Other than that, I think there is a lot in this one that came out well.
The woman in the middle-ground under the first painting just farted and is blushing. The guys on either side of her
are showing their disgust.
I like how the doggie came out and I love how the woman standing above
him came out too. The old guy behind her snuck up on her and scared her.
I also love the dress on
the woman sitting on the bar on the right side. That's me kissing the girl next to her and the couple
above me are 2 women who have had one too many. The guys on either side are leering at them and the guy above
them is telling his mom about them just to shock her. "Hey, check them out ma"
The clergyman is raising his crucifix to hit the fat guy. He's one of his parishoners who
promised the preacher he wouldn't drink any more.The clerical costume is accurate for this time
period but I don't know which denomination it is.
The woman in the middle is a crazy lady talking to her pet chicken. She's saying "You poop on the bar
ONE more time and you're sleeping outside." I needed something to fill the empty space on the bar other
than bottles and glasses, so I drew a few baby chicks, then just kept adding one after the other.