DOB 5-29-02
OFA hips CERF and Cardio all normal
Ace going WD for his 2nd (4 pt major) Thank you Judge Beverly Capstick
(Photo by Minna of Kennel Bonel)
Ace goes WD for his fourth 4 pt major to finish.
Thank you Judge Edd Bivin.
Ace goes BOB,BOB BBE at all 4 shows,
multiple group placements, 2 Reserve BIS BBE & BIS BBE.
International Critiques March 2004
Judge Mrs Sharon Francis
Rating V-1
(BOB,Group 2, BOB-BBE, Group 1,Reserve BIS BBE)
Overall Impression- very pleasant outline for the Breed
Coat-Lusterious good condition
Head-Parellel head planes
Eyes-dark well set
Ears-set high good crop
Chest-Good width,depth and developing forchest
Front Angulation-good
Tail-wellset good length
Movement-free and effortless
Judge Mr Charles Francis
Rating V-1
(BOB,Group 2,BOB-BBE, group 1,Reserve BIS BBE)
Judgement-Shows very well, good bone,wonderful feet and legs
Overall Impression-Wonderful style, showy
Coat-shiny and in very good health
Head-great head planes, masculine
bite-tight scissors
Ears-cropped,well set and mobile
Eyes-almond, dark, well placed
Chest-full in front and deep
Front angulation-great front
Back Angulation-well matching rear
Topline-firm level topline
Tail-set on well, reaches hock
Movement-smooth and clean
Judge Mr Frank Alhino
Rating V-1
(BOB, BOB-BBE & group 3)
Judgement-Well proportioned with good substance
Overall Impression-Good attitude, eager to please
Coat-correct texture and length
Head-massive but well balanced to body
Eyes-good expression
Ears-well set and used
Chest-good forechest Excellent muscle
Front Angulation-good
Back Angulation-good
Tail-carried properly in movement
Judge Mrs Maggie Alhino
Rating V-1
(BOB,Group 2, BOB-BBE, group 1, BIS BBE)
Judgement-great, sound and balanced dog, happy temperment
Overall impression-Outstanding beautiful dog
Coat-excellent, healthy, shiny
Head-excellent headpeice, plenty of muzzle
Bite-correct-clean white teeth
Eyes-well set-great expression
Ears-placed well-uses them
Chest-good for age
Front Angulation-excellent-dead on front
Back Angulation-outstanding-good bend to stifile
Tail-correctly placed
Movement-outstanding-nice tight feet.
(Thank you Zeli for the picture)
Ace (AKC the Chip N Dane)in Parades at Nationals
Got Lip?
Ace going WD/BOW for his 3rd 4 pt major
Thank you Judge Penny L Urban at the Orange Empire KC
Ace going WD/BOW(2 points)at the Burbank KC.
Thank you Judge Stephen J Hubbell
Ace going WD/BOW for a 4 pt major at the Coyote cluster in Tucson,AZ
Thank you Judge Marian Hodesson
Ace going Reserve (4 pt major) at the Coyote cluster in Tucson,AZ.
Thank you Judge Jane Treiber
(Ace going RWD in New Mexico)
Thank you Judge Norman Herbel
(Ace going RWD in New Mexico)
Thank you judge Fay Haupt
Ace at the Colorado River 6-03
Ace at his first AKC show winning his 6-9 class
Ace at his first International show. Winning BOB BBE Puppy and
receiving his National Puppy Championship
Judge M. Balazzo
Coat-good color and texture
Head-Good value and length correct planes
Bite-Correct and complete
Eyes-Nice color and shape
Ears-Well inserted sturdy
Chest-Well developed for age
Front angulation-Correct
Back angulation-Correct
Topline-Correct and solid
Tail-Well inserted and right length
Movement-good puppy movement
Judge John Ramirez
Overall-Strength and dignified
Coat-Dense and short
Head-very nice planes
Bite-Good scissors
Eyes-Nicely set
Chest-Deep and broad
Front angulation-Nice
Back angulation-Balanced with front
Tail-Good set
Movement-A little close in rear
Judge Gloria Kerr
Overall-Promising young dog
Coat-Good quality
Head-good depth and nice planes
Bite-Scissor and full dention
Ears-Well set and well carried
Chest-Very deep and broad
Front angulation-Moderate
Back angulation-Moderate
Topline-Carried level
Tail-Well set on