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You know you watch too much Digimon When.....

1. You call your teacher Ogermon

2.You talk to a house plant and call it Palamon

3.You start quoting line from Digimon at school

4.You tell people to call you Mimi or Matt

5.You devote a web page to it(me)

6.You try to repeat a whole Digimon episode to your sister who doesn't even care

7.You buy a fake Digivice and try to go through your computer into the Digiworld

8.You catch a beatle and call it Tentomon

9.You move to Japan just so you can see the episodes before your friends

10.You decide to name your children after the digidestend

11.You have every episode of Digimon on tape(takes alot of tapes)

12.You refer to Earth as "The Real World"

13.You tape wings onto a hampster and call it Patomon

14.You try to use hair spray or glue to try and made your hair like Tai's

15.You dress up as The Digimon Emporor and pretend that your stuffed animals are digimon

16.You name your cat Gotomon.

17.You learn Kendo just to be like Cody

18.You talk about digimon with your friends for 2 hours straight(me)

19.You like to where a pink dress with a pink cowgirl hat

20.You tell your friends you have a digimon

21.You jump off the roof and realize your not byomon

22.You yell "Ahhhh! Arukennymon!!" every time you see a spider

23.You go to New York hoping to find Cocoamon

24.You know all the words to the happy music, played when good guys are winning

25.You make up a list like this one

26.You try to write new digimon episodes, and e-mail them to

27. You catch a catipilar, name it Wormmon and try to make it digivalve into Stingmon

28.You pretend to be one of the Digidestend

29.You expect a Numamon to jump out of all the vending machines

30.You draw picture of you as Matt's girlfriend

31.You realize all of your bed room walls are covered with Digimon posters and pictures

32.You buy a cat that looks like Tia's, and name it Mieko

I wil keep adding more as I think of them. If you have some, email them to me.

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