Roldan what we did yesterday. She's all "Hey where were you yesterday? We missed you!" She's so sweet! All they did was go over the syllabus and more rules. No homework, no textbooks. We discussed a project that we were goint to get into groups and start today. Kara and Josh (Katz) wanted to know where I was yesterday. I told them I had problems. They still didn't know, so I said "Midol problems." It was kinda quiet in class, and I didn't want everyone to know I left school on the account of a menstrual cramp. Josh still didn't get it.

Then after class I met up with Andrew and Sarah, and we all walked to Vista for math. Mr. Ayers was being mean to me today. He wouldn't tell me what the class did yesterday. I barely understood what they were talking about today. So I gotta call Sarah and asked what they did and what's going on.

Finally, school was over, and I hurried over to main for my appointment to change my schedule. I get there, and it's 10 minutes after my appointment time, and he gets a phone call. I don't get situated until 4pm! I was so mad. Then we finally got myself set up. I now have World History second, and Drama fifth. I have Drama with Josh! I'm so happy! But I think that he's gonna think I'm stalking him because I tried to get the same class as him and because I talk and think about him constantly.

During the time I was waiting to talk to Mr. Whitfield, my counselor, Jenna came by, and I asked her if she had a note for me because she told me she talked to Josh in Orchestra and told me she'd write about it in a note. She didn't write a note, but I made her tell me what she talked about to him. He ended up going up to her and asked "Does Kim really like me?" and she said "Yeah! Why?" Then I said, "Cause I really like her." Well geez, he sure doesn't act like it in school! And I'm getting fed up with him because he doesn't. When we're talking on the phone or when we're alone, it's cool and stuff, and I like it, but dammit, why can't he be like that at school? When he calls I'm gonna ask him about this.

-my journal-

-star side-