Colra DRR I'm Gonna Reign on Your Parade
 BISS/MBISSOH GCH/UKC/Int'l/Nat'l CH Colras DRR I'm Gonna WooPass 2x AOM
 GCH Pegasus Grabbin the Bull by the Horns v TTS
 CH Von Bruno's Night Shade
 Am/Int'l CH TTS PGS the Shadow Puppet V Darlin (Fawn)
 Colras Here 4 the Points
 BISS CH Dana TLBRK Darkside of Fireside
 BISS CH Colras Straight 2 the Point
 Colras DRR Charlie no Angel
 M&M Booyah Boy
 M&M'S Mac Daddy
 M&M'S Clara
 Colras The Ultimate Sin
 MBISS CH Dane TLBRK Darkside of Fireside
 CH Colras Stacked 2 the T ROM
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