sunday, january nineth - saturday, january fifteenth, two thousand

Sunday, January 9th, two3>

Monday, January 10th, 2000

  • I finished my assignment first in English. It was cool. Everyone was copying mine. I felt important yet used. Hmm...I was actually forcing Chelsi to take my answers because she always gives me the answers to English homework so I need to pay her back big time.
  • I wasn't tired at all today, in fact, almost hyper. But I was happy. Everyone else was tired. How weird.
  • I went to Baskin Robbins for lunch today. It took forever to make my chocolate coffee drink, like ten minutes or something. We got back (me, Chelsi, and April) in time to fifth period.
  • I did my pantomime twice in Drama on the stage, and people knew what I was doing! I was happy! It kidna wore me out. I was tired in sixth period.
  • I HATE Christine Riley.
  • Fiver died in Watership Down!
  • I didn't have a lot of homework. I just had to read.
  • Josh called me again last night. We talked for almost two hours. He likes to make me laugh. I like his "What..?" thing he does. I'm beginning to think he likes me again...I think I'm liking him again.

    Tuesday, January 11th, 2000

    Wednesday, January 12th, 2000

    Thursday, January 13th, 2000

    Friday, January 14th, 2000

    Saturday, January 15th, 2000

    My Journal

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