Goddess of the crossroads Goddess of
Manic-Depression Dweller in the
deep places of the earth and mind,
Traveler in the land between worlds!
Torch-bearer! Protectress of the very
old and very young: Protectress of
those used and abused; Healer of those
who are torn apart; She will be
there for us when we call on her and at
the end.
Grandmother to lost children and the
downtrodden. Nurse to the
suckling infant, Comfort to the lone man
or woman in the darkest night.
She who seeks vengance for her children
who are wronged!
Wanderer and prowler! Sorceress who
lives at the edge of the mind.
Drawer-up of the secret compost from the
unused internal well. She who
has no relatives on the earth save for
her children. Without Mother or
Lady on the brink, both bi-polar and
uni-polar! They call her mad, and
it is she who terrifies the disbeliever
and the unworthy! Bringer of
nightmares! But she it is who soothes
the sleepless and disheveled
Mother of night! Dark Power of the moon!
Keeper of the shadow! Walker
of the endless highways! She unites
those who follow her as her
children; the Hekite.
Bearer of the sacred poppy.
Shape-shifter. Transformer. Keeper of
hounds of Hell and the three headed dog
Cerebus! She walks abroad in the
hour of the wolf and under the Dark
Hear my call O Lady and cover us with
your starry cloak. Let the unborn
moon seed in my heart this night. And
let her growing light shine upon
our intention; That she be at our full
So Mote it Be!
Reverend High Priest Hawk Brown
Copyright 1997