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  District Home Page  |   CLUB NEWSLETTERS - VPPR 
The Public Relations Officer   
                and the Club Newsletter    
The Vice President Public Relations  works with the Club Bulletin Editor and serves as chairman of the Public Relations Committee. He or she is responsible for internal and external communications for the Club, including but not limited to: preparing and distributing news releases regarding Club actives: publicizing Club events; working with Club officers to develop literature about the Club; and representing the Club with the media. The VPPR develops, implements and administers a program that maintains a positive image of Toastmasters for all members, guests and the general public. 

As Vice President Public Relations, you have many responsibilities - too many to carry out alone. You'll need 
others to help you, to work with you to ensure that your Club meetings are the best and most effective that they 
can be. Your Public Relations Committee is your key to success. 

Thus, you are a valuable club leader. One of your responsibilities is to influence and inspire committee members (and other members of your Club) and motivate them to achieve goals. Your position as Vice President Public Relations is a terrific opportunity for you to develop and enhance your leadership skills while serving your Club