-mid october - november twenty-nineth, nineteen ninety-nine

mid october - november twenty-nineth, nineteen ninety-nine


I am EXTREMELY sorry for my procrastination. I almost resorted to taking down this page!! It would have been my second one taking it down! But no, I've decided I can't quit on this page. It's my second baby, and I will take much better care of it because I have more interest in it than I did with my last one.

Ok, onto my life!

Geez!! I haven't updated since before Homecoming game! I'm really behind! I just consulted my RHS Calender of Events for the Fall Semester of 1999. Well, the homecoming was great!! Oh my gosh, let me tell you about it. I was in the drama float cause we had the float parade for classes and clubs and stuff. Our theme was "Peter Pan" because we were competing against the Reedley Pirates football team that night. I was carrying the mast of our boat, and Evan was in the front of it and Tara in the back. I remember, we were just getting out of this field where we were working on it all day and Evan yells to the people in the Concert Club "You can do it! All night long!" LOL! Remember that from Waterboy? I thought it was hilarious, the way he said it.

Anyway, we had to come back during the JV game to march in the parade before the Varsity game. This time I was in the boat. The first time I was just on the side because it woulda been crowded in the boat. It still looked like I was in the boat, but anyway...I kept ramming my feet into the back of Evan's because there was such small space for us to walk, and my sandals ripped and our float came apart just as we got around the stadium. Our float won 3rd place! It's awesome!! We had lost boys and indians running around the float, it was so cute. Before we had to march, we were just goofing around by the floats, and Deirdra kept pantsing me with the costume pants I wore, and luckily I had shorts on underneath. She pantsed everyone! Evan, Nick, the Peter Pan dude, I have no clue...but she pantsed everyone.

Watching the football game was fun. Jillian took a lot of pictures. There was this freshman, Steven, he kept BUGGING me all night! We kept dancing and stuff and cheering, it was so fun!

I took the PSAT's. I had to wake up early, and only one math section was hard...I don't know the results yet...and I may never...oh well.

The whole month of October and some of November (I think) I had to do an I Search for English, and I reported on smoking and it's effects and stuff. I also had to make a speech about mine, and I took 10 minutes, while most people only took no more than five. Eek!

RHS's Varsity football team continued to cream every valley team except Clovis West. They're 3rd in state (California) and 10th in the nation. Other than that defeat, we've had great games.

Dammit, I can't remember a whole lot! Sophia moved to Texas already, which was the first week in November.

I was Britney Spears for Halloween! The perfect Barbie!! Anyway, it was fun being her. I got the whole school girl outfit going on, and tons of candy along with it. Chelsi was a maid, Cortni was...a witch or Catwoman or something. Deirdra was a beat up pizza PERSON. I was of course Britney. We met these guys over some place where we were trick or treating, and they gave us a ride home. One of them looked 12, and he said he was 15. I gave them my number, and they only called once, just that night. They continue to call Deirdra. They stopped by once, with a semi-cute friend Garrett.

The Tuesday after Halloween was a COOL day. I don't know what happened, but in Drama, Deirdra, Chelsi, Shannon, Nikki, Nick, and a few other people and Evan and I were sitting in our circle like we usually do (in chairs without tables) and Chelsi, Nick, Nikki, Shannon, and Deirdra kept convincing Evan to ask me out. Ok, this was really embarrassing me, and it was kinda uncomfortable, and Reyna got into the conversation (she wasn't there that day). He liked Reyna from what I knew, they were like "Ask Kim out, she'll say yes." Then he'd go "Kim? Or Reyna?" Then they were like "No not Reyna. Kim." Then he'd keep saying, "Reyna? Or Kim? Kim? Or Reyna?" OH MY GOD it was so funny and confusing and I have no clue. I thought it was all a big joke. So he finally asked in an impatient tone "Kim do you want to go out?" Then I said "Ok." And the whole time, Mrs. Adams was watching, and she goes "You both are going out?" Yes. "Are you going to Harvest?" (It was a few days before Harvest dance). No. Why? Because I told this guy I wasn't going to go because I didn't want to go with him but I told him I just didn't want to go and I knew he'd be there with someone else his cousin or something hooked him up with.

So Deirdra gave Evan my number and she gave me his number. And we walked out of class, and she made us hold hands. It was so embarrassing! And the whole time I thought it was a big joke.

But it wasn't. We were going out. My dream! I had liked him since like, the first few weeks of school. Then I stopped cause he liked Reyna. And I guess he found out I liked him, and he started to like me.

My friends said we looked good together. Both tall, cute, I don't know.

I went to his frosh football game against Whitney with Chelsi and we met Deirdra and Bonnie there. Earlier that day Evan made a comment to my reaction about something, and he said I acted way too much like a kid and overreacted. I found this out before I went to the game. But it eventually got over my head. I just called him a prick the whole night watching him warm the bench. He didn't play at all. Deirdra wrote "I <3 #99" on my cheeks. I met his sister at the Golden West game that I wanted him to go to. RHS lost to Whitney, but Deirdra and Bonnie and I went down to the field to find someone, and I finally kissed Evan there. It was ackward, but oh well.

The next day, when I went to play practice to see what the show of "1984" was like, he dumped me.


Grrr...the stupid little bastard. He hasn't even said 5 words to me since then! It had been only two weeks since the break-up, and he found a new girlfriend. A slut Junior that I know. And his sister knows, and she hates her too. I like Evan's sister...she's cool. Better than Evan, I'd rather hang out with her than that loser.

The next day (Friday) was the annual Cowhide, the rival game between RHS (the best!!) and Mt. Whitney (who's been getting their ass beaten by us for the past 9 years). Well, RHS was going for a "Decade Of Dominance" this year, to take home the Cowhide for 10 straight years. The assembly was ok. We had a "Top 10" theme, and there was a "Top 10 Reasons why Mt. Whitney Sucks" something like that. Anyway, my favorite reason was #8 and #3. #8 was "Maroon is just a darker shade of pink." Maroon and black (or white) are Whitney's colors. #3 (my favorite) was "Mt. Whitney doesn't even know what the Cowhide looks like!" I thought that was the BEST one!!

After school, me and Deirdra were planning on walking to Taco Bell and then going back to the school to get seats for the game. Our friend Vanessa came with us, and we got back to the game shortly or around half-time of the JV game. I got Sis her Chalupa, and me and Deirdra and Vanessa went to find a section to find for all the friends that were sitting with us. Then a few minutes after we were situated, Sis and Ning and Trevor came and sat by us. We were in the student section, and periodically I called my gaurdian to let them know that I was ok and safe.

The game was PACKED!! I didn't find out until later when I was watching sports news that there were 12,000 people at Cowhide in a stadium built for only 8,000. It was a lot of fun. Nick kept wanting to play with my poms, but I didn't let him. I feel bad for that :(. I kinda liked Trevor since that night, but then the next Monday I was normal. I also saw Brandon Alcocer, only the finest senior from last year that I've ever laid eyes on. He's so hot and so buff, oh my goodness...enough to take every girl's breath away.

Well, I guess I didn't fill you in on it yet, but we won AGAIN, for the 10thtime in a row! HA MT. WHITNEY, WE KICKED YO ASS AGAIN! Sorry, I had to make that shout-out to them...hehe.

Anyway, on the note of our production of "1984", man, what a FANTASTIC show! It was great. I got to see it all three nights for free, and the best night was Thursday, but a lot of people in the audience were yelling vulgar things and ruining the show. The better night was Saturday. Friday wasn't good. Saturday was very good. I would have loved to be in the play. I gave Deirdra red carnations with baby's breath her last night. They didn't get to have a cast party.

Me and Deirdra and Bonnie went to see "Superstar" at the movies. I didn't realize how loud Bonnie is in the movies. But after the movie (and as we continue to do since) is say "You're birth mark looks like shit!" "Sorry, sorry." "Sssupasta!!" "You hurt my titties!" "Well, I'm sorry you weren't informed that you weren't competing against a *gets down on knees* Sssupastar!" It's so funny! We always make fun of it! Like, there's a part where you know how she's making out with the tree? Well, it was her boyfriend. Then she gets a boyfriend in the end, and she talks to the tree and she's all "You want a what?? Well, ok, but just this once." And she gives it this all-passionate kiss, and the sister catches her. It's stupid and funny at the same time.

Since then, there really hasn't been much to discuss. Sarah and Jillian are pissed with Andrew because it seems like this freshman and Andrew are acting like they've hooked up, but from what I last recall Andrew has a girlfriend at GWHS. And this freshman keeps talking shit about Sarah, and Andrew believes the freshman, so Sarah is pissed and so is Jillian cause they hate the freshman.

I haven't had any soda for 5 straight days. Aren't ya proud of me?? I'm gonna see if I can go a week without it...I'm sure I can do it. "You can do it! All night long!" Man I love that quote! Anyway, it can't be that hard.

I also need to weigh myself. I keep forgetting to do that every morning. I must remember...

I was looking through an Alloy catalog earlier today, and it was Ning's, and I told her I should write a letter and ask if I could model. I could also take pictures of myself in their merchandise, and see if they would accept me. I'm really thinking of doing it!

I saw Toy Story 2 over the Thanksgiving weekend. It was SUCH a cute movie!! "Don't talk to any toy you don't know!" "You are a child's play thing!" "I am your father----Father!" "I'm Tour Guide Barbie!" "I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud..." "Ok ok nobody look until I put my cork back in." There are so many good parts, I kept laughing and laughing through the whole thing...so cute, I recommend it much.

Next I have to see Sleepy Hollow and Male Gigalo.

I'm really glad Christmas is here. Even though the malls are madhouses, I love it. I love the music, the decorations, the love...ok I'm getting sentimental, but this is the first time in a long time that I've gotten excited about Christmas.

I'll have the house to myself for a couple of days in January....PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! I'm seriously considering it!! But that's in January...

Anyway, I guess I'm done! I did ok, considering I covered the big parts of my life. In school, I have all A's and 2 B's. That's good right? Journalism is still boring, but I sit by some friends and that makes it better. World History is the same, I think it's getting better. English...well, I sit next to a guy I like, and he was in the play, and his name is Bryan...and I like him....and I like that class kinda...and we're reading a really boring play, Julius Caesar...Spanish continues to be easy. Just learning the "preterite" (past tense). We're pantoming in Drama, I gotta nail my critique before I forget everything....

Thanks for reading my life in the past weeks!

Oh my gosh! I forgot to inform you! I now have a 95% in Geometry! BIG UP TO ME!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!

-my journal-

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