saturday: september fourth, nineteen ninety-nine

saturday: september fourth, nineteen ninety-nine

Jenna called me this morning at 9:45am and woke me up. I'm glad she did, because then I wouldv'e slept in until past 10 am, and I hate sleeping in that late. She called to see what's up. She told me she saw Josh at the Icebreaker. I asked if they talked to each other. She said they just said hi. She also said he was sitting on the bleachers by himself. If I had known that he was going, I may have possibly gone.

Nothing much happened today. My gaurdian has been giving the house a make-over because we need the house to look REALLY nice so people will buy it when we move.

I talked online with Jenna a lot. We moped around about how we miss Raymond and Josh (her to Raymond, me to Josh). Then I finally said "We can't keep being melancholy. We gotta be happy. Let's do something." So we went for a walk around our sub-division. Not one word was said about Raymond and Josh the whole time.

Then I went back online for awhile, and we both talked some more. My gaurdian said that we were going to run a few errands, so I got offline, and we went to Target and Orchard Supply. I got two new CD's. Christina Aguilera and Lit. The Lit CD is great. It reminds me of Zack and Josh so much because they love Lit, especially Zack.

Before we went to Target, I asked my gaurdian if it's possible to take off a weekend, preferably a Saturday, and take some of my friends and myself to Magic Mountain. They said it's possible. I'm thinking if I invite anyone, it's gonna be Josh, Zack, and a girl, I'm not sure which one. Probably Jenna. I don't know. Most likely her, but I'm gonna ask Josh what he thinks first.

A scenario keeps running in my head: I get a call from Josh, and he's kinda crying on his end. He wants to tell me something. I let him, and he almost says it, but then tells me he wants to see me and tell me in person. In the next 10 minutes, we're standing in the middle of my driveway at dusk. With tears in his eyes, he tells me he loves me, and makes me cry. We hug for the longest time.....Isn't that romantic?

All I really did today was be online, took a walk, ran a few errands, and listened to music. I know, boring day. I gotta get started on my homework, ick.

Josh, please call. Tell me you love me.....

-my journal-

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