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Dieting And Its Effects Towards Exercising

By: Fasia Afuola

Angelfire Home Pages


The purpose of this investigation is to see which diet will affect the body more in exericising. Two diets are being experimented on. They are the Daniel's diet and the Regular diet. The daniel's diet is the diet that contains foods such as fruits, vegetables, water, nuts, and grains. The regular diet contains foods such as meat, restauraunt foods, soda, water and many more. Basically the regular diet contains any foods that you would like to eat. It is predicted that the Daniel's diet wil affect the body more in exercising. Its strength will weaken more than the Regular diet. The Daniel's diet came from the name of Daniel who is in the bible. Daniel went on a diet, which lasted for ten days. He went on the diet to prove to king Zebuchadnezzer that natural fruits, vegetables, grain, nuts, and water are much better for the body than the foods that he serves whivh are chicken, roasts, wine and more.

Background Information

The Daniels diet and the Regular are two different diets that were experimented on to prove which one of those will affect the body more during exercisie. my partner and I went on one diet. We predicted that the Daniel's diet will affect the body more during exercise because it only contains foods that are not that strong for your body. We also said that because we believed that it will weaken the person's body . The materials and Methods are stated in the following.

Materials And Methods

1. Record-In Book.

2. Chart/Daily Meals

3. Timer.


The first step that my partner and I did was our push-ups and sit-ups. We did as much as possible in 2 minutes. This helped us determine at the end which diet would affect the body. Second, we began our diet by following our meal chart that we planned out. The meal chart is a list of meals that we can eat each day of our diet. We had to follow this chart for one month. There is no cheating! Last, after our diet was finished, we began to do our push-ups and sit-ups for 2 minutes again. Then, we compared our beginnning results with our end results, which gave us the results of which diet affected the body more in exercising.


The results of the push-ups and sit-ups my partner and I performed were that