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Methods for Maddening™:

7 habits of highly annoying people

Volume 4: Pernicious for Perpetuity

            Method 7:

            Develop a theme for each week.  Change your clothing, home, furniture, speech, and potential victims based on your theme.  Develop a catchphrase based on that theme and repeat it often.  Play loud music associated with your theme (see Method 6).

            For example:


            You’ve got the tools: now it’s your turn to go out and use them.  As an enragement expert, you can now drive anyone to the point of derangement.  Take time to review this simple list of the seven habits of highly annoying people before you go out and inflict them upon the world.  Remember that if people avoid you, the Methods for Maddening™ are working.

1.      Impose: inconvenience everyone

2.      Ruin: Humiliate others publicly

3.      Rename: change your name often

4.      Organize: Surprise party for everybody

5.      Habits: Pick your nose and scratch your butt

6.      Music: “Make it stop!” means it’s working!

7.      Themes: Pick a new persona weekly

            We wish you good luck in your new career as a pernicious professional pest.  We would like to congratulate you for completing the course on how to become your most unbearable self.