sunday and monday: september twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-nine

sunday and monday: september twenty sixth and twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-nine

sunday: september twenty-sixth, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up this morning, and had a donut. It was again, a cinnammon roll, a boring donut. *sneeze* Then what I did was I just put a comb thingie through my hair and tied some of it up so it still looked curly, even though it was a little messy. I was about to go to Costco soon, so I got ready.

My gaurdian and I went to Costco, then we got back. Just another boring car trip. Then when I was on the internet, my gaurdian wanted to use my phone cause I have my own phone line. I didn't know who they were calling, I thought it could be the dealer they were calling, but I thought, fat chance, they already made an offer. Then my guardian was outside, my phone was downstairs, and I was upstairs, when my phone rang. I yelled for my gaurdian to get it, not realizing they were outside. So I rushed downstairs and picked it up. It was the car dealer. He said something along the lines of "I've accepted the offer." I thought, No, no way. Then I handed the phone to my guardian, and they talked for a few minutes. I realized that that 1998 Ford Mustang Convertible 2D white with gray interior car was now mine!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I started freaking out, jumping up and down and screaming!

About an hour later, people were scheduled to look at our house, so this was when we went to pick up the car with a friend. I was so happy when I was driving it back home...

I asked my guardian if I could drive it to Jenna's house, across the street aways, and they let me. So I pulled up in her driveway and honked, then ran to the door. Turns out she's not there. But guess where she's at: Cassie's. I'm sorry, but you fuckin' hypocrite!!! Why do you always do that?!?!? Say you hate someone or something and then you go against it!!!! Do you know how much that fucking bugs me???? GRRRR!!!!! I was so pissed. I couldn't believe it. Oh well, the world doesn't revolve around me of course, but God, don't just fucking lie! Especially to a friend!!!

I drove it back to the house, and stayed outside, learning how to put the top up and down, and programmed the radio stations. Then I got my phone and book and tried to read awhile. Then I got back into the car, put on the radio, and flipped through the pamphlet.

Then I saw Jenna and her mom drive by, and they saw me, and I flagged her down. She jumped out of the car and had this surprised look on her face. We kept driving back and forth to her house. I didn't confront her about Cassie, and I probably won't, because I keep those things to myself. I don't want to boil over on her cause she's a friend.

Then it got late, and I did my history homework and typed up my vocabulary words for my test tomorrow. I wanted to call everyone I knew, but wanted to wait until school started the next day.

I love my car....and just imagine me driving it with Nathan....I love that image...

monday: september twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-nine

This day COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY gotten better. There were some minutiae bad things, but the better ones gauranteeingly topped them over.

I got up, and it was kinda cold, considering I was wearing super short shorts and a spaghetti tank top. I was gonna wear a jacket, but it was gonna get hotter, so I didn't bring one. And I was going to go to Togo's today also.

I got on the bus, and once we dropped off the elementary kids, I told Lydia and Miriam about my car. I was so happy. Adam overheard it.

Then when we got to school, I went to the student store with Miriam, and then we went to my locker. Javie and Ben and Adam came to my locker, and I told them about my car. They said I had to give them rides to school. They think I have my license. Not yet...:)

Then I ditched them cause I remembered what happened Friday, and was still kinda "ew" on them.

I saw Luis, and I told him about my car. Then we went outside, and Sophia came up to us. I told her about my car. Then we went back inside and I saw Ning and told her about my car, and she got really happy! She gave me a hug! She said I BETTER give her a ride.

Then class had to start, and I told Jamie about my car. She was like "ok." Stupid freshman. My sub in there was so gay. He had a bubblebutt and kept saying "Excuse me, my voice is going bad." Or something. He was gay...

In History, I found out my grade. A B-!!! I thought I would have an idea. He should what assignments we were missing, I was only missing two, and whatever ones we were missing, we got to make up tonight and turn in tomorrow for homework. Luckily, I didn't have much, so it's gonna pull me up to an A. Now I have two A's so far...

I told Sarah about my car. She got pissed but was happy for me.

We took the vocab test in English and watched the final part of "To Kill A Mockingbird." I still have a B in there, but it might be an A tomorrow cause she hasn't updated the grades yet.

I told Chelsi about my car. She said "Um, ok" like she does to everything.

In Spanish, my grade at first was a 94.94, an A. But the teacher didn't add in homework and participation points. I had the highest participation points *dimple smile*, and then she called us up one by one. Brown being my last name, I was first, naturally. She said "Senorita Brown, muy muy bien." The grand total: a 108%!!!!! An A+++!!! Can you believe it?!?!? I couldn't!! I was so extremely happy! I said "MUCHAS gracias senorita!" She's all, "No, I didn't give you the grade. You earned it." :-O!!!! I told Adrian and Jamie about my car...

Then she wanted me to call on people to say their Cinco Al Dia's, so I was kinda the substitute teacher. Isn't that a bitch?!!? I loved it! At one point, the class got loud, and I yelled "Silencio!" It was funny.

Then there was lunch, and I was going to go to Togo's, but grrr. Jenna didn't meet me! Ooh, I was so mad. But in second period, I decided I didn't want to go anyway. I had to get a copy of last semester's report card for CSF. My counselor's lunch looked really good. He was having pizza and pasta salad. I wanted his pasta salad. I didn't have anything for lunch. I was gonna pack some snacks cause I always get hungry before lunch.

In Drama, it was kinda boring. We did more on our improvs papers, I just didn't enjoy it much today. But I did check out a play for my critique, called "David and Lisa." It's nice so far, Mrs. Adams said I'd enjoy it. Evan picked up on my car conversation, but stupid Chase is too dumb and ignorant to pay attention. Oh well, his loss. He don't need a ride in my cool car. He can go with what's-his-ugly-pimple-face-who-thinks-he's-so-cool-with-his-old-Jeep-Cherokee-always-showing-it-off-and-driving-it-everywhere-I-go-to-possibly-make-me-jealous-and-everyone-else-but-it's-not-working. Ah. I'm already taking enough people as it is out to lunch and more, and I don't need his ugly butt in there. Although he did wear khakis today, and I LOVE khakis on was funny. Evan got a part in the musical as a traveler, and his line is "Here he comes!" talking about some guy. He's all "That's it?" And then he recited it. It was funny. You had to be there.

Before Geometry, I met up with Sarah, Andrew, and Zoe, and Sarah had a letter for me. I was reading it, and it looked like she put "I kept humping up and down" when it was "I kept jumping up and down." Andrew enjoyed my malapropism-spoonerism thing.

Geometry was good. I told Mr. Ayers that I "needed to cuss today," cause sometime last week he thought I said that and told me if I had, he wouldv'e said I had Tourette Syndrome and wouldv'e sent me outside so I could "cuss." We got new seats, and I sit in front of Lydia and next to Sarah two seats from the front, grr.. Oh well. But I looked at my grade, and I have a 90%!!!!!!! I have NEVER had an A in math since 6TH GRADE. That was a major highlight. I said "This day doesn't stop getting good." Then I thanked Mr. Ayers for my 90%. He said "I didn't give it to you. You earned it." What is with these teachers not giving grades and that we earn them? :)

The bus was late, and Javier and Ben weren't talking to me. Stupid freshman. I'm really starting to worry that Nathan is gonna turn out like them. I don't want him flirting with other girls. I want him to be with me. I can only wait...

I came home, and Jennifer called. We talked for awhile. Then my gaurdian came home in MY car. I had to wash the bugs and some gross thing off the sides and front of the car.

I did my homework late, and now all I have to do is kick back, get ready for bed, and watch last week's "Road Rules." Goodnight.

-my journal-

-star side-