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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






Up Turquoise Light Green Crimson Rose




Light Green

This color, which is composed of yellow and green, promotes the intellectual faculties, strengthens the nerves and has a calming and relaxing effect on the body in general. all disease is treated with yellow, such as elements of the digestive tract, can be done so in it gentler manner if green light is used.  Light green is indicated for whooping cough, menopause, inflammation of the nerves, paralysis, a the diseases, diabetes and all diseases of the digestive tract.  Light green, being of a higher nature than green, has exchanged the low natural compulsion into a higher nature and puts it up into this feature of spiritual consciousness.  In the color light green exists infinite safety and peace.  It corresponds to the right side of the body.









Strengthens the nerves and has a calming and relaxing effect on the body in general.


Whooping cough, menopause, inflammation of the nerves, paralysis, a the diseases, diabetes and all diseases of the digestive tract.

Nerves, digestive tract.

infinite safety and peace.

Higher Abundance.




Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.