monday: september sixth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday: september sixth, nineteen ninety-nine

Last night I spent a total of 136 minutes online at one point in time. That is the longest time I ever spent online, and that was just talking to two of my friends, wow!!!

At least I woke up earlier this morning, awhile after eight, because then I'd never be able to get to sleep tonight.

So again, I got ready, and I barely had to do chores today. I just emptied the dishwasher and cleaned some more mirrors, that's about it.

I probably stayed online half the day away because I was utterly and completely bored. So much for that vacation, ick. How boring. But dammit, if that Josh had called me, it would have been more than 50 percent better than what my weekend originally was.

I really need to shave. I've just been wearing pants since Thursday, and it's so disgusting. I've been putting it off, and I'll finally do it tomorrow morning before school.

Let see, if I spent my whole day online, you're probably thinking, what did I do? I surfed the web, for nothing in particular, that is, and I chatted among my friends. At some points in time I played the default solitaire on my computer until someone I wanted to talk to came online.

I talked to Jenna, and asked her if she knew any others things about Josh and Nathan. She said she saw the "imposter" Nathan at the mall yesterday. She also said he had spiked hair, brown eyes, was around 5'7"-5'8", and looked high. Those are some brief descriptions of Nathan.

Now I'm beginning to think it really is Nathan. But I don't want to get my hopes up when I see this "imposter" and it turns out it's not him.

In awhile, I'm going to go run and get my body into shape. I think it's too late to join the cross-country team, but oh well.

I'm giving Josh until Tuesday night to call me. Until then, god dammit you punk, just take off five minutes and call a friend, huh?

-my journal-

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