friday and saturday: september twenty-fourth and tweny-fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

friday and saturday: september twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

friday: september twenty-fourth, nineteen ninety-nine

Well, today I did wear my nice outfit for the week. Only one once a week at least. I wore my long light blue dress with two slits on the legs, and a matching blue shirt with a shirt thingie attached to it that looked like a shirt you put over the shirt that had baby blue stripes on it. Miriam happened to wear the same shirt, and I was embarrassed since we chose to wore the same things on coincidence.

Journalism went by so fast.

World History was a bore.

Those two guys that sit behind me kept bugging me again! They kept throwing paper at the girl on the other side of the room while the class was watching "To Kill A Mockingbird." They kept giggling and laughing and whispering, and it was ticking me off! Especially when the girl kept throwing the paper to the guys and it kept hitting me. I should have just taken the paper and thrown it away.

We wrote poetry in Spanish.

Lunch was the same, I had Mint Chip ice cream from TCBY. Sophia says she doesn't like Nick ain't true. She's just confused cause she likes the old Nick, and not the one that's changed.

In Drama we played games again. We played "Mirror," where your partner follows along the moves you do like how you'd look in a mirror. Then we did an exercise where like how in caveman times, instead of talking, they had things written on the walls of the cave and they grunted and hand body language for talking. Evan and some girl played a man bringing food home and making her cook it. She didn't want to, then they had a conflict about her not making the dinner. They solved it, and she made the dinner. Then James, Chase, and both Justin's did something, and the whole time everyone who did the exercises sounded like dogs. They were barking, not grunting. It sure didn't sound good, if you know what I mean.

Also, I don't like Chase anymore. He's mean to me, and he doesn't notice me anymore or talk to me anymore. Stupid kid...

Sarah showed me a letter that Matt gave to her in Geometry. They went out last year, and now he likes her again cause he called all her friends and asked about her and he wrote a letter that totally tells he likes her. We did a little project in that class, and took a quiz on it. I probably got a B, hopefully. We get new seats on Monday.

After school, I hiked over to Main and saw Jenna, and had her go to my locker with me. When I saw her, I saw Ben and Javier out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored them like I didn't see them. I think they saw me. Then I walked out the side entrance of the Academic building after I got my stuff out of my locker, and Javier called after me, and I walked with them to the parking lot to wait for the bus. Ben showed me this invitation thingie to this party on Saturday at 8:52pm. Isn't that the weirdest time to have a party? I acted like I wasn't interested in it, and truthfully, I wasn't. Him and Javier were planning on going.

I pulled out my animal crackers and gave them to Javier, Ben, Hassan, and Adam, and they kept playing with them. Hassan would hit his with his book like a baseball bat, and Ben threw them at everyone. Same with Javier. Adam kept trying to hit on me, which he didn't mean. Then he said something that got me ticked off, and I bitched at him, and Javier was all "Oooh, Adam, you better watch out."

Then we heard the siren to a fire truck, and saw these convertibles with Mount Whitney's homecoming queen nominee peoples on them. All the guys kept whistling at them and totally drooling over them. They looked like sluts. And I was mad because I wasn't getting attention anymore.

As we were getting on the bus, Ben kept pinching my cheek, and I pushed him away. He was all "What's wrong?" I was and looked like I was in a pissed mood on the bus, then Javier sat by me when the bus came to a red light and asked what was wrong. I said nothing, but I was lying, and him, and Ben, could tell. Then he wanted to know what girl liked him cause I told him in a letter a girl I knew liked him and I said I could hook him up with her. I kept stalling on that because there is no girl (none that I know of).

I finally got home, and I took a nap. My gaurdian took me to Arby's. Then I told myself, "Nathan is probably gonna be just like Ben and Javier and them. What makes him any different from them?" Then I said, "They're just immature. Why can't I have a man?"

saturday: september twenty-fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

Today my gaurdian took me to the Fresno mall. I wasn't in the shopping mood because I was just in a pissy mood (not because of yesterday) and I was practically broke. But I did find my all-time favorite movie, "The Chipmunk Adventure," and made my gaurdian buy it. I also found three CD's, Mariah Carey's single, "Heartbreaker," Marc Anthony's single, "I Need To Know," and Brian McKnight's CD, "Back At One."

Then we had lunch at the Spaghetti Factory. I had salad, bread, lasagna, and ice cream. It didn't fill me up like most meals. Maybe my stomach grew bigger...

After that, we went car shopping. We came to this lot in Clovis where it had about eight Mustangs. We looked at this 1998 Ford Mustang Convertible 2D, a white one with gray interior. We looked at it, and took it for a test drive. Then my gaurdian and I talked about it, and my gaurdian and I and the car dealer went into his office, and made an offer. My gaurdian wouldn't budge from the offer, and was almost $500 away from the Kelley Blue Book price. The dealer kept begging to raise my gaurdian's offer up $250, but my gaurdian wouldn't budge. The dealer ended up not accepting the offer. But my gaurdian said if the dealer called accepting the offer, then we'd drive back to Fresno and get the car. So far, no call.

When we got home, we went back to the grocery store to restock up on food. And my dinner consisted of cottage cheese, crackers, and Easy Cheese. I watched "Airspeed" while eating it, and read my new YM magazine.

Now I'm here listening to Brian McKnight. I really hope the dealer calls and accepts because he really wanted to accept the offer. You could tell.

So maybe I'll get offline and wait for the call.

-my journal-

-star side-