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Black candle to absorb negativity
Blue candle to bring transcendence
Cauldron to burn in
Frankincense,Myrrh and Sandalwood for purification
Cakes and Ale

Casting circle: (using athame)

I cast this circle
To protect me from negative energy and positive energy that would work against me.
I raise this circle
To create a time that is not a time
a place that is not a place.
in a world all its own!
I draw this circle
to erect this temple
Wherein I perform this rite, sacred unto myself.

Quarter calls:

Hail spirits of the east
Join me here for parting feast
Hail spirits of the south
Partake this ending food with fiery mouth
Hail spirits of the west
I end this here, let me be blessed
Hail spirits of the north
I need to bury energy in thy earth, so I call thee forth


Tie cord around your waist. Make on knot for each person, item or incident you wish to free yourself from.


Plouton, god of good fortune, god of death,
I ask thy presence and thy boon,
You see these bonds around my waist that I shall be breaking soon.
Carry these energies back to Hades.
Give them a place in the land of the dead.
Each knot around this cord on my waist represents something somehow unresolved.
By enacting this rite, I am naming myself free!
I cut you from me (name names, name sins, etc.)
I am free of you!
(place knot in burning cauldron)
Repeat as necessary for each person.
(cut off all of cord, with athame). throw in cauldron.
Over cauldron:

Plouton, as these connection burn Let their power forever wane.
Take what's left of them with you to the underworld.
I have had from them what I can learn.

Cakes and Ale:


Plouton, sacred ruler of the dead,
I have finished my ending rite.
Thank you for hearing what I have said.
Goodbye, travel well to your eternal night.
North and earth, carry the energy I raised here
bury it, let it lay fallow -- I am done with this rite.
West and water, cleanse away these stagnant lines
wash them away~I am done with my rite.
South and fire, transform these old energies
into something healthier and happier -- I am done with my rite.
East and air, blow these old lessons away from me.
I am ready for new paths -- I am done with my rite.
I cast this circle, thus neutralised, into the universe that whom ever needs this energy may take it.
I re~enter the time that is a time, and the place that is a place.
So mote it be!

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