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The picture below illustrates how you might cook a roast or chicken with potatoes and carrots in the large roaster on the bottom, a vegetable in the middle saucepan, and another vegetable in the top saucepan.

Instructions for Stack Cooking:

(A) start cooking with the large roaster and place the dome lid on top
(B) on top of the dome lid place the 3.2 quart saucepan
(C) invert the 2.5 quart saucepan and place on top of the 3.2
(D) place the 1.7 quart (or smallest) saucepan on the 'bottom' of the 2.5 and place a lid on the top saucepan

When you're stack cooking, remember to always start cooking each individual saucepan on a burner until you hear the steam valve whistle, then simply stack the pot to complete the cooking process. Heat, of course, is transferred from the bottom pan to the top.

Waterless Sets

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