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I started with my first acquired afghan hound. His name was Cypress Silverdust who became my first Am/Cdn Champion. He was later leased to Doug/Avery Gaudin(Obiwan Afghans) to breed with their bitch-Cdn Ch Obiwan's Talk of the Town. I took a male from him-Obiwan's Sorbie Iron Eagle and then bred him to a bitch from Marilyn Domhoff's(Shanté Afghans) which produced Wilder, Sammy, Jade and Emily. Wilder is now my second Am/Cdn Champion. Jade was bred to Marilyn's white dog-Cdn Ch(U.S. pointed) Shanté's Great Screamer's Ghost. They produced seven wonderful puppies. The puppies that will be shown are Dokkum's The Bluesman (Specter), Dokkum's Blue Moon Williwaw (Willy), Dokkum Shanté No Blues Fo Me,(C.J.) Dokkum's Blue Mist (Caesar)and Dokkum's Song Sung Blue.(Masquerade) Dokkum Afghans lineage goes back to old Coastwind, old Dynasty and a hint of Province.