tuesday: september twenty-eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

tuesday: september twenty-eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

Well, I actually wore my black skirt today. Including a nice purple top with my black clunky Mary Jane type shoes. I was so tired when I woke up, but I forced myself to get up.

I think I seemed sad or something today. Well, I was actually because I thought that all these freshmen guys liked me, especially Ben. In the beginning of the year, he gave off signs that he liked me, and he liked me last year too, so I was like "Alright, cool. This is a confidence boost." Anyway, I realized that they didn't like me, especially Ben cause I started to kinda like him. I'm also mad at this girl cause I think he likes HER and she flirts with EVERY guy that I like!!!! Okay, she totally flirts with Ben, Evan, Chase, etc....and it bugs the hell out of me. So I'm going through the transition period, where I just mourn for a little bit, then I see a guy or focus on something else, and I get over it. I think this is the second or third school day it's taken, and it usually takes me seven days. I went through this same process with Josh. When I was going out with Javier and we broke up in mid-April, I didn't get over it until summer started. That's because I thought I really loved him. I might have, but now it's over, and that's okay.

So anyway, I get to school with time to spare for once, and I just kick it with Miriam. She had to find band sheet music she was missing, and it was two minutes before school started, so I went to Journalism by then.

Nothing in Journalism, nothing in World History, nothing in English, and nothing in Spanish. What a boring day. Oh well. At this point, I had homework in all my classes. But I did finish English homework in English because we had a substitute and he just kept talking, so I did my vocabulary. So did the rest of my friends.

Lunch came around, and I was going to go to the Drama meeting, but there was also a Sophomore class meeting, and an FCS meeting. I wanted to go to all of them, but I said "Fuck it. I just won't go to any." Chelsi went to the drama meeting, and Sophia and I had lunch by ourselves. Ho-hum. We went to the Career Center to get passes for a lecture from a Pepperdine representative to go to tomorrow during first period. Since I'm not interested in Pepperdine, I wasn't planning on going, but Sophia REALLY wants to go to Pepperdine, and of course she was going to this lecture, and wanted me to go to so she wouldn't be alone. I figured it wouldn't hurt to miss Journalism, I mean, I do have an A in there. I got a pass with her too, and I just need Mrs. Mikkelsen to sign it.

Drama class reeked HEAVILY of dead fish. It was disgusting!!! The meeting was in there of course, and they ate pizza and buffalo wings and breadsticks, but man, did it have to smell like dead fish?!?!? Mrs. Adams was really tired and really didn't feel like doing anything, so we watched the play on tape, "12 Angry People" that Redwood put on. She said we could do our homework, so I did my Journalism homework. I would have done my Spanish and World History homework, but I didn't have my books with me, so I didn't do them. Evan still thinks I'm senior. I have told him repeatedly that I'm a junior (though I'm not) and now I told him I was a sophomore, which I am, and he still says I'm a senior. Stupid freshman. Cute, but stupid.

Geometry was stupid! I mean, the work was! It's so easy, it's confusing and stupid, like we're kindergarteners in there. There was only one problem for homework, and a worksheet, which I finished in there.

I definetly seemed sad waiting for the bus. I mean, it hurts to see Ben flirting with all those girls. I mean like, this isn't a big crush for me on him, I just thought he liked me, and I didn't think he was like that person. Then I tell myself again "Dammit! He's just a stupid freshman! He even cheated on his past girlfriend! You don't want him!" So it's like I have an angel and devil on my shoulder, kinda...

My feet were KILLING me when I got home. I threw off those shoes and gladly changed into shorts and a tank top. 15 minutes after I got home I did my homework, and finished before my gaurdian got home. I thought about taking the Mustang out and driving it around awhile, but didn't because it's hard to park it in backwards into the garage.

Then I just ate dinner, watched some TV, listened to some music, got scolded by my gaurdian, went on the Internet for a little bit, and rollerbladed around my subdivision. I also wrote a "Letter To The Editor" concerning the girls bathrooms at Sierra Vista, which by the way, aren't a lovely sight.

I did see Josh today twice, the second and third time I've ever seen him since our break-up. I was talking to Sarah before third, and I saw him walking from the library, then I just took off, trying to avoid him like he'd been for the past month. Then I saw him again coming my direction in Sierra Vista right after school let out. I did have a detour I could have taken to avoid him, but I ended up pretending that I just didn't see him. He punched my shoulder softly, and I turned around and yelled "Hey!" Maybe it won't be so bad after all...besides, he doesn't know about my Convertible yet...hehe... :)

Well, I'm going to go talk to someone, then go read, and stay up to watch last week's episode of "The Real World: Hawaii."

Oh, and about Road Rules. Man, that was so fuckin hilarious on the clips they showed after the show, where Shawn was doing his own voices for the cartoon the cast worked on!!! Did you see it? Wasn't it funny??? :)!!!!!!!!

-my journal-

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