Am/CH/BIS Int'l/Nat'l/Hnr Puppy CH Colra N DRR Forget Me Not v CJ


DOB 4-11-19

Leana's Pedigree

Leana lives in Fort Mohave Arizona with her owners Cheryl and Mike Johnson.
Leana is co-owned with myself and bred by myself and DRR.
After taking a break from the showing Cheryl is excited to get back into showing with her lovely girl Leana.
Leana's first 4 shows back out she took two 5pt major reserves and back to back WB/BOW 4 pt majors and another 5pt RWB.
A couple weeks later at a 3 day show she was RWB 4pt, 5 pt major by going WB/BOW/BOS/BOBOH (over Specials)
and then WB pt major to finish. Leana is Breeder-owner handled out of Bred by class finishing with all majors.
Look for our lovely girl in the Breed Ring