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My Profile

Name In Vietnam: Nguyen Ngoc Dung

Nick: Bo Bo

Birthday: June 1, 1978

Birthplace: Saigon, Vietnam

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Height: 5`1 (very very short!)

Education Level: Junior @ WSU

Family Status: Single!!!...Single and Single!!!

Family: Parents and one brother

Favorite thing: Shopping, party…hang-out w/friend, out to eat and watching movie

FavoriteMusic: All…(but no Country…or Hard-Rock!)

Favorite Vietnamese Singers: BaoHan, Sayla, Le Tam…. and Trish…yep!

Favorite Foreign Singers: Too much to list…

Favorite Food:Seafood, especial Vietnamesefood and spicy stuffs

Favorite Colors: Red

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