monday: october fourth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday: october fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

I had to wake up early because as usual, I had to shave my legs, so in order to be ready on time, I had to get up ten minutes earlier. I now wake up at 6am every Monday morning to do that.

I came to school with a normal attitude. I was gonna ask Javier to wish me luck on trying out for the play, but I never got around to it. I'll have him wish me luck tomorrow.

In Journalism, I just basically fucked around with my group. We were supposed to work on our skits, but ours is the shortest, so we didn't do anything. That gave me homework, but I didn't have much to do. Abel kept blowing around this little piece of paper, and the girl and I were bored, so we did the same thing, blowing it back and forth to each other. Then I ripped another piece of paper that looked like a dog, and I drew on it to make it look more like a dog, and the girl blew it up in the air, and I said "You blew the dog." We kept laughing at our lewd jokes, but it was funny. The girl said "Abel screwed the floor." We definetly were on drugs today or something. Faith was in my group, and she missed everything cause she went to the nurses to get an ice pack for her wrist.

We made our big press conference presentation today. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The actor I was supporting only got asked one question, so it was cool.

I finished half of my English homework in English, and the other half was writing the rough draft of the 1st stage of my I Search paper. I did that for homework. My topic is on smoking.

We went over our Cinco Al Dia's for like, half the class in Spanish. Then we went over some exercises in the book, and got prepared for our test in there tomorrow. I still need to study for it.

Me and Chelsi and Deirdra ended up not going out to lunch today because Chelsi's mom was taking her and her sister out to lunch. Deirdra and Sophia and I ate under a tree during lunch. Deirdra and I kept making lewd remarks, and remembering our online conversations.

We did some improv exercises in drama, and the time went by fast. We have a test in there on improvisations tomorrow. Deirdra and I kept pursuing Chelsi to tell Evan who "Number 101" was, which is Chelsi's crush. She kept giving him hints, and we were like "Just tell him! He's not going to know him!" It took her until the end of the period, but she finally told him. He was all "**** ****?!?" (He yelled out her crush's name) And she was all "SHHH!!!!" She really doesn't want anyone to know. I told her that I tell everyone who I like, and that it wasn't a big deal. If she wants to have a chance with number 101, she's gotta let people know, and eventually let number 101 know.

In Geometry, we got our tests back. I got a 72%, eek. There goes my A in there. We took a lot of notes, got the homework assignment, and finally the last bell rang.

I met Deirdra and Chelsi by my locker, and I had to go to the bathroom. Then we hitched over back to Vista for the play tryouts. We kept practicing parts to go and do our tryout in front of two supervisors. It took forever for me to get my turn, but I got to do mine with Brian Foster, a senior, president of Drama club, and sometimes a jerk, but he gets away with it by being obnoxious and he's so cute too. We did a landlady scene and a scene where we were lovers and it was a complicated situation. I was kinda nervous. I could see my legs shaking.

My gaurdian picked me and Deirdra up and took Deirdra home.

I had chili for dinner and did my homework. All I have to do is a drama observation, study for my Spanish and Drama tests, and read some of the play I'm reading for a critique or the book for my book report.

Erik von Detten is a hottie!! So is Nathan!!

-my journal-

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