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Planet Mars

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The Basic Information
Orbit:227,940,000 km (1.52 AU) from Sun
Diameter:6,794 km
Mass:6.4219e23 kg
How Mars Got Its Name:
Mars got its name by the ancient Greeks. The color of Mars, which is red, reminded the Greeks of blood and the Greek God of War. Also, because Mars is so red, people gave it the nickname "THE RED PLANET".
Guideline to Mars:
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun approximately 145 million miles away. The speed rate of Mars orbiting around the Sun is 60,400 miles per hour. Mars is located between the Planet Earth and Jupiter. It has 687 Earth Days and a 24.5 hours rotational period.
The Purpose of this Research:
Why Mars? My partner and I decided to study or base our research on Mars because we were interested in what scientists have theorize about this planet. They have said that Mars is believed to may possibly contain life one day or life can exist on Mars. Thay have made their decision to believe this because in the past, they have found many canals said to be made from extraterrestial life. So, as partners, we wanted to do our own research and ask ourselves, Can life be a possiblity on Mars?
This is a topography map of Planet Mars. The full range of topography on Mars is about 19 miles, whichi is 30 kilometers. One and a half times the range of elevations found on Earth, the most curious aspect of the map is the difference between the planet's low, and smooth Northern Hemisphere and the heavily cratered Southern Hemisphere. It sits, on average, at about 3 miles (5 kilometers) higher than the north.
Our Hypothesis:
The hypothesis that will be used in this project is to see whether there can be life on Mars. Will animals and plants be able to live on Mars the same as they live on Earth or will everything be different? Also, the hypothesis will consist of why would people want to someday live on Mars. Will it be because they would like to explore new land or is it because the Earth will someday be overcrowded?
What Researchers did:
Vikings’ orbiter had been also used during this mission. Vikings’ obiter sent pictures back to Earth where scientist have found that spiral cloud patterns are similar to those of Earth’s storm. Also, the orbiter helped scientist find that Mars had gathered African desert dust into its air. Meanwhile, Viking 1 proved to scientist that one part of Mars were covered with volcanoes. It also gave information that Mar’s atmosphere is much thinner than Earth’s with 1/100 the pressure. The atmosphere is consist of 90% carbon dioxide. Another discovery from Vikings 1 was that there were many streambeds which may had water flowing in it once. Though no water was found, scientist believed that you may have to dig into the surface to see if it is possible. Viking 2 have found the temperature on Mars is likely to be 80 degrees to a low of –190 degrees on surface. It also had found that there is higher vapor on Mars than on Earth.
In conclusion, there can still be possibilities of life existing in Mars someday because of the research done by those brilliant scientist. Although, we cannot confirm for sure right now because scientist are still currently conducting research with sending rovers to Mars such as Spirit and Opportunity. Who knows what Mars hold. Hopefully, we'll know someday soon.