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Papago's People  are   
   in the "Papago Periodical"  
By Cathy Campbell, CTM/CL, VP Public Relations & Newsletter Editor, First Place District 3 Award for 2000-2001 

"I really enjoy preparing presentation and graphics work in PowerPoint - that is where I develop the Papago Periodical.  I'm sure there are other software packages that might be easier to create and work with, but I'm very familiar with PowerPoint and feel most comfortable using it.  

Our newsletter is published every other month and is six pages in length; an 11 x 17 sheet folded in half, with an 8 1/2 x 11 insert.  If I'm short on articles, the insert sheet can always be eliminated, although that hasn't happened yet!  I chose the format simply because I think it flows well and is pretty easy to read.  The purpose of the Periodical is to provide educational, informative and interesting info for our members.   

I enjoy making things fit and work` together, especially words, so wanted to come up with a name that would go well with our  club, Papago, and also begin with a "P".  I developed several ideas, but chose 'Periodical' so I could use various sizes of  
periods throughout the newsletter, especially around the name.  'Papago People' worked very well as the title of the segment about a club member, because that's what they are!  The selected person for each issue writes an article describing their background and special interests.  

I also wanted to print an article on grammar - some of the tough words and when to use them, like STATIONARY and  
STATIONERY, AMONG and BETWEEN.  I found a great graphic of a schoolmarm-looking woman who became Grace for the 'Grammar with Grace' segment.   

I love graphics, so use as many of them as I can in each edition.  Graphics liven things up, make them fun, interesting and easy to look at.   

I've received a lot of feedback and ideas from our members, but the most help has come from long-time Toastmaster, Nancy  
Starr.  We're fortunate to have her as a member of our club.  Nancy gave me the great idea of posing a particular question to our members and publishing their responses.  That idea became 'Papago Points to Ponder'.  Also thanks to Nancy, I have copies of "The Toastmaster" dating back to the mid-'90's.  I get a lot of great info from them.  One of my favorite articles in the magazine is "Topical Tips."  I take one tip and use it in every newsletter, where it becomes the 'Timely Tip for the Toastmaster.'

One point I learned during the newsletter session at TLI, is that people love to see their name in print.  Hence, I list upcoming birthdays, guests (who also receive a copy of the newsletter), and especially the winners of Best Speaker, Evaluator and Table Topics, as well as the Spark Plug from each meeting.  The winners receive a ribbon that looks similar in size and shape to the one used as the background in the Periodical.  Also featured are milestones reached by our members, such as CTM, ATM, DTM, CL, Outstanding Toastmaster recognitions, and our DCP status.   

I look forward to creating each issue of the Periodical and am very proud of the recognition it's received from District 3!  

July 2000 Issue -Pages 1-6
District 3 Home Page 
Club Newsletters 
Papago Periodical -  
District 3 Club Newsletter Contest 2000-2001winner - First Place.  Edited  by Cathy Campbell,  VP Public Relations. 

The Express  
Second Place Winner 
State Expressions, Club# 
Edited by Gloria Diaz, ATM 

The Sound Blaster 
Third Place Winner 
Soundbasters Club #, 
Edited by Brian Cavanaugh, ATM 

About Cathy
Cathy Cambell has been a member of Papago for one and one-half year and is now serving her second term as VPPR.

She began editing the club's newsletter when she was elected Sgt-at-Arms and says she wants to continue.