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Reflexology is a system of body were based on the premise that there are areas on both the hands and feet that correspond to every part of the body.  Reflexes on hands and feet are stimulated by Manuel pressure to effect changes in the corresponding glands and organs.  Reflex zoology is the leading form of complementary he in Denmark and has been demonstrated to be effective in the management of P M S, anxiety, hypertension, and pain. 




Kinesiology is a system of assessing (and alleviating) glandular and organ imbalances by the demonstration of weaknesses in certain muscle groups.  Keys geology is often used to augment other and diagnostic methods and has been widely adapted by chiropractors in the treatment of muscular skeleton imbalances, and with pain, and the crime, immune, and digestive problems. 



Kirlian Photography

involves a high voltage photograph device was developed in the 1940's by Russian scientists Semyon and Valentina Kirlian .   Kirlian photographs show the electromagnetic field around objects and had been extensively researched it Russia and Europe for the ability to show the state of psychological functioning in plants, animals, and humans. 

Dr. Thelma Moss, at the U.C.L.A. School of Medicine, observed the Kirlian photographs of numerous phsyco-psychological states.  Acupuncture induced states of relaxation (meditation and hypnosis) are associated with a brilliant and  expansive electromagnetic emanations from the fingertips and feet called Coronas .  States of stress and tension are associated with the contraction and diminishment of the corona and dark colors at the extremities.

Acupuncture points are especially sensitive to elector of magnetic waves within the visible spectrum of light, and the Meridians provided a precise pathway for light to induce energetic shifts.