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  District Home Page  |   CLUB NEWSLETTERS - District Policy  #9 
District Policy #9 
Club Bulletin Competition

Approved by District Executive Committee March 2, 1996 
Approved by District Council May 18, 1996
     To establish guidelines for selecting an Outstanding Club Bulletin within District 3.
    Clubs which publish bulletins may compete in the District 3 Club Bulletin Competition. To be considered:  
    • One copy of each of three different issues must be submitted to the District 3 Lt. Governor Marketing 
    • Bulletins must be submitted no later than April 15, and must have been published between July 1 of the previous year and March 31 of the current year. 
     Bulletins will be judged by the following standards:  
    • Content (50%):  Content should be a balance of educational articles, recognition of members, information of schedules and events, and encouragement to participate in Toastmasters activities. Bulletins should display the editor's name, address and telephone number, the club name and number, and place, day and time of meetings. 
    • Readability (40%):  The writing should meet standards of sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and grammar, and should be interesting to read and clearly written. 
    • Layout and Presentation (10%):  The overall appearance should be attractive, with layout indicating careful attention to page balance, effective use of borders, white space, photos and artwork. 
    Bulletins will be judged by a committee to be appointed by the Lt. Governor Marketing. 
    Awards will be given for First, Second and Third place, and Honorable Mention. The winner will be announced at the District 3 Spring Conference.
District Home Page 
Club Newsletters 

District 3 Club Bulletin Competition Policy #9 (pdf) 

All District 3  
Policies are located in the District Operations Manual (pdf) 

The District 3 Club Bulletin Contest and the International Top Ten Newsletter Contest are separate contests and newsletter entries must be submitted in accordance with their respective rules and deadlines. 

Great Ideas 
We Like Your Style 
Sharpen Sentences 
How to Edit 
Editors Highlights 
VPPR & Newsletter 
Contest Rules and  
    District Policy 

District 3 Club Newsletter Contest Winners - 1982-2000