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The Jacket

The Jacket was sent in by Dina
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There was a guy that went to a party with some of his friends. At that party > he met the most prettiest girl that he had ever laid eyes on. She had long > beautiful brown hair and eyes as green as a lime. her skin color was a very > pale ivory. He asked her to dance and got a long splendidly. A few hours > later, the party ended. He asked if he could take her home and she said it > was fine with her. It was raining outside, since she wasn't wearing a jacket > he let her borrow his. They got to her house 30 minutes later and he told her > that he would come back for his jacket at 8 p.m. the next night. she said no > a couple of times but he said "please take it, it is very cold out there I > wouldn't want you to get sick." She finally gave up and took the jacket. > They kissed goodnight. > The next day at 8pm everything looked lonely. He thought it was kind of > strange so he got out of his car and went to knock on the door of the girl's > house. He knocked a couple of times until a gray haired woman answered the > door he asked for the girl and the lady started crying he said he was sorry > if he said something wrong. the woman said "I'm very sorry to burst into > tears but you see my daughter died a year ago on this day, died of a broken > heart." He couldn't believe what this lady was telling him so he said "but I > just saw her yesterday and begged her to please take my jacket because of the > terrible weather." So the lady told him "if you don't believe me go to the > cemetery that is 10 blks. from here you'll find her grave there." So he left > and drove the 10 blks. to the cemetery. When he got there he searched for the > girls' grave and when he found it he saw the girls name "Marianne" and lying > on the ground was his jacket. When he picked up his jacket a note fell to the > ground and when he read it said "I'M SORRY MY LOVE." >