wednesday - sunday: september twenty-nineth - october third, nineteen ninety-nine

wednesday - sunday: september twenty-nineth - october third, nineteen ninety-nine

wednesday: september twenty-nineth, nineteen ninety-nine

Well, since I waited until Sunday night to write everything that happened to me since Wednesday, these days won't be very long...but hey, I'll do my best.

Instead of going to Journalism today I went to a Pepperdine University lecture with Sophia in the Career Center. She really wants to go to Pepperdine, and she wanted me to accompany her, so I did. It seems like an interesting school, but so far I have my eye on ASU.

We worked on our posters for our essential question in English again. The group next to mine took our idea of drawing a Venn Diagram on our posterboard.

We did book work in Drama today, all on improvisations.

thursday: september thirtieth, nineteen ninety-nine

In Journalism, we got into groups and we have to do a skit on a famous case that happened in California about writing. So far, my group just has the 1st Amendment written down, and we have to present our skits on Tuesday.

We got assigned this project thingie in History where there's an actor (a student) playing someone from a certain period of history, and they're going to be in a press conference thing, where the rest of the students ask them questions and stuff.

Five groups presented their essential question presentations in English today. The group that stole my groups idea went today, and I took some of their material to put on ours. All's fair in robbery and work.

Sophia got a detention for being late to her fourth period to class so much. I told her since she has to walk from the upstairs of the Academic building all the way to the back of the Sierra Vista hall, she would be late. But she's gonna serve it and tell her mom.

Deirdra hung out with Sophia and Chelsi and I at lunch, while Sophia, Kati, and I worked on our poster for English.

We did some improvisations today. I did one with Chelsi, Evan, and Chase, my "dream" group, it consisting of my friend, Chelsi, and two guys I like, Evan and Chase. I played a girl that just got engaged, Chelsi was my best friend, and Evan and Chase were my ex-boyfriends. Chase did a good job, considering he put me down so much. And aside from acting, I knew he meant those put-downs, and he made me mad, so furthermore, I don't like him anymore. Evan barely said anything, and he's still sweet and at least talks to me, so I still like him. He STILL thinks I'm a senior. We also had to pretend to be zoo animals. I was a fish. Then Mrs. Adams told me to attack the other animals. Since goldfish can't really attack anything, I had to change into a lion. I really got into it, and it was fun! I kept fighting with all these people, it was funny.

We reviewed for our Geometry test for tomorrow in Geometry.

On the bus, I kept brushing Javier's arm in a flirty way. He said it tickled. Then I stopped cause I didn't want to give him any ideas.

friday: october first, nineteen ninety-nine

I got to leave Journalism twice to deliver some notices to two teachers from Mrs. Mikkelsen. I didn't have my necklace passport thingie, so I had to use the one to get out of all my classes. We read out of this book thing that was about designing newspapers.

We worked on our project in History. Well, barely any of it. We have me, a girl like me, and a really irresponsible kid and another guy that wasn't here today. So the girl and I are doing all the work because I can't trust the other two to complete their share. I want a good grade.

We presented our posters today in English. We also talked about if racism has gotten better or worse from the 1930's to the millennium.

I still can't remember what we've done in Spanish...

Sophia didn't wait for me so we could walk to fourth, so I didn't wait for her to walk to fifth. She said she didn't want to be late, and I told her I wasn't going to let her be late and that I would have walked fast with her (because she got a detention, that's why she didn't want to be late).

I had a TCBY ice cream for lunch, Mint Chocolate Chip, and I ate Deirdra's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough TCBY ice cream. They were both good. She couldn't finish hers.

We did more improvising in drama today. The scene: A movie star, a sport star, a window washer, and a teenager. I was the window washer, and it turned out to be really fun. We had to present them to the class. My groups only problem was that me and the teenager kept our backs facing the audience (accidently), but we still remained in character. It was fun.

The Geometry test was normal, not easy, not hard. I was confused on a lot of questions, that was the only hard part.

My gaurdian picked me up in my car. I wanted Javier and Ben to beg me for a ride, but they weren't there to see me get in my car, stupid freshmen.

I got to have Carl's Jr. for dinner. Yummy.

I watched the primere episode of "Odd Man Out" because Erik von Detten is so unbelievably hot! It was a good show! I'm definetly staying tuned in...

Saturday: october second, nineteen ninety-nine

Some people were coming to look at the house today, so my gaurdian and I took my car to Longs to pick up my reprints of pictures, and I went into Sally's and bought Punky Professional Blue Lagoon Semi-Permanent hair dye. I also bought a brush to put in the dye (which I'll use for Spirit week and Cowhide Spirit week) and Silver Glitter hair mascara.

We also went to the bank so I could get some money. But first we had to give my car gas, and I had to do it to get adjusted to it. I came out with an even price for my first time. Then we went to the grocery store.

After we unloaded everything at home, we went to Glick's Deli and got some steak, and to the cleaner's to drop off clothes, and went to get gas for the Explorer, the other car. I got to fill that one up too, and came out with an even price. That's two for two.

I also lounged around, listened to some music, watched some TV, and went for a little drive in the country with my gaurdian. Then I drove to Jenna's house and hung out for a little bit. She told me that she was talking on three-way with her boyfriend and his friend. And her boyfriend, Raymond, asked "Hey, when's Nathan coming back?" The guy said November, and Raymond said "What day your faggot?" Or something like that, but it was funny. Then the guy went "The 10th or 11h." So I'm really excited!! And I hope this is true!!!

I came back home and went online and talked to Deirdra while doing my Spanish homework.

I went offline and into my bedroom and did stuff.

Then later I came back online and talked to Deirdra while working on my History project. I typed up four out of six papers tonight, and was glad to get it done with.

Before I went to sleep, I went downstairs and watched some of "The Chipmunk Adventure" and ate some Mint Chip ice cream.

sunday: october third, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up thinking that my gaurdian got donuts for breakfast like they usually did. I came downstairs with my videotape in my hand, ready to watch the ending of my movie and polish off a donut with milk. There wasn't a white bag sitting on the counter, so I had Trix and a glass of milk and a free bag of Lifesavers Intense Fruit Chews from the cereal for breakfast and ate it upstairs in my room.

I went online after that, and didn't start getting ready for the day until about 10am. I didn't know what I was going to wear today. I ended up wearing my Bizkette outfit, and picked up my room as well.

I did three loads of laundry throughout the day. I also made Cheesecake Fudge brownies for dessert. I also tested all my nail polish colors, all 31 colors, to see if they went bad or if they were still good. I get to keep all of them.

I went driving in the country again with my gaurdian during half time. After the game, we went to Borders where I got three books and the "Mirrorball" CD from Sarah McLachlan.

We got home, and I worked on the rest of my History project. Then I ate dinner, and worked on it some more, and finally got it done, and ended up with a big headache although the stress is already done with!

While I was online, I looked at the page for "Odd Man Out." I read the bio on Erik von Detten cause he's so hot!!!!! Turns out his birthday is today! So he's either 17 or 18. Darn it, couldn't he be 16? He's so cute, it blows my mind!!!! He was gorgeous in "Brink" and so hot and sexy in "Odd Man Out!"

Now I'm finally just sitting on my ass and talking to Deirdra and finishing up this journal. I'm surprised I remembered that much!!!

-my journal-

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