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Great Ideas Made Easy  

Ask anyone who has to think up ideas for a living and he or she will agree that good ideas often evolve out of bad ideas. Perfectionists in particular must relax their standards and recognize that brilliant ideas often begin life as far-from-perfect thoughts.  

After getting an idea-generation session under way, I force myself to be a little silly, to conjure up outlandish ideas that could never, ever, possibly work. Because sometimes (no, make that oftentimes) the crazy thought will spur a practical one.  

Here a little exercise that will get you going in the right direction. Try to think up 15 uncommon uses for a  

Start with five practical uses: (e.g., calendar, schedule, etc.)  

1. ____________________ 
2. ______________________  
3. ________________________ 
4. __________________________ 5.______________________________  

Then move on to list five over-the-rainbow ideas: (e.g., framed and hung in an art museum, an insert in a famous restaurant menu, posted on post office bulletin boards, etc.)  

6. ________________________ 
7. _________________________ 
8. __________________________ 
9. ____________________________  
10. ____________________________  

After you've pushed your mind to silly extremes, return quickly to more practical concepts for your last five ideas.  

11. ___________________________ 
12. _____________________________ 
13. _______________________________ 
14. _________________________________  
15. ___________________________________  

You may find that the "last five" are the best ideas now equipped with a little pizzazz.  

(Paraphrased and excerpted from "It Only Takes One:  
How of Create the Right Idea And Then Make if Happen" (Simon & Schuster), by John Emmerling. Selected by Grace Johnson, DTM