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Another Version of Drip, Drip, Drip

Here's another version of Drip, Drip, Drip for you all to enjoy
What did you think of this legend? Heard another version? Post on the bulletin board!

a little girl ran all the way home after school one day trying to beat her parents home from work so she could take a peek at her birthday present.When she got home she found her sister had already beat her there and wouldn't let her peek. After hours of begging her parents came home to tell her they were going to go out for the night and to have her big sister watch her. After her parents left she got on the internet and was talking to a new friend she had just made. she told her friend that her sister was going out and she was going to be home alone. Her friend seemed worried that something would happen but she said she has her dog to protect her. after her sister left for the night the girl went outside and played soccor with her dog not knowing that her little friend from the computer was hiding in the bushes. She finally went inside and took a shower. She got out and went to bed making sure her dog was in her room to protect her. she felt him licking her hand so she know it was safe. about an hour latter she heard a noise in the basement. Grabbing her baseball bat she headed down the stairs to check out the noise.When she didn't find anything she went back upstairs and turned on her light just to be safe. when she finally calmed down she reached under her bed so her dog could lick her hand. As her dog was licking her hand she looked in the mirror. what she saw was a man licking her hand while cutting her dogs throat and written in blood one her mirror was "Humans can lick too"

Lots of thanks to Sandra Alley who sent in this version of Drip, Drip, Drip..