thursday - sunday: october seventh - tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday - sunday: october seventh - tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

thursday: october seventh, nineteen ninety-nine

Man, do I always have to wait like three days later to type up my supposed former infatuated junkie like daily journal? He he, recognize that line? Anyway, forget about it. If you wanna know, then email me alright?

So where was I, oh yeah. My "daily" journals. Well, you can blame my teachers for it because it's always near the end of the week where I have no time for nothing. I'm trying...

I can't remember what I did in Journalism or History...

By golly, I even can't remember what I did in English or Spanish. Something is wrong with me!!! Usually I remember something!!!! Well, I am talking to someone right now and listening to music, but that usually doesn't happen anyway!!

I do remember signing up for the PSAT during lunch. Wow!! A relapse!!

I do remember drama. Chelsi, Deirdra, Evan, Reyna, and Nikki and I practiced our improvs outside, deciding rising action, climax, ending, etc... Nikki went over to a different group totally acting like a person with a retardation. There was a new girl that came into our class that day, and she was working with Nikki's friends group, and the girl thought Nikki was ACTUALLY retarded. Since it's an improv, we can't have prepared lines and prepared props. When we went inside to practice it on the stage, we were using all the props that were in there, and since I'm Cinderella, Nikki handed me bulk cracker boxes as my "glass slippers." We're thinking about turning this into a comedy improv!!

Nope can't remember math. Damn, I'm getting bad.

After school, Ben and Javier walked to Copeland's. This was making me mad. Okay, Javier said I was his best friend. And, he didn't invite me to go to Copeland's with him. So am I his best friend? I mean, not like it's a big dilemma, but usually friends invite their best friends to places. Hmmm, what do you think? Send your comments here to me! I'm serious about this guys!! I wanna know what you think!!

friday: october eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

Okay, I do remember more what happened today (YEA!). My gaurdian drove me to school. I wore my Drama Club T-shirt, even though there wasn't a meeting.

In Journalism we read some more on designing newspapers. It was boring, we just kept talking. Second period got to distribute the Gigantea this time. We get to next time.

In World History, we got the papers that second period gave us. We also reviewed for our test on Monday by dividing the class in half and playing Jeopardy. My side was losing by $1500, and had a great comeback, winning by $200.

There was a homecoming assembly today. The theme was the Academy Awards, and the candidates and their escorts walked on the red carpet. After every few candidates, a "celebrity" would come out and introduce a movie for "Best Movie." And who was the first person to introduce? "Britney Spears." A freshman played her, and I came THISCLOSE to yelling out "Britney Spears sucks dick!!!" But I didn't. "Ricky Martin" also came, and some other guy came. I didn't know his name. The "Best Movie" was "She's All That." The cheerleaders and some guys did the prom dance from the movie, and it was cute. They announced the themes for the days of Spirit Week next week. Monday is "Pajama Day." Tuesday is "Western Day." Wednesday is "Hawaiian Day." Thursday is "Toga Day." Friday is "Spirit Day," the day of the homecoming game where we play against Reedley, a sucky school.

We discussed our I Seacrh topics in English...

We went over new vocabulary in Spanish...

Today Chelsi and Deirdra and I hung out in the Quad for a change. On Tuesday we'll go out to lunch cause they're no way I'm participating in "Western Day."

In Drama, my group was about to start practicing our improvs, when Mrs. Adams called some people aside. I saw Deirdra, Evan, Reyna and Jessica follow her. Then Mrs. Adams told me to follow her. I didn't hear her the first time.

She sent us to the Math AVID room to improv on "How to approach a teacher" the WRONG way. Then we were going to get into groups in the class and role-play on "How to approach a teacher" the RIGHT way. An example is someone getting a low test grade and approaching the teacher in an appropriate matter.

In one improv, I was the teacher, and Evan was the student, it was just us. He made it hard for me. He said he COULDN'T get a grade higher than a B. Funny, I know. But he was really getting into it. He ever started crying!! But we did a good job cause everyone liked ours.

So in conclusion, I'm one of Mrs. Adams best drama students in her 5th period class. *WIDE grin*

We took a quiz in Geometry that I didn't know of. I think I got a C cause I couldn't concentrate on it.

I got a ride from Deirdra, well actually, from her brother.

As soon as I got home, I went to dye my hair. It took me an hour to finish everything. So my hair is still blue, and will be for awhile. I used a semi-permanent formula, and it should wash out within the next couple of weeks.

Then my gaurdian came home, and we went to the tanning salon. I didn't tan this time. I wanted to sell an AD for the Gigantea. This tanning salon is a small business, so he may not buy an ad, but that's okay with me.

Then we went to Walmart to see if they had any Redwood blankets like they did before school started. They only had Mt. Whitney, CVC, and Farmersville ones. I wanted one for the varsity game tonight against Clovis West, the team that's ranked 10th in the nation and 3rd in California.

We went back home for a few minutes, and I called Deirdra to let her know I was coming soon to pick her up. Then I had to call Chelsi and ask her where Deirdra and I were gonna meet with her and her sister and her sister's friend. We decided to meet by the bathrooms in the stadium.

We found a section right next to the student section, and this girl kept asking us to scoot over to let more people into our aisle seats row thing. I was about to say no, but didn't.

During the game, this guy from the row behind us came up to me and asked if I lived in the Lakes. I said I did, and he said he'd seen me around. He goes to Mt. Whitney and is a soph too. I told him to stop by my house sometime. I hope something happens!!

Before halftime, Deirdra, Chelsi, Courtney and her friend and I went to get something to eat. Deirdra let me have some of her nachos and drink. Then Chelsi and Courtney went away, and they never came back, so Deirdra and I spent a lot of time looking for them. We went to sit back down, and "number 101" kept passing behind us. Deirdra and I went to find Chelsi and Courtney again, but we never did, and we left to walk to Taco Bell on Mooney during the 3rd quarter of the game, shortly after Redwood finally scored.

It was scary walking to Taco Bell because it was dark. We got there, I called my gaurdian, they picked us up, took Deirdra home, and that was my night. I didn't fall asleep until midnight.

saturday: october nineth, nineteen ninety-nine

I didn't have a very good night sleep because I didn't get enough sleep. Plus I had to work on the float today, and our house was being shown, so I really couldn't sleep in.

There weren't a lot of people working on the float. Just seven or eight of us. I painted a "REDWOOD" poster that said "REDWOOD DRAMA." I also glued some letters onto a piece of fabric and dragged a prop piece from an old play into the drama room. I left around 1pm.

Later I went to the library to get some books for my I Search topic. Then for the rest of the day I just lugged around. I went online, cleaned my room again because it got messy, and read the rest of my book. I also have to read another 50 pages to get credit for the quarter.

sunday: october tenth, nineteen ninety-nine

I never really slept in today either. It took me until 11:00am to start getting ready. Then my gaurdian and I went for a quick run to the grocery store and to rent a video.

Javier called me while I was watching the movie. I talked to him for awhile, then I really had to go to the bathroom, and told him I'd call him back in ten minutes. I didn't call back until almost an hour later, and he didn't pick up. I called two more times, still didn't pick up.

I kept meaning to work on my notecards, but I kept procrastinating on them.

I went online and got into a lot of fights. It's really terrible, I don't really feel like talking about it. I'm just really confused about my friends because a lot of them are telling me different stories, and I don't know who's telling me the truth.

Hopefully, this'll all get sorted out soon...

-my journal-

-star side-