tuesday and wednesday: september seventh and eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

tuesday and wednesday: september seventh and eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

As you can see, I didn't post a journal for yesterday (Tuesday). I have a good explanation to back up my reason: I was just finishing typing up yesterday's journal (which took forever) and I pressed a key, and everything disappeared UNSAVED!!!! Grrr, I am so mad. And now as I was trying to type up today's (Wednesday), I paused for awhile, and played Solitaire, then Compuserve kicked me off for "inactivity." Oh, I'm so mad. I'm just gonna give a VERY SHORT recap of yesterday, minus what I did in classes:

Before Geometry yesterday, I met up with Javier again, and we talked. I finally asked him about Nathan and that I heard he was coming back because I was too chicken to ask him earlier that day. He said Nathan was coming back in November and Javier had talked to Nathan and his parents. I wanted to ask if Nathan asked about me, but was too chicken. I didn't want to let Javier know I had a thing for him JUST YET. Then Javier and I walked back to main after school, and he's all telling me I've changed. He said I'm not a prep anymore (I never was), that I hit people (in a playful way to GUYS) and that I've just changed. I beg to differ. I said I needed to lose weight, he said "Whatever! You don't!" And I said "It's all in the ass," and he looked at it! I yelled at him for that, and he said, "Well!...."

wednesday: september eighth, nineteen ninety-nine

I'm not going to go through what went on during my classes today because I know that probably bores you, and nothing exciting happened in them anyway.

But before school, I hung out with Ben and Javier in front of the Academic Building, and I kept hitting Javier because he was "being mean to me." And I kept flirting with Ben, giving him hugs and saying "Ben's nice to me. He's not mean like you Javier." I was flirting with both of them, one thing that I do a lot and I don't notice. But this time I wanted to point it out. We also talked and hung out before second period started, and I continued to flirt in the same fashion I did before school had started.

Then at lunch, it was Club Day, and I didn't know it. I didn't sign up for any clubs because I figured if I heard about a club meeting that sounded interesting in the bulletin, I'd go to it and sign up for it. I just wanna stick with the Drama club.

Anyway, at lunch, I saw Jenna, and flagged her down to come over to me cause I just wanted to talk. She told me Javier was looking for me. I asked if she saw him. She said no. Then he was ten feet to my right, and I went over and asked him what he wanted. He wanted to know where Kathy was. I didn't know, but I walked with him and Hasaan (sp?) to find her. We didn't find her, but when I got back to my table, she was there, and I brought her over to where Javier was hanging out, and he was REALLY shy! Apparantly, they had gone way back since the diaper years, and he was relaly happy to see her. I was glad to get them reaquainted with each other.

When school was over and the bus came, I sat next to Ben. Javier was in front of us, and Hasaan was on my left. Ben kept going through my backpack and things, and he took a REALLY BAD picture of me. Well, I don't know if it turned out bad, but I think I sneezed when he took the picture. I'll scan it when it gets developed. And Javier told Ben a story that happened last school year, and it was about when Raymond wouldn't tell Javier something, and Javier told Raymond he'd bring him a pack tomorrow, a pack being a pack of cigarettes. Then Lydia started cracking up, and she said she thought Javier said that he'd bring Raymond a PAD. We all started cracking up. Then the next day, I really did bring a pad to give to Javier so he could give it to Raymond as a joke. Javier and Raymond and Tony kept tossing it around because they were grossed out, and Javier threw it out the bus window, and we all assumed some little kid picked it up. It was pretty funny.

That was the fun part of the day. If that didn't sound fun, I have two options: I have a boring life. Or two: You had to be there.

-my journal-

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