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Shopping Mauled 2

Sandi went to the mall to do her shopping and didn't realize how late it had gotten until she left the mall, only to find out it was pitch dark outside. feeling frightened she walked slowly to her car. as she neared her car she saw an old lady wondering around the parking lot. she asked if the lady was alright. the lady informed her that she had missed her bus and was wondering whether she could get a ride from her. Sandi (glad to have some company) said she wouldn't mind giving her a lift. they got in the car and started driving. a little ways down the road the old lady reached into her purse and pulled out some candy. she put one in her mouth and reached across to offer some to Sandi. Sandi politely refused but noticed how hairy the lady's arm was. she told herself not to be silly and maybe she was just a hairy lady. when she saw how muscular the lady's legs were, she started feeling paranoid, so she told the lady she had heard something clank on the car. Sandi pulled over to the side of the road and asked the lady to get out and have a look. the lady got out and started checking the car. as she was about to get back in.... sandi sped away, leaving the old lady behind. a couple of miles down the road sandi realized the lady had left her purse in the car. she opened it to see whether there was an address to send it back to, when she saw that in the purse was a butcher's knife.....

Thanks to melissa who sent in this Urban Legend