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New Words from Teh Forum:
(In alphabetic order)
  1. Andrology: The study of men
  2. Androxanthohirsutomorph: blonde (male)
  3. Antisalulic: unhealthy
  4. Aracanthoids: spiked peanuts
  5. Arachine: like a peanut animal
  6. Arachnophilachronology: The research and documentation of the times of spider mating.
  7. Autobicorpsification: splitting one's self in two
  8. Automorticulpaciousness: the measure of one's guilt in one's suicide
  9. Automortize: to commit suicide
  10. Circumpachyandrites: (?) either the thick people around you or the people around a thick person
  11. Dendrophilia: taking tree hugging to the next level
  12. Dipsipneumeter: a breathalyzer
  13. Dipsipugnicator: drunken fighter
  14. Ectomania: obsession with being thin
  15. Equineox: a horse-ox hybrid
  16. Euquinsalennial: every five years you have good health (?)
  17. Felinafeminaphilia = something along the lines of leather fetish woman.
  18. Femtophobia: fear of quintillionths (10-15ths)
  19. Gynoneofalsoxyxanthohirsutomorph: a newly-bleached blonde
  20. Gynoxanthohirsutomorph: blonde (female)
  21. Lactogynology - the study of breast milk
  22. Lactopachtism - the thickening of milk
  23. Lucuchronology: the study of the time of a speech
  24. Macroiratandroturbaphobia: fear of a large mob of angry men
  25. Necrovite: living dead
  26. Neoautobibliopugnacity: The new way to beat yourself with books
  27. Oxyautomania: kind of an extreme form of narcissism
  28. Oxylucubrator: extremely long-winded speaker
  29. Oxyludipugnication: Extreme sport fighting
  30. Oxytachydipsoid: an extremely fast drunk
  31. Pecctin: the real sinful baking ingredient
  32. Perxyloferroid: an iron or steel object that goes through wood
  33. Pyroglyphist: fire carver
  34. Pyrokleptochronology: Research into the date when Prometheus stole fire
  35. Subcanum: underdog
  36. Tachyantidipsichronometer: a device for measuring the speed and time of one's becoming sober
  37. Tachybibliometer: a device for measuring the relative quickness of books
  38. Trimigrususaggrediovenalicium: (?) Three little piggies went to market
  39. Xylomastist: a maker of wooden teeth
  40. Xylomorph: wood creature
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