monday and tuesday: october eleventh and twelveth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday and tuesday: october eleventh and twelveth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday: october eleventh, nineteen ninety-nine

I did not get a lot of sleep the past night or at all this weekend. Usually weekends are my time to make up for sleep from the week. But I only got a total of probably 15 hours of sleep the whole weekend. I usually get 20+ hours. I was TIRED.

It was Pajama Day at school for Spirit Week, and I wore my black plaid pants and a gray sweatshirt with my silver shoes. I had my gaurdian drive me to school since they were going into work late.

I met up with Deirdra before school, and we were bored, so we walked around. She gave me Mickey Mouse pretzels from her trip to Disneyland that weekend.

I was practically falling asleep in Journalism. We were critiquing the Gigantea and when Jamie and I were making our presentation, I kept nodding off, and Mrs. Mikkelsen kept catching me, but she didn't get mad. She's really sweet. Everyone in Journalism 2 says she's a bitch cause she rushes everyone to get the paper done and stuff.

I took a History test in second. It was hard. When I was done, I had to read the introduction on chapter 2, but I did a notecard for English instead.

Sarah didn't participate in Pajama Day...

Neither did Sophia or Katie. Chelsi did though. In English, we wrote a paper on "how to use our own voice" for our I Search paper. We also got vocabulary too. Luckily we had a sub today. I swear, we have more subs than Mrs. Moss in that class.

Why don't I ever remember doing anything in Spanish, I don't know. We did go over Cinco Al Dia as always, but I can never remember after that. Oh yeah, we also went over a lesson, but there had to be something else...OH YEAH! We took a little quiz on some vocab. Then it started to heat up. I didn't have anything on under my sweatshirt, so I was boiling. I wish I wore something underneath it, oh well.

Lunch was sweltering. Chelsi and I went with Deirdra to get her "bottled water" (inside joke) and...I can't remember what else she got. Oh yeah, a burrito I think. A tree fell down in our spot, so we had to move over.

We practiced our improv in drama. We also volunteered to be the first ones, or did I say that for Friday? Can't remember. Anyway, Evan was making me laugh so hard. Instead of losing a glass slipper, my fairy godmother calls me on my cell phone, and I run off, dropping the cell phone, and the prince tries the phone on every girl to see who has the "perfect ear." It was a fantastic and funny alternative to the shoe. I was also laughing when we had to dance, when he brought the message to the house because he had the stuffed pink panther with him, which I'm still convinced is his "secret lover." I also laughed hard when we had to "kiss" at the end, where he just lifted up his cape, and we "kissed" behind it, with no one looking. Did we really kiss? That's for me to know and you to find out...haha, what do you think? Chelsi got mad because we only practiced it once. Reyna wasn't here today...

We got a review in Geometry as an assignment over what we did in the past week. Sarah and I and some others just basically talked. I only completed one page out of four.

When school was over and I was walking to the bus stop, I approached Javier and told him I wasn't mad at him because I bursted out on him over the phone last night calling him a "little fucker." Sometimes he can be, especially lately!...I overheard that Lindsay is going to Spain for a semester...she is SOOOOO lucky.

As soon as I walked in the door, I peeled off my clothes and wore a tank top and shorts. I lounged around, and did my Spanish and English. Then my gaurdian took me to Arby's, and I finished my Geometry homework after I ate. I procrastinated to do my notecards, I had four to do before the end of third period tomorrow, but I wanted to get them done tonight. I finally did a total of four and finished, went online, and read a little bit. I watched the last episode of Road Rules, and had a WEIRD dream about Pawel and I, and that I saw him and convinced him to go on Space Mountain with me, but he was too chicken and was cleaning the sides of the line for the ride, then I ran up to him and he held me and we kissed and stuff, it was weird!!!!!

tuesday: october twelveth, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up thinking it was Saturday and that I could sleep in, bur realized it was only Tuesday.

I packed up the stuff I needed for the improv, and then went off to ride the morning bus for like the first time in a week.

I wasn't as tired today because I had a lot to say about critiquing the Gigantea.

Mr. Mendoza kept TALKING and TALKING and TALKING and finally let us work like 7 minutes before class got out, and none of us did our work anyway, so it was almost like a free period. But we still had homework assigned...

Of course, I wasn't going to scold anyone for not participating in today's theme, which was "Western Day" a day that is against my non-denominational religion, haha.

We went to the library for English. Chelsi and I worked together while Sophia and Kati went to a different table. I finished my last notecard, and gave my outside reading report to Mrs. Moss, and kept whispering. As I was about to read, the bell rang, and Chelsi went to her locker, and I met up with Deirdra to go to the locker room. She changed, and we walked to Vista.

I do remember what we did in Spanish. We went over the homework and...wait no I don't. Okay nevermind.

After that class, I went to the Drama room for a Drama meeting. We went over the float and had pizza and stuff.

Then I just stayed in there and set up the stage and got costumes ready for our improv. It took awhile, but it went really good. Mrs. Adams even taped it, so maybe we'll see it on Friday. Everyone snickered loudly at our "big kiss."

We discussed homework basically in Geometry.

My gaurdian picked me up for my haircut, and while I was getting it done, I shooed them away, and they got PISSED at me for treating them like that in front of their associates at work, and gave me the cold shoulder. But I didn't cry this time. They're holding my car against me, I know it, but I can't drive yet, so who cares now?

That's my day. OH WAIT. I found out Steven may ask me out this week. I also found out Deirdra's brother likes me. Now it's like, there's a bunch of guys after me, yet I'm not totally after all of them. I feel like I'm after Evan cause I like him, and it's weird! I know he likes Reyna, it's so obvious. I don't like it that he does, but she really doesn't notice, not that I see any of it anyway. But it's not really bothering me cause a relationship between me and him would never work out, and we'd be much better off being friends...

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