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  District Home Page  |   CLUB NEWSLETTERS - Key to Happier & Healthier Club  
A Key to A Happier and Healthier Club 
By Brian Cavanaugh, ATM-S, editor of Sound Blasters  (#8722) Club Newsletter - The Blasters Bugle,  3rd Place, District 3, 2000-2001

It has been said that an informed community is a happier and healthier community. Therefore, a Toastmasters Club
newsletter can be an important key to creating a happier and healthier Toastmasters Club. 

There are many inter-related things that help to maintain and nurture an effective and vibrant Toastmasters Club. They

   1. An active and dedicated membership (20+ members) 
   2. Members working on educational achievements (CTMs,
       ATMs, DTMs) 
   3. Members working on leadership achievements (CLs, 
       ALs, DTMs) 
   4. Recruitment – bringing in new members 
   5. Proper management of the Club – sending in semi-
       annuals and officers list 

The above list is included in the DCP – Distinguished Club Program. Two items that are not specifically listed in the DCP
but which I believe are critical to a growing and improving Toastmasters Club are: 

   1. Having FUN Club meetings and 
   2. Having a Club newsletter. 

FUN meetings are what keep your Club members coming back after achieving their CTM. FUN meetings convince your
guests to join your Club. 

FUN meetings enable your Club members to become friends. Likewise, your Club newsletter can keep Club members
coming back by recognizing their accomplishments and expressing appreciation for being a member of your Club. When guests receive a copy of your Club newsletter with the 
names of other visiting guests, or better yet, their name as a guest, they are very likely to join your Club. Your Club
newsletter, by sharing information of Club members, helps to build friendships. 

I have always enjoyed working on my Club’s newsletter – The Blasters’ Bugle - because I learn so much about my Club’s
members, about the strengths and needs of my Club, about District 3, about Toastmasters International, and about effective written communication. During the many years that I have been editor of various Toastmaster Club newsletters, I have always tried to publish a newsletter that had the following: 

   1. Information about Club activities and upcoming events 
   2. Recognition of Club member achievements 
   3. Recognition of visitors and guests 
   4. Information of District 3 activities and upcoming events 
   5. Educational material on communication and leadership 
   6. Humor and entertainment 
   7. The Club’s Mission Statement and the Mission 
       Statement of Toastmasters International. 

I am constantly evaluating and appreciating newsletters from other Toastmasters Clubs so that I can keep improving The
Blasters’ Bugle. I am grateful for District 3’s support and encouragement of Club newsletters through recognition programs like the annual Club Newsletter Contest and 
through the Newsletter Workshops that are offered during the semi-annual Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI). If you
haven’t attend a TLI Newsletter Workshop, I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to share ideas with Toastmaster newsletter editors from across the state of Arizona. 

If you are looking for to improve the health and happiness of your Club, then start a Club newsletter. If you already have a
Club newsletter, congratulations! Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your newsletter submitted in next year’s District 3 Club Newsletter Contest. Best wishes. 

District 3 Home Page  
Club Newsletters 

Brian edited  Sound Blaster's Newsletter from July 2000 to June 2001.

He has been doing newsletters, he says, "on and off for about 10 years" during which time he has been the  newsletter editor for the following District 3 Clubs: 

1) Camelback Toastmasters (Camelback Talk newsletter - 2 years) 

2) The Phunney Pharme oph Phoenix (The Phonema newsletter - 2 years) 

3) Speakwell Honeywell (Speaker's Well newsletter - from 0ct. 1996 until Jan 

4) Sound Blasters Toastmasters (The Blaster's Bugle newsletter - from July 2000 until Feb. 2001 

Click here to see a sampling of the above club newsletters