An interview with songstress

Jaime Kyle

by Nicky Baldrian

As we enter a new Millenium and a hopefully a new era in rock music, Febuary 2000 sees the long awaited return of the very underrated singer/songwriter Jaime Kyle with a new record called "UNTANGLED", due for release later this month via So after much drooling I had a pleasurable chat with Jaime at her Nashville home and heres what went down, in my first interview of the new Millenium.

Nicky:-  What was it like when Heart's "Stranded" became a hit?

Jaime:- When "Stranded" became a hit it was like I walked into a dream. I remember the first time I heard it. I walked into a record store in Pensacola, Florida and they were playing it on their stereo. I got chills. It was so exciting. Heart is one of the most incredible musical groups ever. I have the utmost respect for Ann and Nancy Wilson and the road they have paved for other women.

Nicky:- How did that experience change your life?

Jaime:- "Stranded" becoming a hit gave me validation that my music was accessible to people. It also made me legit in the professional world. Not to mention the money that I desperately needed.

Nicky:- How did you get involved with Heart in the first place and what were they like to work with?

Jaime:- There were several people involved in getting "Stranded" heard by Heart. I didn't have anything to do with them recording the song. My original version of "Stranded" is on my "Back From Hollywood" CD. I produced the recording
that Ann and Nancy heard. I met Nancy Wilson backstage in New York at one of their concerts. She probably thinks I'm strange because I was so nervous and excited that I couldn't talk. I have a picture of she and I that I will always cherish.

Nicky:-  Whats was it like when you played The God's in 1996?

Jaime:- It was so much fun playing The God's in 1996. Just me and my acoustic guitar. It was a little scary for me because I was the only solo act. But, people seemed to really love it.

Nicky:- I heard of a little incident after that show regarding a naked Welsh guy chained to your hotel room, what the hell was all that about?

Jaime:- You heard right. There was a naked Welsh guy chained outside of my hotel room. I was so tired when I got to my room, I looked at them and said "Can't you go somewhere else." Well, that was all it took. They camped outside my door
till the wee hours of the morning. The people at the hotel acted like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

Nicky:- Tell me about the new songs on the "BEST OF" album and how they reflect your personality?

Nicky:- The song "Bombs Away" was actually written and recorded around the time of the gulf war. I remember thinking to myself, oh well bad timing on this song. It has nothing to do with war except for the title. Well, maybe a war between two lovers. It really rocks. Then there is "If Not For You" which is very personal and vulnerable.

Nicky:- When you write your songs do you have the idea that this song would fit a certain artists or do the songs just come out naturally?

Jaime:- It's a very natural thing for me. I never write with anyone else in mind. It has to come from my heart. What I am thinking and feeling as an artist. There is nothing better when someone else can relate. I think that's why I've had songs recorded by other artists.

Nicky:- My favourite song of yours is "No sad goodbyes" , your voice on that track is simply awesome, how on earth did you capture all that emotion in the song?

Jaime:- This is the last song my father heard before he died. He loved this song and it really was special how this recording came about. I tried recording with someone else playing guitar for me but, it never felt right. So I decided to do it. I was shy about recording guitar and singing at the same time because if you mess up one or the other you have to start over. It happened in one take! It was a holy experience. It felt like my father was in the room with me. I was singing for him. I really miss him. "No Sad Goodbyes" was for my dad.

Nicky:-  What are your musical influences?

Jaime:- My musical influences are crazy. I don't know if they will make sense to you but here goes. I played classical piano, listened to Aerosmith, early Bonnie Raitt,Karla Bonoff, Bread and many singer songwriters. Mix that with an attitude
and you get me.

Nicky:- You did some work with Van Stephenson,was was that like?

Jaime:- Van is a special person. I loved writing with him. He loves imagery in his lyrics and so do I. There were no fences writing with Van. He's very spontaneous.

Nicky:- Who else have you worked with over the years?

Jaime:- One of my favorite Co-writers is Gary Burr. He is an unbelievable singer and songwriter. Gary plays in Ringo Starr's band. He's also singing on Ringo's christmas record and on Steve Windwood's new record. I'm trying to talk him into playing The God's with me this year. Recently I wrote with Robb Royer of the band "Bread". That was a big deal for me. John Bettis who wrote "Human Nature" Michael Jackson and "Crazy for You" by Madonna. Tommy Sims who wrote "If I could Change the World" by Eric Clapton. I work with some incredible people.

Nicky:- The "BEST OF" album is a mixture of material from both "The Passionate Kind" and "Back From Hollywood" with a few new songs added, what was the reason for this release?

Jamie:- It's a Best Of record. For the people who love both records and want a few new songs. Frontiers wanted to put it out. I thought it was a great idea.

Nicky:- Tell me about the songs on your new album "UNTANGLED"?

Jaime:- The songs on the new album are all new. They are about what I've been going thru and what is going on in my life as the other albums were autobiographical as well. I love this album. I produced it myself so I was free to be creative. The songs rock, they cry, they breathe and they are passionate. I think Revelation will be a favorite and Sentimental which is a song that has a sense of humor. You have to listen to the lyrics on this one. Especially the bridge.

Nicky:- How will you be spending New Year's Eve?

Jaime:- I am going to a big party at a friends house. It will be great fun.

Nicky:- Finally is there anything you would like to say to you British and European fans?

Jaime:- I love the British and European fans. There is nothing better than people who love music and you guys do. It is a pleasure to play for you. I hope to see you all soon!