101Member Since:
January 17, 2001

Winnie Huynh

Age: 17



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last update: jan. 22/02-2:29 pm
to everyone that signed my guestbook...thank you...to all that took the time to know me...thank you...greatly appreciate it...i`ll be watching ya`ll from below...bye bye...

if you know me really well...i`d probably given a shout out for you on my shoutout pages...alphabetical order...go to my friends list...

daniel bacon-big bro: if you thought that i`ve forgotten you well you`re wrong...hehehe...awww...where are you??? are you still in taiwan with grace??? you two are such a sweet couple...you`re so lucky to have found the love to spend your whole life with...as for me...i found mine, only mine doesn`t love me back anymore...it`s okie...*sigh* i`ve missed you dearly bro...i`ll write you an e-mail later...but if you come across this...i love you...*hugz* dave hsu-big bro: oh crude...he doesn`t have aa...maybe i should download aol again and say my farewells??? well...just in case you do get an aa page and come acrossthis page...i miss you bro...i haven`t forgotten you...never...you`ve been there for me a lot...you`ve been so loving and caring for me and i`m thankful for those times we shared...*hugz*love you michael a.-lil bro [kidkut]: where have you been lil buddy??? we`ve grown apart...now i regret not saying hi to you the other time i saw you...i`d probably scare you away anyhow. it`s been so long since we`ve last talked...years??? *shrugz* i remember searching for your b-day gift...got you a pochacco...lol...and a card...drew a bad badtz maru for you since you liked him...didn`t get the chance to give it to you though...sorry...well just remember to do well in school...and yes, passion rocks...lol...*huggiez* michael liu-big bro [first_knight]: i`ve received your notes on aa...thanks for still being that wonderful bro you are. i understand we`ve grown apart, but there`s no denying that the brotherly and sisterly love is still there. sorry about that time when my dad picked up the phone when we talked on the phone. sorry that i couldn`t meet up for lunch when you were down here in toronto. i wish we could make that day come now...but i gotta go now...much love to you...*hugz* ryan-big bro: now i haven`t talked to you in the longest time as well...ever since you left to ummm...i forgotten where but somewhere in europe...and when you did come back...you forgot who i was?!?!?! >_< well...thanks for being here for me, you always have a place in my heart...*hugz* sidney vongkasem-big bro [skwid]: it`s been awhile since i last talked to you. i`ve sent you notes whenever i see you online...but it doesn`t seem like you want to reply. i don`t know. well...i did have a whole stack of letters ready to mail to you along with your late birthday pressies...but unfortunately, my mommy threw out the letters. all i gotta say is that if you ever read this, thanks for being such a caring friend and brother, although youprobably don`t take me as your lil sister anymore, it`s all good. i hope everything`s going well for you down in texas. i wish you all the best...*hugz* wushu all the way...d=) stanley-big bro [integra_gsr]: are you still all the way in vancouver b.c., if i remember correctly??? *shrugz* i hope everything`s going wonderful for you. i remember how you and your gf were so in love with one another. you two were so darn cute together too...are you two still together??? or have you found someone new??? i don`t know...but me wish you all the best in life...*hugz* steven-big bro [birdie]: thanks so much for being such a wonderful bro to me. i know you understand what i`m going through but at least you`re strong...i wish i could be as strong as you...but i don`t know...i know you`ll find someone new...if she doesn`t know you even exist, she`s not worth your time at all...*hugz* take it easy... thai nguyen [1nonlycupid]: how`s my bro be doing now huh? better be doing well. *sigh* it`s too bad i can`t see my lil nephew...was really looking forward to seeing him...it`s alright, i`ll probably be able to take a lil peek from below. i`m really sorry thatthings couldn`t work out for you and lily...but i`m glad you were able to put her aside and care about someone new. me wish you two all the best...*hugz* thanks for the talk back in december...i haven`t changed thai...i`m still me..."gorgeous lil weenie"...*smilez* love ya always and forever...*muahz* tham diep-lil bro [lil-kenmaster]: tammy boi!!! `sup??? wow...it`s been what...6 years??? that`s a long time...thanks for being that great friend that you are...especially just that one day, taking me to top top and your willingness to teach me how to play counter-strike...lol...always the rifles for moi...d=) and you know you were amazed that i was capable of knifing you...d=ق and then for just listening to me for i don`t know, 3 hours???*shrugz* at mcd`s when you were tired and sleepy...greatly appreciated it...anyhow, keep balling alrighty??? love ya...*hugz* tony li [SweetAznGuy1]:it`s been how long since we last chatted? i don`t know, but all i know is that i`ve missed you and i still love you. you`ve been really kind and caring to me and you know what? you will find that special girl one day...probably already have and i don`t even know about it??? *shrugz* it has been awhile...it`s too bad that i can`t have one of those chats with you for the very last time now...no more aol for me...*sigh*...probably try calling you before i leave this world...love you too...*hugz*

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