New Jersey's SHOTGUN SYMPHONY have just released an amazing new cd called "Sea Of Desire" or "SOD" if you like. The album finally sees the band returning to the melodic aor twists of their debut album, topped with a gorgeous production and a fine performance at last years God's festival in England the futire certainily looks bright for this brilliant band. I caught up with keyboard player Charlie Calv and here's what the man had to say....

Nicky:- How long were the band together before the release of your debut album?

Charlie:- We were together as a full band for about a year before the first record.

Nicky:- What are the bands influences?

Charlie:- It ranges from Led Zeppelin to Journey and then from Black Sabbath to Pink Floyd.We all really listen to a lot of different music. Right know in my CD player are the Foo Fighters, Missing Persons and Seal. So there you have it, diversity.

Nicky:- Tell me about your new album "Sea Of Desire"

Charlie:- I think it is a great straight ahead Melodic Rock record. That's what we wanted to do and that's what we got. We experimented on the last couple of records and we all thought it was about time to go back to the basics.
I think a lot of people will enjoy it.

Nicky:- The reaction to your last couple of albums was not so favorable, why do you think this?

Charlie:- Well, like I just said we were definately experimenting with different styles and productions and people just were not into it. With "Forget The Rain" it was a complete experimentation style and production wise. I really enjoyed making that record and learned a geat deal from the whole experience. But, it was to drastic of a step to make so early in our career. Now with "On The Line of Fire" I think there were elements of "Forget The Rain" like on tracks "What It's Like" and "Into the Vibe" but overall it was a lot more melodic. That record actually got some great reviews and overall did quite well. I also think if we were able to tour in support of both of those records they would have done a lot better because some of those songs really came to life in the live situation and unfortunately nobody in Europe got a chance to see it.

Nicky:- How did you find the gods?

Charlie:- We all really enjoyed playing the show and I think the response we got was great. It was nice to see so many familiar faces and get a chance to play for everyone again. It's what makes doing this kind of stuff worth it.

Nicky:- How did you originally get involved with Now And Then?and why did you decide to leave them and then regroup with them for "Sea Of Desire"?

Charlie:- We were orignally brought to Now and Then by Ivan Gunn(ex BALANCE OF POWER). He had seen us at a club in New Jersey and hooked us up with Mark Ashton. I guess the rest is History. I really don't want to get into the whole leaving Now and Then story again, because it's been told so many times before and way to long to get into, so let's just say we are both happy to be working with each other again.

Nicky:- I love the cover artwork for "Sea Of Desire", who responable for that?

Charlie:- We basically stumbled accross this image and it was like Wow! what a cool image for the album. So we kind of developed the whole layout around that.

Nicky:- Will you be playing any shows in support of this album?

Charlie:- We would love to, but here are no plans right now.

Nicky:- What are your favourite tracks on the album?

Charlie:- I would have to say "Dancing on Fire" and "The Way That You Feel" are my two favourites.

Nicky:- What happened with your old band ANTHEM?

Charlie:- Wow, I've never been asked that before. Both myself and Ed played in Anthem in the mid 80's. It was a great band with some great songs. We probably have about 30 songs laying around from those days. We basically broke up and went our seperate ways, we still keep in touch.

Nicky:- Have you done any other work outside of Shotgun Symphony?

Charlie:- Tracy, Ed and Ron have done the INTRUDER record and I beleive they will be working on a new one shortly. I had played on the MESSAGE record "Fine Line" and I recently did a a very heavy/gothic record with THE BRONX CASKET CO. (w/members of Overkill, Misfits, Seven Witches)for Massacre Records. And I am currently writing and recording with a band called WONDERLAND (w/Mike Maino & Russell Arcara).

Nicky:- Are you pleased with the response to "S/O/D"?

Charlie:- Extremely pleased with the response

Nicky:- You have played a few gigs hence the recording of your "LIVE" album from Camden Underworld, any interesting stories from life on the road?

Charlie:- Way to many to tell. As Ed has always said, "if nothing else at least we had alot of laughs with this band".

Nicky:- Finally what are the bands future plans and is there anything that you wish to say to your fans here in Europe and the UK?

Charlie:- We would hope to do some shows in Europe in the Spring and then begin work on a new record in the Summer. And we of course want to thank all of the fans (especially the ones who travelled many miles to see us at the GODS 99 show) for their continued support and we hope to see them all on the road.

(Interview done by Nicky Baldrian)