sunday: september fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

sunday: september fifth, nineteen ninety-nine

I woke up late again this morning, right at 10am. It took me an hour just to get into the shower and get ready. Right as I'm walking out of my bedroom dressed at a "Bizkette" (my traditional Sunday outfit), my gaurdian wants me to clean the mirrors.

Okay, I just put on a clean outfit, and I was ready to just relax today, and I'm all cleaned with make-up and hair done, and I have to clean the mirrors. I get mad, but then remember the agreement my gaurdian and I came up with: Help with cleaning the house to sell it, and in return I get $500 or my first 6 months of car insurance paid from my gaurdian.

So I went and changed into old khaki shorts and a large South Park shirt. I thought my bathroom needed some cleaning done, so I scrubbed every space and orifice of my shower, washed the bath mats, cleaned the linoleum floor, and washed the sink area, cleaned the mirror, and the etigere over the toilet. I vacuumed it too, and went and cleaned to other mirrors. It took me well over an hour to do all that work.

Then I changed back into my Bizkette outfit, and my gaurdian wanted me to spot them while they trimmed the hedges around our pool. I didn't want to do it, but I also didn't want them to get bitten by wasps, so I watched them. Then I went back inside and ate some ice cream and watched MTV. I went upstairs and went online, and chatted with Jenna.

Today was pretty much like yesterday. Just hung around online, Jenna and I obsessing over Raymond and Josh calling us. I really wish Josh would call me.

Zack called while I was spotting my gaurdian. I thought about calling him back and asking him something, but I didn't.

About asking Zack that something, here's what that something was. I talked to my gaurdian about letting me invite a few friends and myself to go to Magic Mountain. They agreed on that, and that day will probably take place two weeks from now. Anyway, I want to invite Josh first and foremost, but I also want to invite Zack. I'm just not sure if Josh is still annoyed with Zack now. If he isn't, I plan on inviting them both to Magic Mountain. Then Jenna. I just want Josh to be comfortable with the other people he's gonna be with.

So when I talked online to Jenna later today, we got to talking, and we were talking about things that reminded us of freshman year. Then one thing she said reminded me of Nathan. So I told her it reminded me of Nathan, then she told me a whole bunch of people, like our friends and stuff, said they saw someone that looked a LOT like Nathan! And that it was very possibly it was him! So I almost forgot about Josh, and I asked her if she saw him. She said she did at lunch Friday, then I started kinda spazzing. She also told me Javier saw him, but was too chicken to go up to him and ask if he was Nathan.

I was thinking about confronting Javier and telling him "I heard something about Nathan coming back. Is this true?" Then if he says yeah, I'm gonna make him go with me and find Nathan, then I'm gonna go up to "Nathan" and ask him what his name is. If he says "Nathan Stilson," I'm gonna totally go ballistic, I know it.

Anyway, that about wraps up today. I know, very boring. But that's my life. Sorry. You read it, that's not my fault.

Come on Josh! Call dammit!

-my journal-