-first degree-

first degree

I almost remember that late afternoon clearly. A girl satisfying the request of her father by driving out to pick up drive-thru dinner was me. My father and I, too lazy to prepare a home-cooked meal, decided that I should go out and pick some up. He had mentioned a Sonic Drive-Thru that had just opened a few miles away from our house. It sounded appealing to me as well.

So there I was, in my car, probably listening to KZZP 104.7, deciding what kind of hamburgers were which and trying to recall what my Dad had ordered. After analyzing the menu for quite some time, I settled on two #2 Sonic Burgers (the mustard ones), two fries, and two Diet Cokes. I had been the only one at drive-thru, so I pulled up to the window immediately.

And there he was, right at my window. The employer that served me. He had somewhat of a shaved haircut, and a goatee with the hair lining up to his ears. It was very lightly done, and quite sexy. Hazel eyes, or were they green? I can't remember. But there he was, and at first, I really didn't notice. He was just an ordinary guy who took my money and gave me my food.

I wasn't sure if the joint was busy or not, but it sure took awhile to make those hamburgers. The employer kept opening up the push windows to apologize for my order being extremely slow and that they were coming. Being the understanding and patient person I was, I regarded his apologies and sat in my car. Oh yes! I remember what my music was. The old fashioned "Middle Of Nowhere," by Hanson. Ahh, the classics.

Finally, what probably took ten minutes later, my food was handed to me by the server. I took them greatfully, and he apologized to me one more time. I thanked him enough, telling that it surely wasn't a problem.

Then he flashed that smile, teeth and all. I smiled back, and pulled away from the window to exit the lot.

He sure was nice and apologetic, I thought and smiled as I pulled out into traffic and drove home to deliver dinner to my father, and serve myself as well.

-degree two-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-