friday: september third, nineteen ninety-nine

friday: september third, nineteen ninety-nine

Josh didn't call last night. By that time I figured he thought I was upset with him, or worse, he was upset with me.

Then I contemplated about something: He said that when friends go out, then break up, they aren't friends anymore. Now I have a question: Shouldn't a guy and a girl be friends first before the go out? Well, I don't know. But I laid there in bed listening to music, and thought. I just let my mind think. I hadn't done that in awhile. Then I decided to go to sleep.

I got to wake up later this morning because my gaurdian was going to take me to school and pick me up. We drove to school listening to Silverchair, and I dunno.

Before school started, I waited in line in front of the Finance Center to buy my yearbook and ASB sticker. It was a long line, and the five minute bell rang, and it looked like I had no hope to buy it unless I planned on being tardy to Journalism. So I went to class instead of waiting. We took a test on the history of the newspaper. That was about it.

In History, we went over Science and Technology, what it was like and how it affected humans and the environment. We started an outline on that, and got excused early because there was an assembly today.

I waited outside the Academic Building for Sarah so we could go to the assembly together. Then I saw Javier and Ben come out of the building, and ignored them, thinking they weren't going to say hi to me anyway. When Javier was standing right in front of me, he was like "Hey!" So, I pretended I didn't notice him until he greeted me, and I said hey back. And I said hey to Ben, and we all talked for a little bit. Then Sarah came up to me with a note, and I had one to give to her too. So I said bye to Javier and Ben, and Sarah and I walked to where we were going to meet Jillian and then go into the gym.

We all found seats at the top of the sophomore section, and the assembly's theme was "Austin Powers" and just recognition for the beginning of the year, new seniors and of course freshmen, just the basics to start off the year good. Our host was "Austin Powers." The cheerleaders did cheers, an ASB member did a lap dance for a freshman because it's a ritual. The ASB members danced and did silly stuff. Then there was a show down between the "Backstreet Boys" and the "Spice Girls" (including Ginger). A girl played a BSB member, and the funniest tallest guy in school played Scary Spice. It was pretty funny. Then the ASB president and some other guy played the two guys from "Night at the Roxbury" and bootlegged a scene from the movie.

Nothing much new in English, just got assigned into groups to think of characteristics for a certain character in "To Kill A Mockingbird." My group got Dill. A lot of groups ended with between 50-60 characteristics for their character, where as my group only had 35. We got desperate, and thought "Dill's first name is Charles." Then, "His middle name is Baker." Then, "His last name is Harris." And "He's in the book." It was pretty funny, and we were pathetic, but it was funny.

Spanish is always the same. I want to be reseated somewhere because the guys behind me always talk and goof off. I want to concentrate on Spanish. Hopefully I'll get switched at the semester.

I hurried to lunch, and met up with Marisa, and we went to get my ASB sticker and yearbook finally. This wouldv'e been my last day to buy it or my gaurdian's check wouldv'e had to been voided. I didn't eat anything again at lunch, and before I knew it, the ten-minute bell rang for Vista students, so I was off again.

We did nothing in Drama except decorate our observation books and chat and Mrs. Adams taught us how to play "Cops and Robbers." Just basic fun. I met a senior who looks like a freshman, I forget her name. And there's a kid in there that looks a lot like Nathan, but he's eighteen, so no, he's not Nathan. Josh wasn't in there again; I'm thinking he dropped the class on the account of my attendance in there.

The bell rang, and I decided to walk and talk with Chelsea to the bridge outside. We got to the door of Sierra Vista hall when I felt a jab on my arm. I looked and it was Javier that did it. I ditched Chelsea immediately (unintentionally) and chased after Javier, getting the shoulder of his backpack. We talked for awhile, and I said I hadn't gotten a chance to go off campus for lunch. He called me crazy, and invited me to go with him to Subway on Tuesday with Ben and his other friend. I accepted, but was worried that I wouldn't get to Vista on time, and that I have Vista before lunch too. He said I wouldn't be late cause he waits for friends that come from Vista, and he has Vista fifth, and he's never late. Then one of his friends thought we were together, and we weren't. He walked me to my class, I put my stuff down, then went to get a drink, came back, got a dollar, bought a soda, then came back to Geometry.

All we did in there was hand in our homework, did the warm-up, took some notes, and took a quiz, and that was it.

Finally the bell rang, and I was gonna look for Javier and walk with him to Main. But he was way ahead, and I couldn't catch up with him. So I walked to Main by myself, went to my locker, got stuff, and walked to my gaurdian's car where they were picking me up, and we drove home.

I went online for awhile, got in a fight with my gaurdian, found out that we're probably gonna get a "For Sale" sign in our yard tomorrow, ate dinner, blah blah blah. I talked to Jenna online, and she said call Josh because I'm obsessing for him. I finally did. We barely talked. He said he might go to the Icebreaker, I said I probably wasn't. The only way I was gonna go was if he was gonna ask me. He didn't. Oh well. I'm just sitting here typing my journal feeling sorry for myself. I really shouldn't be doing this, but maybe this weekend, something will change, and go a different route. Maybe Josh will come to love me.....

-my journal-

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