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The Gatton Star
Death, Funeral & Memorial Notices 2000

Toowoomba DPS
Gatton Index by date 1998 onwards


BATEMAN, Edna Sarah, nee Murry, late of Amaroo Retirement Village, Gatton, and formerly of Flagstone Creek. Passed away at Gatton Hospital on the 2nd January, 2000, aged 88 years Beloved wife of the late William (Bill) Bateman; dearly loved mother, mother, mother in law, grandmother and greatgrandmother of Len and Marilyn Bateman, Glenys and Max Roatz, Suzanne Moore and their families. Loved sister in law of Carrie Murry and Elsie Teys. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend EDNA'S funeral, to be held at Gatton Uniting Church, Spencer Street, Gatton, service commencing at 10.30am, TODAY (Wednesday, 5th Januarv 2000) followed by interment at Helidon General Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Helidon. (GS 05Jan2000 F)

WILLIAMS, Barry Thomas, late of "Murrobo", Ingoldsby Road, Gatton. Passed away on the 2nd January, 2000, aged 58 years. Beloved husband of Denise; dearly loved father of Mark, Neil and Grant. Loved brother of Denise, Greg and Noel. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend BARRY'S funeral, to be held at St Mary's Catholic Church, Spencer Street, Gatton, service commencing at 10.30am, THURSDAY (6th January, 2000), followed by interment at the Gatton Cemetery. (GS 05Jan2000 F)


HAWLEY, Louisa E.M. "Lou", late of Amaroo. Passed away peacefully on the 29th December, 1999, aged 93 years. Beloved wife of the late Henry F. Hawley. Her funeral service was held in Gatlon on the 31st December, 1999. (GS 05Jan2000 D)

JENKIN, Robert Albert, late of Milne Street, Laidley. Lost his battle with cancer on the 24/12/99 and was cremated in Victoria on 31/12/99. Beloved husband, father and grandfather. Dearly missed by all. (GS 05Jan2000 D)

PAGEL, Leonard Robert, late of Glenwood Hostel, Lowood. Passed away on the 29/12/99, aged 78 years. His funeral service was held on Tuesday, 4th January, 2000, at Lockrose. (GS 05Jan2000 D)

STICKENS, Noel William, late of Laidley. Passed away peacefully on the 16th December, 1999, aged 55 years. Beloved husband of Toinette and dearly loved son in law of Bram (dec'd) and Hilda Mann. NOEL'S funeral was held in Laidley on the 20th December, 1999. (GS 05Jan2000 D)

STRONG, Fabian Clarence (Joe) (Snow), late of Crescent Street Gatton. Loved husband of Charlotte Ellen Strong (dec'd). Passed away peacefully on the 28th December, 1999 His funeral service was held in Gatton on Friday 31st December, 1999. (GS 05Jan2000 D)


BENTLEY, John. Accidentally killed 8/1/80. Deep in my heart a memory is kept, Of the one I loved and will never forget. Loved and remembered always, wife Peggy. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

DAVIS, Janice (Jan). 5/1/99. Sadly missed but always remembered by husband Allan, family and relatives. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

MUTZELBURG, Herbert. In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather and great grandfather whom God called home on 2nd January, 1996. A Dad with a quietly spoken and humble manner, the example he set and his devotion to God will always be remembered with much love by Gwen, Earl and family. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Brenda. 2/12/36 - 6/1/99. Twelve months have passed since we last shared, Our happenings of the day, But now I have to just make do, Placing flowers down where you lay. Time does not heal the heartaches, Of one you hold so dear; But the time had come, God called your name, He whispered in your ear. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold; You left some precious memories, For family and friends to hold. And as each passing day goes by, I know God will link the chain; As one by one He calls us home, For there we'll meet again. Dearly loved and sadly missed, your loving husband, Colin. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Brenda In loving memory of our mother and Grandma who passed away on 6/1/1999. A silent prayer, a silent tear, We miss you always and wish you were here. Your loving memories will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Always remembered by Peter, Janelle, Karla, Emma, Laura and Joshua. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Brenda. Called to eternal rest 6/1/99 and forever in our hearts. Lovingly remembered by your sisters and brother and their families. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Brenda. In loving memory of our Mum and Grandma, who passed away 6/1/99 There's a place in our heats that's yours alone, A part of our life no one else can own, The tears in our eyes we can hide away, but the pain in our hearts will always stay, Sadly missed by Kaye, Bill, Jesse and Marnie. (GS 05Jan2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Brenda. In loving memory to a very special lady. This year just wasn't the same, Mum, Without your special ways; But we cherish the gifted years we had together, As into your pictures we gaze. It took a long time for us, Grandma, Before we could laugh again; At the funny things you and Poppy did, Cause we know it will never be the same. But quickly will the years roll on, And our love will never fade; Then God will join us all again, In His kingdom He has made. Missed very much by son Ross, Cheryl, Cheree, Brendan and Nikki. (GS 05Jan2000 M)



A Footnote from the Indexer - The date, 5th January 2000, marks the 30th aniversary of the death of Arthur Henry OWENS (known as Tom), who died at Duaringa, Qld, as a result of a motor vehicle accident.


CARNELL, Nola June, of Lowood. Dearly beloved wife of Leslie, loved mother of Leslie, Glen, Karen and Susan and grandmother to their families, Loved sister of Joan Cullain and Reginald Rowlands and best friend of Mavis Collie. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend NOLA'S funeral service which is to leave St James' Anglican Church, Prospect Street, Lowood after service commencing at 10.00 a.m. on FRIDAY (14th January, 2000) for the Lowood General Cemetery. (GS 12Jan2000 F)

KIMLIN, Beryl Joyce, of Laidley and formerly of Glenore Grove, passed away peacefully in Wesley Hospital on Friday, 7th January, 2000, aged 72 years. Dearly beloved wife of Dudley Allen; dearly loved mother and mother in law of Neil, Sandra and John Guthrie, Warren and Shana, Kerry and Narelle, Jan and Robyn, Paula, Ross and Debbie, Janine; loving grandmother and great grandmother of their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend BERYL'S funeral, to be held at Lockrose Lutheran Church, service commencing at 11.00am, WEDNESDAY (12th January, 2000), followed by interment at the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to Queensland Cancer Fund, envelopes available at the church. (GS 12Jan2000 F)


HAUSER, Walter (Wally), late of Mulgowie Road, Mulgowie, formerly of Thornton Passed away peacefully on Friday, 7 January, 2000 in Laidley. His funeral service was held in Laidley on MONDAY (10 January 2000). (GS 12Jan2000 D)


BEUTEL, Roland Edward (Rolly). 18/1/99. One year has passed. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold, God only knows how much we miss you. Your loving daughter Pam, Sid and families. (GS 12Jan2000 M)

POMERENKE, Phil. 12/1/90. Dear to our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Sadly missed by Elsie, Colleen, Phillip, Michael, Tarry and families. (GS 12Jan2000 M)

WALTON, Kevin Henry. Passed away 14/1/97. This month is remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed, we will never forget. Your loving wife Pearl, Sandra, Gay and Craig, and their families. (GS 12Jan2000 M)

HARM : CRAIG CAMERON 23nd JULY, 1989 to 16th JANUARY, 1998 May the love for our son, brother and grandson, Help us deal with our sorrow, May the tears in our eyes go away, May his memory spark faith in all our tomorrows, We'll always remember he's not far away, God's caring for Craig as no one else can, He knows how we're feeling today, We'll hold on to the thought, That he'll forever be in our heart. With love from Dad, Mum, Joanne, Richard, Paul, Tamara, Gavin, Nanna and Poppy. (GS 12Jan2000 M)


Mr Rudy Manz, Terry and Carol, and sister Poly, sincerely wish to THANK Rev. Heather Selwood of the Uniting Church, the organist of A C.G. Church, Doctor Kendt and staff of Laidley Hospital, matron and staff Karinya, and the Blue Nursing Service. All relatives, friends and neighbours who phoned and sent cards in the recent loss of May (Mary). A special thanks to John and Jenny Allen of Gatton Laidley Funeral Services. May is now in God's loving care. Loved by Rudy, Carol and Terry.




MOORE, Winifred Mabel (Win), late of 2 Bauhinia Street, Gatton, passed away on Monday 10th January, 2000. Beloved wife of the late Arthur John (Tim) Moore and loved mother and mother in law of John, Elaine, Don and Rosemary, Barbara and Neville Racke, Patricia and Trevor Brandt and much loved grandmother and great grandmother to their children. Her funeral service was held in Toowoomba on Thursday 13th January, 2000. (GS 19Jan2000 D)


BROOKER, Madeline Elsie (nee Donoghoe) (Donnie). 18/9/1924 - 14/l/1999. A year passed by already, In our hearts and thoughts forever. With love from Pete (dec'd), John, Deborah, Kerry and families. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

DALLINGER, Kevin. Passed away 21/11/95. Many tears still fall. "Remembering" Sadly missed by Mary, Carol, Kathryn, Trevor and grandsons. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

KERNKE, Doreen. In loving memory of our dear mother, mother in law, Nana and great Nana, who passed away 20/1/96 In God's care you rest above, In our hearts you stay with love. Lovingly remembered by Merv, Mari and families. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

LITZOW, Dorothy. 20/1/94. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold, You left the dearest memories, The world could ever hold. Lovingly remembered always, Earl and Gwen, Graham and Lorraine, and families. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

MULLER, Avis Dawn. 21/01/97. Our family link is broken and nothing seems the same, But as God takes us one by one, The chain will link again. Always remembered by Jason, Roslyn, Lexie, and Kyle Muller. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

SCHEIWE, Ernest - 16/1/87. Miss you, as we do the things you used to do. Loved by Vera and family (GS 19Jan2000 M)

NIEMEYER, Noga (Noel). 8/4/1912 - 18/l/1990. Precious memories, your loving wife Gladys, and always remembered by Judy, Ross, Gary and Sharyn. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

POOLE, Charles Herbert. Passed away 18/1/75. Memories are life's greatest treasures. Remembered by his family. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

REISENLEITER, May. Who passed away on 20/1/99. In loving memory of Aunty May. Locked in our hearts A memory is kept, Of someone too precious To ever forget. Loved and remembered always, Evie and family. (GS 19Jan2000 M)

REISENLEITER, May (known as Auntie May). In loving memory of our dear Auntie who passed away on 20/1/99 We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, What would we give to hear your voice, And to see you smile again, Always remembered by your niece Dome and nephew Mervyn. (GS 19Jan2000 M)


The family of the late KEN KNOPKE sincerely THANK our many relatives, friends and neighbours for visits, support and prayers during Ken's illness. Also to everyone who attended Ken's funeral, sent flowers, messages of sympathy and support since Ken's death. A special thank you to Pastor Kuchel, John and Jenny Allen, and the Police for their help to the cemetery. God bless you all. Naomi, Judy and Wayne Litfin, Carol and Bevan Scheiwe, Ian and Wendy Knopke, Annette and Stewart Wall, Rhonda and Greg Brown, Lester and Linda Knopke and families.

Thanks Notices

HARRISON, John James (Jack). JOHN and CAROL, ROBERT and LYN, MICK and KERRY, MARGARET, LEANNE and GAVIN, and their FAMILIES, wish to sincerely THANK the Gallon Hospital staff, doctors, ambulance, relatives, friends for your prayers, words of support, phone calls, flowers, visits, all who attended the funeral, Fr Brian, and for the many cards, with the very sad loss of our dear father, father in law, Pop and great Pop, "Jack". Please accept our personal thanks God bless you all.


HARM, Beverley June, late of St George. Into God's care 22nd January 2000, aged 49 years. Dearly loved wife of Sno, loved mother and mother in law of Joanne and Matthew, Stephen and Deb. Loved grandmother of Marley. Loving daughter of Eunice and Alf (dec'd) Hannant. Loved sister and sister in law of Marlene and Glen Reinke. Loved aunty of Darren, Carissa and Chloe. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend BEVERLEY'S funeral service to be held at the Peace Lutheran Church, Gatton, FRIDAY (28th January, 2000) commencing at 11.00 a.m, No flowers by request. Donations in lieu to the QLD Cancer Fund. (GS 26Jan2000 F)




FROHLOFF, Errol George. 28/1/95. Today, tonight, our while lives through, We will always love and remember you. Sadly missed and loved, Leona, Brenden, Darren, Leandra, Lyndell, Maree and their families (GS 26Jan2000 M)

GROVES, Lillian. Passed away on 26/1/99. Beloved mother, sister, grandmother, great grandmother. Sadly missed by Ken, Natasha, Alex, Jarrod and all their families and friends. (GS 26Jan2000 M)

KANOFSKI, Arthur. Called to eternal rest 31/1/97. Forever in our hearts. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Ivy and family (GS 26Jan2000 M)

MARTIN, Sheryl Anne. 26/1/96. Precious memories, we will always love and remember you. Sadly missed by daughter Lawri, son Joshua, brother Russell, mother Gloria. (GS 26Jan2000 M)

JACKWITZ, Elsie. In God's care, 30/1/99. Our family chain is broken And nothing seems the same, But as God take us one by one The chain will link again. Sadly missed by her sisters. (GS 26Jan2000 M)

Thanks Notices

SISTERS EVA and FAMILY, and GLADY, of the late Lou Hawley wish to THANK friends and relatives for their help, sympathy and phone calls at this sad time. God bless you.

WARNING - THIS PAPER IS INCORRECTLY DATED '1999' although it was printed for 02 February 2000.






GARMEISTER, Edgar. Passed away on 4/2/98. Memories of you are our greatest treasure, Loved and remembered by your wife Jean, Neville, Barry and family. (GS 02Feb2000 M)

WILKINSON, Jason Leigh. In memory of our grandson tragically taken 7/2/98. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Don and Mavis Wilkinson. (GS 02Feb2000 M)

LOCKE, Geoffrey Neil. 9/9/63 3/2/99, I know there is reason, I know that time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way I feel , For no one knows the heartache That lies beyond my smile, No one knows thru quiet times, The silent tears I've cried. You are always in my thoughts, No matter what I do, Memories are forever, and So are my thoughts Of YOU. 'Love as Always' Never forgotten and sadly missed Your wife Glenyss. (GS 02Feb2000 M)

WILKINSON, Jason Leigh. Tragically taken 7/2/98, aged 16.1/2 years. To us he was someone special, But God must have thought the same. Sadly missed, Nana and Poppy Stokes. (GS 02Feb2000 M)

WILKINSON, Jason Leigh. 2/6/81 7/2/98. Tragically taken. Loving son, brother and friend. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, Of a special young man we will never forget. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Mum, David and Laura. (GS 02Feb2000 M)

Thanks Notices

O'DEA, Robert John - EILEEN and ROBERT, KEVIN and JUNE, MICHAEL, TERRY and JULIE, COLLEEN and RICK and our FAMILIES wish to sincerely THANK relatives and friends for their support, prayers, cards, phone calls and flowers on the recent sad loss of our brother, brother inlaw and uncle, Robert. A very special thank you to Anuha and everyone who gave Robert support during his illness.


GOWDY, Barry Donald "Chick", late of Gatton. Passed away peacefully at the Royal Brisbane Hospital on the 5th February, 2000, aged 59 years. Beloved husband of Margaret, dearly loved father of Janita, Angela and Stephen; loved brother and brother inlaw of Ken and Tiggy (dec'd), Daphne (dec'd), Des, Bob and Trish, Iris and Jim Hickey, Audrey Wall, and Vince and Val Rienecker. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend BARRY'S funeral, to be held at the Uniting Church, Spencer Street, Gatton, service commencing at 10.00am, TODAY (Wednesday, 9th February, 2000), followed by interment at the Gatton Cemetery (GS 09Feb2000 F)

HAIGH, Raymond Leonard (Ray) late of Schroder Street, Laidley. The Relatives and friends of Lil Haigh and families are respectfully advised that the funeral service for her dearly loved husband and their much loved father, father in law, grandfather, brother, brotherin law and uncle is appointed to be held at the Laidley Uniting Church, Patrick Street, Laidley FRIDAY next (11/2/00) commencing at 11.00a.m. No Funeral Cortege No Flowers by Request Donations in lieu to the Laidley Hospital preferred and appreciated. Envelopes available and collected at the Church. (GS 09Feb2000 F)

HURLEY, Roland Augustine late of "Amaroo" Logan Street, Gatton. The Relatives and friends of Val Hurley, Therese, Ray, Maureen, Lorraine, Shane and their families and members of the Howard family (Vic) are invited to attend the funeral of her dearly loved husband and their much loved father, father inlaw, Grandpa, GreatGrandpa and brother inlaw which is appointed to leave St Mary's Catholic Church Cnr Spencer a Maitland Streets, Gatton for the Gatton Lawn Cemetery FRIDAY next (11/02/00) on conclusion of a funeral mass commencing at 2.00p.m. NO FLOWERS BY REQUEST Donations in lieu to Amaroo Retirement Village preferred and appreciated. Envelopes available and collected at the Church. (GS 09Feb2000 F)

SCHLECHT, May Violet late of Main Street, Lowood. Widow of Frank Schlecht The Relatives and friends of the late MAY VIOLET SCHLECHT are respectfully advised that her funeral is appointed to leave St Brendan's Catholic Church, Church Street, Lowood for the Tarampa Cemetery TODAY Wednesday on conclusion of a funeral mass commencing at 1.30p.m. Flowers optional or donations to the Blue Nurses accepted. Envelopes available and collected at the church. (GS 09Feb2000 F)




LESCHKE, DOUG, 14/2/1980. We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain to walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again. Always in our hearts and forever in our thoughts love Maureen, Warren, Neville, Jillian, Natalie, Annette, John, Brett, Jamie and Jeremy. (GS 09Feb2000 M)

BACHMANN, Rachelle Anne. 12/2/97. Treasured memories still bring a tear, And a wish that you were here. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed. Your loving family. (GS 09Feb2000 M)

OSBORNE, Lorraine (nee Goos). 21.07.39 - 06.02.97. Lovingly remembered and forever cherished in the hearts of your husband Reg. Children Shane and Karen, Leisa, Diann and Steven and your grandchildren Kimberley, Chantell and Tegan. Always in our thoughts. (GS 09Feb2000 M)

Thanks Notices

SNO HARM and FAMILY wish to sincerely THANK relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, expressions of sympathy, prayers, floral tributes, telephone calls and cards conveyed to us during our recent bereavement. Please accept this as our personal thanks.


LAWLOR, Kathleen (Kathy) (formerly Kathy Scrivener), late of Bond Court, Hattonvale. Passed away peacefully on Monday, 14th February, 2000. The relatives and friends of the late KATHY LAWLOR are respectfully advised that her funeral service will be held at St Patricks' Catholic Church, John Street Laidley, TOMORROW (Thursday) at 11.00 a.m. To be followed by an Interment Service at the Laidley Cemetery. (GS 16Feb2000 F)


HURLEY, Roland late of "Amaroo" Retirement village, Logan St Gatton. Dearly beloved husband of Val Hurley and much loved father, father inlaw, grandpa and great grandpa to his families. Passed away peacefully on the 5th February 2000. His funeral serivce was held in Gatton on Friday 11th February 2000. (GS 16Feb2000 D)

LAYCOCK, Andrew Joseph, late of Grantham, aged 55 years, passed away on the 8th February, 2000. His funeral service was held in Gatton on the 11th February, 2000. (GS 16Feb2000 D)

MOGG, Heather Jean, late of Withcott, and formerly of Gatton, passed away on the 9th February, 2000, aged 50 years. Her funeral service was held in Gatton on the 11th February, 2000. (GS 16Feb2000 D)


ALLEN, Maurice Kingsley. 14/4/29 - 16/2/93. Not just today, but every day I remember. Sadly missed by his wife Esme. (GS 16Feb2000 M)

ALLEN, Maurice. 16.2.93 , Beautiful memories silently kept, Of one we loved and will never forget. Love Janine, Graham and family. (GS 16Feb2000 M)

MALLON, Vincent. 16/2/96. We don't need a special day to bring you to our mind, You're loved and remembered every day, Love, Irene and family. (GS 16Feb2000 M)

STRONG, Kathy. 21/8/48 - 18/2/97. It's been 3 long years since you've been gone, But your memory will remain in our hearts forever. Love, Doug, Ettie, Michelle, Leanne and Wayne. (GS 16Feb2000 M)

Thanks Notices

The FAMILY of the late Win Moore wish to sincerely THANK relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, expressions of sympathy, prayers, floral tributes and cards, conveyed to us during our recent bereavement. Please accept this as our personal thanks.

BEVERLEY JUNE HARM (nee Hannant) 15/6/1950 to 22/1/2000 Late of Hatton Vale, Gatton and St George. Eunice Hannant, Marlene, Glen, Darren, Carissa and Chloe Reinke wish to sincerely THANK our many relatives and friends for their cards, flowers, phone calls, prayers and visits, also everyone who attended Beverley's funeral, and helped in any way. Please accept this as our personal thanks on the tragic loss of Beverley, my daughter, our sister, sister in law, aunty and great aunt due to a tragic car accident at St George. God bless you all.


McINTYRE, Phillip James (Phil), late of Gatton. The relatives and friends of Maxine McIntyre, Ann Daire, Ruth and Noel Stevenson, and their families, advise that the funeral for "PHIL" will be held at the Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Donaldson Street, Plainland on FRIDAY, (25th February, 2000), commencing at 10am. An interment service will follow at the Buderim Cemetery, commencing at 3.30pm. (GS 23Feb2000 F)

McINTYRE, Phil. Officers and Members of the RSL Sub Branch are requested to attend (Wearing Medals) the funeral of their late member PHIL McINTYRE to be held as per family notice. By Request of The President (GS 23Feb2000 F)

RAISIN, Olivia Margaret (Ducky), late of Tabeel Nursing Home, Laidley, and formerly of Normanton. (in her 98th year). The relatives and friends of Dot and Marvie, Rene, Angie and Jackc, (dec'd), are respectfully advised that the funeral for their much loved mother is appointed to leave St Mary's Catholic Church cnr Spencer and Maitland Streets, Gatton, for the Gatton Lawn Cemetery, TODAY (Wednesday) on conclusion of a Funeral Mass commencing at 11am. (GS 23Feb2000 F)


McALISTER, STUART 26.1.1967 14.2.2000 A Memorial Service for Stuart McAlister, loved partner of Linda, treasured son. of Ross and Carol and brother of Nigel and Jayne, will be held at the Queensland University, Gatton College Gymnasium at 11.30am on Saturday 26 February 2000. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin. Refreshments at the Social Club following the Memorial Service. (GS 23Feb2000 F)

CHARLES, Alwyn Fraser, late of Aspendale, Melbourne. Passed away peacefully on the 19th February, 2000, aged 51 years Beloved husband of Christine, dearly loved father of Samantha, Lisa and Alexandra. Son of Wendell and Betty, brother and brother in law of Guy and Kathy, Garry, Kathy and John Mahon, Desley and David Geeves and their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend a Memorial Service for ALWYN to be held at the Uniting Church, Spencer Street Gatton at 10am on SATURDAY, (26th February, 2000). (GS 23Feb2000 F)


AVINGTON, Josephine Eileen "Josie" nee Luck, late of Laidley. Passed away on the 17th February, 2000, aged 85 years. A Requiem Mass was held for Josie on Monday, 21st February, 2000, followed by the interment at the Laidley Cemetery. (GS 23Feb2000 D)

DOBBE VANLAER, Hendrina Annolda (Hedda). Passed away on the llth February, 2000, aged 85 years, overseas. Sadly missed by all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. (GS 23Feb2000 D)


LESCHKE, Sylvia Tracy. 7.2.37 - 22.2.98. Not just today but everyday, those beautiful memories I silently keep. I'm wishing you were here to share my thoughts with me. I'm always holding you close to my heart. I love you and miss you. Love from your daughter, Chervina. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

HAUSER, Magdena. In loving memory of my dear mother, who passed away 22/2/85. A golden heart stopped beating, Two smiling eyes at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. Lovingly remembered by your loving son, Douglas. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

LESCHKE, Sylvia Tracy (Groves), 7.2.37 - 22.2.98. >From the day you left me till this day right now, The questions I keep asking like why? and where? and how? I wish I had the answers but all I'll ever know, Is how much I really miss you, how much I love you so. Love you always. Lisa. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

LESCHKE, Sylvia Tracy (Groves). 7.2.37 - 22.2.98. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold, You left the dearest memories, This world could ever hold. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten Mike and Wendy and family. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

WEISE, Barry Colin. 26/2/98. My dear Dad, so very much loved and never forgotten. Your son Allan. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

LESCHKE, Sylvia Tracy (Groves). 07.02.37 - 22.02.98 Unseen by the world you walk by me side, My guardian Angel who throughout my life will guide. The memories I have keep you near, As life unfolds for another year. Loved and remembered for eternity. Your grandaughter Machrisa. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

LESCHKE, Sylvia Tracy (Groves). 7.2.37 - 22.2.98. A daily thought, a silent wish that you were here. An empty space that noone can fill, We miss you and always will. Fly in peace. Your loving husband Wally, your daughters, sons, grandchildren, great grandchildren. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

STEFFENS, Martha Bertha In loving memory of our dear mother and mother in law who passed away 25/2/98 also our dear father and father in law. 11/6/77, Heirinch (Henry). Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same, But as God takes us one by one, Our chain will link once again. Lovingly remembered, sadly missed by their daughter Mavis and son in law Gilly. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

LESCHKE, SYLVIA - MOTHER To you who raised me I offer this thought, It is something I learned without being taught, In all the world there is no other, To take the place of YOU Mum. LOVE SHANDELL (GS 23Feb2000 M)

WEISE, Barry Colin. Precious memories of my wonderful husband, who passed away 26/2/98. If only I could touch you, Hold your hand once more, If only we could be again The way we were before. All the love and laughter You gave us day by day, Is now a cherished memory That time can't take away Always be my guiding star And we'll never be apart. The precious love we had Will be forever in my heart. Your loving wife Elaine. (GS 23Feb2000 M)

Thanks Notices

KIMLIN DUDLEY and FAMILY wish to THANK sincerely Pastor Renner, Pastor Semmler, Shirley Klinge, relatives and friends for their words of comfort, phone calls, visits, cards, flowers and attendance at the funeral of my wife, our mother, mother in law and Nanna, BERYL JOYCE KIMLIN. As expressions of sympathy were too numerous to answer individually please accept this as our sincere thanks. Close to our hearts she'll always stay, Loved & remembered every day.

HAUSER, Walter. HANNA and FAMILY wish to sincerely THANK Dr Burrell, Laidley Hospital, doctors/staff at Wesley John Edyvean, D.V.A.: Father Wilson, Jill Hayes, John and Jenny Allen, relatives, friends for visits, messages, flowers and cards in the sad loss of Wally. Please accept this as our personal thanks.


STOKES, Albert Henry, late of Tabeel Nursing Home and formerly of Mt Crosby and Plainland. Passed away on 26th February, aged 79 years. Beloved husband of Esme, dearly loved father and father in law of Lillian and Neil Norwood, Albert and Chris, Alfred Fish dec'd), loving Pop of Bill, Maureen, Karen, Michael, Trevor, Darryl, Michael, Peta, Brett and Albert (Junior), loving Poppy of Catlin, Rhiannon and Daniel, Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend ALBERT'S funeral, to be held at the Chapel, Laidley Crematorium, Southern St, Laidley, service commencing at 10am, TODAY (Wednesday, 1st March, 2000). In lieu of flowers, donations to Tabeel Nursing Home. "In God's Care, Resting in Peace" (GS 01Mar2000 F)




ELLIOT, Pauline Louise. 28/2/90. We'll never really understand how life can be so cruel, How someone with so much to give, no time you had to share. For all the questions we could ask, no answer would ever justify the reason He chose you. In loving memory, Neville, Ellen, Renee. (GS 01Mar2000 M)

MILLARD, Graham Neville. 21/6/1940 1/3/1996. To us you were so special, What more is there to say, We only wish with all our hearts, That you were here today. Sadly missed by Linda, John, Carol, Sharon and Graham Jnr. (GS 01Mar2000 M)

SIPPEL, Colin Gustave. Passed away on 4/3/97. Memories of you are our greatest treasure. Loved and remembered by your wife Evelyn, sons Wayne and Adrian and their families. (GS 01Mar2000 M)

MISCHKE, Jason Marcus. In loving memory of our darling grandson and nephew taken into God's care 5/3/97. God's golden gates stood open, Three years ago today, With farewell words unspoken, God suddenly took you away. The face we loved is missing, The voice we loved is still, A place in our hearts is empty, Never again to be filled. A loving nature, true and kind, Wonderful memories to leave behind. We miss your calls, we miss your smiles, we miss you Jason. Loved and remembered by Grandad, Nanny and Aunty Carol (GS 01Mar2000 M)

MISCHKE, Jason Marcus. In loving memory of our beautiful son and brother tragically killed 5/3/97. To some you are just a name, To us you were our world, And it will never be the same. Sad are the hearts that love you, Silent are the tears that fall, And living life without you, Is the hardest part of all. So walk with us throughout our life, Until we meet again. oved and remembered always. Mum, Dad, Joshua and Zoe. (GS 01Mar2000 M)

In memory of our friend, JASON MARCUS MISCHKE, 27/2/80 to 5/3/97. Our memories are still clear, bring us lots of joy and sorrow. We still hear your laughter, and see your wonderful smile. You were always so kind and helpful. Always remembered and never forgotten. A special person who blessed our lives. >From Damien, Murie, Renay and Sharon. (GS 01Mar2000 M)

Thanks Notices

MARGARET, JANITA, ANGELA and STEPHEN GOWDY wish to sincerely THANK relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, expressions of sympathy, prayers, floral tributes and cards conveyed to us during our recent bereavement of my late husband and our father, Barry "Chick" Gowdy. Please accept this as our personal thanks.




SODERQUIST, Bill, late of Glenore Grove, passed away suddenly on the 29th February, aged 57 years. His funeral service was held in Laidley on Friday 3rd March, 2000. (GS 08Mar2000 D)


HAUSCHILDT, Scott William. Taken into God's care 7/3/99. You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold, You left the dearest memories This world could ever hold. Loved and always missed by wife Connie, family and friends. (GS 08Mar2000 M)

HAUSER, Monica. Passed away 13.3.99. How I miss you dear friend. Sadly missed by Esther. (GS 08Mar2000 M)

WINDLEY, Evleen Gwen. 11/3/98. You're missed. It's surprising how often I think of you, turn to speak to you and you're not there, as I expect you to be. I guess I hold you so close in thoughts that it's hard to understand sometimes that you aren't close in person. But I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing we could talk and just be together awhile. You're really missed. Murell and John, Tony, Chubby and Jodie, and great grandchildren Mitchell and Brendan (GS 08Mar2000 M)

NIEMEYER, Erich. 9/3/91 Nothing is more wonderful, Than the memories we have of you, To us, you were very special, God must of thought so too. Never forgotten by your loving wife and family (GS 08Mar2000 M)

Thanks Notices



SINNERTON, Robert James "Rob", late of Laidley, passed away at Laidley on the 8th March, 2000. Loving husband, father, son, son in law and brother of Wendy, Cameron, Brynn, Dean, Bob and Marie, Frank and Barbara, Anne, Gordon Libby, Kathy, Gaye and Fiona. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend ROB'S funeral, to be held at the Uniting Church, Patrick Street, Laidley, service commencing at 10.00 a.m. TODAY (Wednesday 15th March, 2000), followed by interment at the Laidley Cemetery. "In Jesus' Loving Care" (GS 15Mar2000 F)


KAMEL, Giulia, late of Gatton, passed away on the 7th March, 2000, aged 84 years. Her funeral service was held on the 10th March, 2000. (GS 15Mar2000 D)


In loving memory of Maida MUTZELBURG, Maida Eve. In loving memory of our dear sister, sister inlaw, aunt and great aunt. Passed away on the 19th March, 1999. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast; There by His love o'er shaded, Sweetly her soul shall rest. Little we knew when we woke that morning, The sorrow the day would bring; The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. You did not have time to say farewell, Or for us to say goodbye. Love you forever. Loved and remembered always by Beryl, Kelvin and Joy, and Ross and Michelle, and Melodee. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

LYNDS, (Mabel) Jean. In loving memory of my dear wife and our wonderful mother, who passed away on 12th March, 1994, aged 65.1/2 years. Sadly missed by Jack, Sandra and Janelle. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

NESSY 27/02/00, To most you were my neighbour, But to me you were my friend, Sister, Mother and confidant. Love and miss you, Jennie and Jess. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

HAUSER, Monica Mary. 13/3/99. Loved and remembered by Reg, Ray, Fay Laurie, Dianne, Kerry, Narelle and families. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

LYNDS, (Mabel) Jean. In loving memory of our dearest friend who passed away on 12th March, 1994. Sadly missed by Gordon, Ivy and Sticklen family. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

MANZ, Matilda Bertha. 23/12/01 19/3/99. Sadly missed along lifes way. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, Of one we loved and will never forget. Loved and always missed by her son Evan, Doreen, David, Peter, Pam and Rick, David, Michael, Tegan, Jason and Kelly. (GS 15Mar2000 M)

Thanks Notices

DAVID HENRY ZISCHKE 14.8.1918 to 16.2.2000 LATE OF MT BERRYMAN AND GATTON Gladys Zischke, Heather and Jim Kilah, Gloria and Gerald Ziebarth, Lynette and Peter Schmidt, grandchildren and great grandchildren, wish to sincerely THANK relatives, friends, neighbours, John Herberich, Jim and Maureen Fox, Gatton Ambulance, Dr Wafts, Sister from Gatton Hospital, John and Jenny Allen, Pastor Chris Stewart, and Ladies Guild Baptist Church Laidley, for floral tributes, prayers, phone calls, cards, visits and all who attended Dave's funeral. Expressions of sympathy conveyed to us during our recent sad bereavement. Please accept this as our personal thanks on Dave's passing from a massive heart attack, as all messages were too numerous to answer. GOD BLESS YOU ALL


HOLLEY, Mary, late of Smith Street Gatton The relatives and friends of Keith Holley, Rodney and Brenda Lindsay Holley, Kara and Emma, Kaylene Sticklen and Barry Hamden, Brooke and Lachlan, are respectfully advised that the funeral for his dearly loved wife and their much loved mother, mother in law and Mama is appointed to be held at St Albans' Anglican Church, cnr Spencer and Railway Street Gatton, TODAY (Wednesday 22/3/00) commencing at 11a.m. NO FUNERAL CORTEGE To be followed by an interment service at the Garden of Remembrance Cemetery, Ruthven St (Sth) Toowoomba, commencing at 2p.m. (GS 22Mar2000 F)

HOLLEY, Mary, late of Gatton. LOCKYER DISTRICT STATE HIGH SCHOOL Teachers, parents, students, past students and their families are requested to attend the funeral of their longserving tuckshop convenor and friend, MARY, which is appointed to be held as per family notice. By request of the P&C Committee. (GS 22Mar2000 F)


HAUSER, Fay Kathleen, late of Helidon and formerly of Gatton. Beloved wife of Raymond and adored mother of Nicholas, Tamara, Bettina and Andrea. Loved daughter of Irene and Vince Mallon, and daughter in law of Charlie and Monica Hauser, passed away peacefully on Thursday the 16th March, 2000. Her funeral service was held in Gatton on Monday 20th March, 2000. (GS 22Mar2000 D)

JACKWITZ, Ferdinand Samuel (Fernie). Late of Tent Hill Creek Road Tent Hill via Gatton (in his 84th year). Beloved husband of the late Jean Jackwitz Passed away suddenly at home on Tuesday 14th March 2000, his funeral service was held at Tent Hill, Friday 17 March 2000. (GS 22Mar2000 D)


MAGUIRE, Herbert. 24/3/98. Forever in our hearts. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered. Suzanne and Ted. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

MAGUIRE, Herbert. 24/3/98. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To cherish forever and never forget. >From Mavis and family. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

MANZ, Matilda Bertha. In loving memory of our dear mother, mother in law, Ma and great-Grandma, whom God called home on 19th March, 1999. No longer with us Our lives to share, But in our hearts You are always there. Lovingly remembered by Percy, Frances, Ian, Beryle, Andrew, Christine and Michael, Nicholas, Joshua and Jessica. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Wayne. Passed away tragically 22/3/92. One minute here the next you're gone. No warning, no hint, just wondering why it happened to you. All we have left are special memories. Remembered by Wendy, Phil and Nathan. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

STEINHARDT, Wayne Gregory. Passed away 22/3/92. Always loved and remembered by Mum, brothers, sisters and their families. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

YATES, Samuel Wesley (Wes). Passed away 24/3/99. Beautiful memories silently kept, Of a wonderful Dad we'll never forget. We did not see your eyes close, Nor did we hear you sigh; We only knew you were gone, Without a last goodbye. Your smile has gone forever, Your hands we cannot touch, But we'll never lose the memory, Of a Dad and Pop we loved so much. "Forever in our hearts". John, Julie and family; Janelle, Eric and family. (GS 22Mar2000 M)

Thanks Notices



BATHURST, Jonathon Miles (J.B.), of 65 Charles Street, North Rockhampton, formerly of Gatton, passed away Friday 24th March, 2000, (aged 33 years). Much loved husband of Teressa. Adored father of Jacinda and Amy. Relatives and friends of JONATHON are advised that his funeral will be held in Rockhampton this WEDNESDAY (29/3/2000) commencing at 10.00am. (GS 29Mar2000 F)

FRANCIS, Louis Gordon (Louie)Late of Gatton and formerly of Ipswich. Passed away peacefully on Sunday 26th March 2000, aged 85 years. Dearly loved husband of Jessie (dec'd), much loved father and father inlaw of David and Joyce and Lynette and loved grandfather to their families. Relatives and friends are invited to attend LOUIE'S funeral service which is appointed to be held in the Chapel of the Gatton Laidly Lowood crematorium Southern St Laidley, TODAY Wednesday commencing at 11 a.m. Remembered With Love (GS 29Mar2000 F)

FRANCIS, Louis Gordon (Louie) Officers and members of the Gatton RSL sub branch are requested to attend the funeral of their late member LOUIE to be held as per family notice. By request The President (GS 29Mar2000 F)

SCHADWELL, Ronald Hebert (Ron), late of Orton St Laidley and formerly of Blenheim (aged 53 Years). Beloved son of the late Herbert and Jean Schadwell. The relatives and friends of Dulcie and Mervyn Herrmann and families are respectfully advised that the funeral of their much loved cousin and dearest friend RON is appointed to move from St Patricks Catholic Church, John St Laidley for the Laidley Lawn Cemetery, FRIDAY next (31/3/2000) on conclusion of prayers commencing at 10a.m. (GS 29Mar2000 M)


FAULKNER, Allen John, late of Toowoomba, passed away on the 23rd March, 2000, aged 71 years. His funeral service was held in Gatton on the 28th March, 2000. (GS 29Mar2000 D)

GRIFFIN, Lilian Doris. (Lil), late Of Winwill Road Grantham . Passed away peacefully on Wednesday 22 March 2000 at her residence. Her funeral service was held on Tuesday 28th March 2000. (GS 29Mar2000 D)


CROSS, Wally. 30/3/1997. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day. Remembered always by Jean and family. (GS 29Mar2000 M)

PITMAN, Bruce Passed away 25/03/97. Sad is the heart that loves You, Silent are the tears that fall, you is the hardest thing of all. Lovingly remembered by Dome. (GS 29Mar2000 M)

Thanks Notices

ERIC and ALICE SCHULZ would like to THANK relatives and friends for all their cards, gifts and phone calls, for their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

THE FAMILY of the late MONIQUE TOPP, THANK everyone for their kind visits, messages, telephone calls, cards and flowers. Your loving support to us during our tragic loss has been most appreciated. Please accept this notice as our personal thanks as condolences have been too many to answer individually. May God's peace be with you. MATTHEW DYSON, DAVID, CLARE, DAMIAN and NIKKI TOPP, JEAN FISCHER and FAMILY.

DULCIE KNOPKE and FAMILY wish to sincerely THANK Pastor Schulz, John and Jenny Allen, doctors and nursing staff of Laidley, Ipswich General, Royal Brisbane and P.A. Hospitals, relatives, friends and neighbours, for their phone calls, floral tributes, visits, prayers and cards. Please accept our sincere thanks on behalf of the late Roy Knopke, as expressions of sympathy were too numerous to answer


RESIDE, Cecily Grace of Lowood. Dearly beloved wife of Bob. loved mother and mother in law of Martin, Jamie and Rebecca and Bradd, loved daughter of Calls and Daphne and siter of Ray and Carmel. Relatives and friends are respectully invited to attend CECILY'S funeral service which is to leave St James Anglican Church, Prospect St Lowood after service commencing at 1 1.00a.m. on THURSDAY 6//4/2000 for the Lowood General Cemetery. (GS 05Apr2000 F)


BRABROOK, Kathleen "Kitty", late of Amaroo, Gatton, passed away on the 28th March, 2000, aged 83 years. Beloved wife of Charles (dec'd). Dearly loved mother and mother in law of Judy and Ross Natalier, loving Nanna of Simon and Jeremy. Her funeral service was held in Gatton on the 31st March, 2000. (GS 05Apr2000 D)


CUSTANCE, Warren Mark Passed away 05/04/91. No length of time can dim the past, Too many memories hold it fast, Words are few but thoughts are deep, Memories of you are ours to keep. Sadly missed by your wife, Jill and family. (GS 05Apr2000 M)

MAGUIRE, Leslie Roy. 5/4/91. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day. Love always, Geoff, Eileen, Jodie, Paul, Danny and Melinda. (GS 05Apr2000 M)

MAGUIRE, Leslie Roy. 5/4/91. Loving memories will last forever. Dulcie, Bert, Warren, Darryl, Julie, Emilly, Laura. (GS 05Apr2000 M)

MAGUIRE, Leslie. 5/4/91. In my heart you stay with love, While in God's care you rest above. >From Anna (GS 05Apr2000 M)

Thanks Notices

SODERQUIST. ANNE, STEPHEN and JOHN wish to sincerely THANK all our friends for their visits, phone calls, flowers, cards and attendance at the funeral of my husband and our father, Bill. As your expressions of sympathy are too numerous to answer individually, please accept our sincere thanks.






BENSON, Emily Megan Jayne, aged 17 years 11 mths 24 days tragically killed at Isis River Bridge, Childers, on 11.4.94. Only cherished daughter of DEBBIE JOHNSON of Laidley As I walk through the garden today, And pick a pink rose I can still hear you say "The pink rose is ours Mum, It's a symbol of our undying love, An eternal love that we will always have for each other". As I shed a tear and watch it fall upon our rose I miss you so, even though I know in my heart and memories You will always be close. As I look upon our pink rose I remember the undying love that we always had for each other. Forever in my heart. Mum, daughter Jayden and brothers Ron, Graham and Grant (GS 12Apr2000 M)

ZISCHKE, Augusta Anna. Passed away 12/4/99. Just a year has passed, For you are now at peace, They say there is a reason, They say time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way we feel. Until we meet again. You can't come back, We know that's true, But someday Mum we'll come to you. Loved and remembered Mary and Ron (GS 12Apr2000 M)

JACKWITZ, Ivan Mervyn (Rusty). Tragically taken from us on 12/4/98. In loving memory of our father, father in law and Pop. Time heals many things, But not the sadness this day brings. Sadly missed and always remembered. Janelle, Ashley, Debra, Tony and grandchildren. (GS 12Apr2000 M)

EDWARDS, Tracy Elizabeth. Tragically taken 17/4/92. Much loved daughter, sister and aunty. Time goes on without you, Days turn into years, They hold a lot of memories, And a million silent tears If we could have one wish, One dream come true Tracy, We would pray to God with all our hearts, For yesterday and you. So sadly missed by Mum, Dad, Craig, Karen, Tara, Ton. (GS 12Apr2000 M)

KNACK, Beryl Lorraine. 13/4/96. Always on our minds, Forever in our hearts. Loved and deeply missed by Ron, Glenn, Wynetta, Mitchell, Nathan and Ryan. (GS 12Apr2000 M)

JACKWITZ, Ivan (Rusty). 11/4/98. Memories are something no one can steal. Miss you Rusty. Partner Lex, Lorraine and Bob. (GS 12Apr2000 M)

Thanks Notices

ALBERT HENRY STOKES ESME STOKES and FAMILY wish to express their THANKS to all their relatives and friends who attended her dearly loved husband, their father, father in law, Pop and Poppy, funeral. We also send our thanks to those for their numerous phone calls, their cards of sympathy, and those who sympathised with them in their recent sad loss of Albert Henry Stokes. We wish to say a very, very special thank you to all the staff at Tabeel Nursing Home for all their kind loving care, devotion and attention given to Albert while he was a resident there, and their loving kindness given to us. We also give a special thank you to Des and Irene Gerhardt for their special prayers and visits to Albert while he was a resident at Tabeel Nursing Home and also to the family. We would also like to thank Dr Bevan Kindt for his visits to Albert at Tabeel Nursing Home and for his kind words to us. We also wish to thank Owen Yates for his kind words and help given to us. Please accept this as our special way of saying thank you to you all. Albert is now resting in peace


WOODALL, Esme Joyce (nee Noffke), late of Coral Crt, Bargara via Bundaberg (formerly of Railway Street. Gatton). Widow of George Herbert Woodall. Passed away peacefully at the Bundaberg Base Hospital on April 15th. The relatives and friends of the late ESME JOYCE WOODALL are invited to attend her interment service, which will be held at the graveside of the Gatton Lawn Cemetery TODAY (Wednesday, 19/4/2000), commencing at 1.30 p.m. (GS 19Apr2000 F)




KELLER, Anita Evelyn PASSED AWAY 21/4/99 Is now with her husband Joseph, passed away 12/6/92 and daughter Alice. A thousand words won't bring you back, We know because we tried, And neither will a thousand tears, We know because we cried They said memories are golden This we know is true, But we never wanted memories, We only wanted you! Your heart was so big and your wishes so few, And you brought so much joy to those whom you knew. God caffed your name, So only you could hear, No one else heard the footstep of angels drawing near. It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home So sadly missed by your family (GS 19Apr2000 M)

BACHMANN, Ronald John Passed away 19/4/93. It doesn't take a special day, To bring you back to mind, For you are never far, From the ones you left behind. Always remembered by his wife Phyllis and family. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

CHARTER, Edna Lenora. 18/4/99, A year has passed since you were laid to rest, A wonderful Mum you did your best. Your love was great, your heart was kind, A better Mother no one could find. God took your hand and made us part, He closed your eyes and broke our hearts, You can't come back we know that's true, But some day Mum we'll come to you. Always remembered. Don, children and grand children. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

MANTELIFEL, Frederick William. l9/4/1999. Always remembered by Coral, Jeff, Greg, Chaseley, Chris, Melissa and families. The forge went out in '99. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

CUTLER, Cyril Francis. 19.4.91. CUTLER, Jim. 27.6.98. CUTLER, Brian Patrick. 18.11.77. Leaves rustle softly whispering your names. Life without you is never the same, We love and miss you. R. I. P. Never forgotten by Julie and all the family. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

NIEMEYER, Graham. 19/4/98. Always remembered, Debra and Dallas (GS 19Apr2000 M)

NIEMEYER, Graham. If roses grow in Heaven Lord, Pick a bunch so rare, Place them in his arms, And tell him we still care. Always remembered by your loving mother and family. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

PRIVILEGGIO, Jean. 4.3.31 20.4.90. Forever in our hearts. Loved and remembered always. Sylvia, Rodney, Donna, Amy, Ryan and Kate. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

SIPPEL, Warren Noel. 18/4/69 20/4/94. You walk in God's beautiful garden, By that gate you sometimes stand; Some day that will open, And once again we will hold your hand. Always remembered by Mum, Dad, Adrian and Bradley. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

SIPPEL, Warren Noel. 18/4/69 to 20/4/94. Memories don't fade, they just grow deep; For the one we loved, but could not keep. Always remembered by Kaylene, Gary, Christopher and Chaylah. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

KELLER, Anita Evelyn. Passed away 21/4/99. One year has gone Since you have passed away, And we still find time To think of you each day. You made us Sunday dinner, At cards you let us win, You were capable of anything Just to see us grin. As your garden still grows It is still not the same As we would do anything To hear you call our name... again. Sadly missed by her grandchildren and great grandchildren. (GS 19Apr2000 M)

Thanks Notices

HAUSER - RAYMOND, NICHOLAS, TAMARA, BETTINA and ANDREA wish to sincerely THANK all our families and friends, Doctors and Staff of St Vincents Hospital, for all of your kind words and deeds for the sad loss of Fay. Please accept our sincere thanks, as your expressions of sympathy are too numerous to answer individually.

IRENE MALLON, KEN and CHERYL McGRATH and FAMILY, NEVILLE and CHARMAINE MALLON, sincerely THANK relatives and friends for your attendance at the funeral, floral tributes, sympathy cards and sincere words of comfort offered to us in the recent sad loss of our loved one, Kay Kathleen Hauser. Please accept this as our personal and heartfelt thanks.

JACKWITZ: REG and HEATHER CRUST, JOAN and KEITH DORR, DALVEEN and GRAHAM BERRY, BERYL and JACK TILLACK, KEITH and HAZEL JACKWITZ, TREVOR and DAWN JACKWITZ and their FAMILIES sincerely THANK all for their expression of sympathy, flowers and cards, following the death of our loved father, father in law, grandfather and great grandfather, Ferdinand Samuel Jackwitz.

MANTEUFEL, Frederick William. l9/4/1999. Always remembered by Coral, Jeff, Greg, Chaseley, Chris, Melissa and families. The forge went out in '99. (GS 19Apr2000 M)


HORSFALL Gordon (Gordie) Late of Cleary St, Gatton and formerly of Nelson, England. The relatives and friends of Rita, Angela, and Rowan , Michael and Tracey, Sue, Mark and their families, Rosaline and John, Roy and Doreen and their families are respectfully advised that the interment service for her dearly loved husband, and their much loved father, fatherin law, grandfather, brother, brother in law and uncle, is appointed to be held at the graveside of The Gatton Lawn Cemetery TODAY (Wednesday 26th April), commencing at 11.00 a.m. PLEASE NOTE Please assemble at the cemetery gates at 10.50a.m. (GS 26Apr2000 F)

THOMSON, Louisa Emily, nee Cannon, late of Spencer Street, Gatton, passed away at the Gatton Hospital on the 23rd April, 2000, aged 96 years. Beloved wife of the late Andrew Thomson. The relatives and friends of LOUISA are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, to be held at the Gatton Uniting Church, Cnr Spencer and Maitland Streets, Gatton, service commencing at 10.00am this FRIDAY (28th April, 2000), followed by interment at the Gatton Cemetery. Flowers appreciated or donations to Gatton Blue Care, envelopes available at the Church. In God's Care (GS 26Apr2000 F)




SMITH, Christopher Norman. 17/8/70 to 26/4/94. SMITH, Norman Alfred. 23/4/38 to 7/1/98. 6 years have gone by, In our hearts you will stay, A dim and loving memory of the ones we loved so dear. Lovingly remembered Mum and sisters. (GS 26Apr2000 M)

McNEISH, Devin Barry. Taken on 28/4/99. Sadly missed and always remembered by your workmates at Glenore Grove Engineering. (GS 26Apr2000 M)

DEVIN. 28/4/99. God called your name so softly, That only you could hear; And no one heard the footsteps, Of Angels drawing near. It's hard to believe it's a year, Since you my dear have gone; But we hold you so close in our hearts, Sometimes it's as though you are still here. We will always love you and hold you near 'til the day we meet with you in Heaven. Love, your wife Helen and your girls Naomi, Tegan and Bethany. (GS 26Apr2000 M)

PAROZ, George Roland. 23/4/89. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, All we have are memories, And photos in a frame. Lovingly remembered by Louisa and family. (GS 26Apr2000 M)

Thanks Notices

IRENE MALLON, KEN and CHERYL McGRATH and FAMILY, NEVILLE and CHARMAINE MALLON, sincerely THANK relatives and friends for your attendance at the funeral, floral tributes, sympathy cards and sincere words of comfort offered to us in the recent sad loss of our loved one, Kay Kathleen Hauser. Please accept this as our personal and heartfelt thanks.


BATHER, John Harley, late of Gatton, passed away on the 27th April, 2000, aged 76 years. Dearly loved father of Jenny. Loving grandfather of Adam and Joshua. Loved brother and brother in law of Amy and Fred McRobb of Laidley, and loved uncle of Isabel Whittington. His funeral was held on Saturday, 29th April, 2000. (GS 03May2000 F)

LOWE, Edith Beatrice, late of Gatton, passed away on the 18th April, aged 88 years. Her funeral was held in Brisbane on the 27th April, 2000. Dearly loved daughter of the late William and Agnes Lowe. Loved sister and sister in law of Maud and Allan (dec'd) Gordon, Cecil and Marjorie, Vera and Keith Robinson. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend a Service of Thanksgiving for EDITH'S life, to be held at the Uniting Church, Spencer Street , Gatton, commencing at 2.00 p.m. Sunday 7th May, 2000. (GS 03May2000 F)


PARKER, Kenneth William (Ken) late of Ropeley, formerly of Booval. Beloved husband of Shirley, loving father and father in law of Brian and Julie Parker, Gayle and Tony Bennett, Jill and Bruce Christensen, Kerry and Tracey Parker. Loved Granddad of Sara, Lauren, Ryan, Nicholas, Caitlin and Ben. The funeral Service for KEN was held Friday 28th April, 2000, at St Mary's Catholic Church, Gatton. (GS 03May2000 D)


DENNIEN, Evelyn Rose (Evie). 6/5/99. In loving memory of my dear wife, our dear mother, mother in law, Ma. and great Ma. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, Only those close will know, In our hearts you will always be there. Always remembered by your loving husband Stan, Judy, Chet, Barry, Kay and their families (GS 03May2000 M)

KLEIDON, Daphne. 28/4/80. Lovingly remembered, your daughters Myrlene and Karen. (GS 03May2000 M)

NELSON, Scott James. 09/01/68 05/05/1992. Remembered with love for ever. All your family. (GS 03May2000 M)

WILLIAMS, Laurie. 5/5/97 , Loved and remembered always. Ngaire, Michelle, Alexis, Dion, Sue. (GS 03May2000 M)

Thanks Notices







ALLAN, Andrew John (Jack) 12/5/96 In Loving Memory of my husband, our father and brother Forever in our hearts. Love Dulcie, Lesley, Gail, Karen, Jennifer, Edna and families. (GS 10May2000 M)

BERLIN, Athol Norman. 19/8/33 10/5/99. In loving memory of our dearly loved husband, father and grandfather. Our memories of you shall never fade, Only grow stronger. Loved and remembered always. All your family. (GS 10May2000 M)

MACDONALD, Chanel Maree. 10/5/1999, aged 3 months. Our hearts yearn to hold you. Love always, Mummy, Daddy, Jag and S J. (GS 10May2000 M)

MUTZELBURG, Myrtle Grace. We remember with much love our dear Mother and loving Gran, whom God called home on May 13th, 1969. Her love and devotion to us will be cherished until we meet again. Gwen, Earl and families. (GS 10May2000 M)

TAYLOR, Lil. (Gatton) 13.5.1996, aged 69 yrs. Loving thoughts, Sadly missed. Wal, Stephen, Janice, Julie, Helen and families (GS 10May2000 M)

DAETZ, Jody Howard 7.12.1975 - 10.5.1999 Tears flow like falling rain, Our hearts ache with so much pain Wishing that you could remain, With us, on earth. We remember your fighting spirit, But your soul wanted to go home, We miss you and love you so very much. Mum, Dad, Brendan and Melissa. (GS 10May2000 M)

Thanks Notices

RITA HORSFALL and FAMILY THANK relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness and support since the loss of Gordon. Thanks go to Dr Watts and all staff at Gatton Hospital. Also to Srs Val Brickley. Please accept this as our personal thanks.






BERLIN: Vera, 18/5/1999 Leslie Edward, 24/5/1981. Call home to rest. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love and cherish and never forget. Loved and remembered always, Dell, Bob and family (GS 17May2000 M)

LESCHKE, Albert. 21/5/96. In loving memory of our dearly loved husband, father and grandfather. Our memories of you shall never fade. Loved and remembered always. All your family. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER. In loving memory of Angie, 27/8/81 - 20/5/99. A page in our book of memories, Is gently turned today. Remembered by Carol, Noel and family, Roy, Joyce and Sue. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Ang. 20/5/99. Another tragedy. We didn't know you long We didn't have to You had youth, And a love for life, You shone. Remembered always, Janet and Ned. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Ang. Died as a result of an accident, 20/5/99. Known for a short time, But loved so very much. Remembered always by the Stemberg family. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Angela Maree (the Wee One). Tragically taken 20/5/99. God called your name so softly, That only you could hear, And no one heard the footsteps of Angels drawing near. It's hard to believe it's a year ago, Since you my dear have gone. Sadly missed and remembered by Pam, Pat, Mervyn and Michael. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Angela Maree. Taken into God's care 20/5/99. Remembering you is easy, Ang, We do it every day; It's the sadness of being without you, That never goes away. Loved and remembered always, Grandad, Grandma Lindenmayer, uncles, aunties and cousins. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Angels Maree (Ang). In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, tragically killed 20/5/99 We think of you in silence, And always speak your name; But ail we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. To your resting place we wander, To place flowers with loving care; But no one knows our heartache, As we turn and leave you there. Love you forever. Sadly missed by Mum, Dad and Paul. (GS 17May2000 M)

LINDENMAYER, Angela Maree. Treasured memories of our beloved grandaughter, niece and cousin, tragically taken 20/5/99. Deep in our hearts she will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Grandma anbd Grandad Wessling, aunts, uncles and cousins. (GS 17May2000 M)

Thanks Notices

BILL and JUDY CANNON would sincerely like to THANK doctors and staff Gatton Hospital, Doctor Hudson, Gatton Ambulance, Louise Edwards Uniting Church Gatton, dedicated staff and carers - Blue Care, Burstows Funerals and the many relatives and friends for your expressions of sympathy since the loss of Louisa Emily Thomson Please accept this as our personal thanks.


CHANNON Lynette (Lyn), late of Laidley. Widow of Peter Channon. (Strong member of the Laidley S.E.S.). The relatives and friends of Lisa (dec'd) Dale, Dianne, Terese and Tania Channon, Ron and Rita Muller, Ted and Vera Channon and their families, are respectfully advised that the funeral for their much loved and dearly missed mother, grandmother, daughter, daughterin law, sister, sisterin law and aunt, is appointed to leave St Saviour's Anglican Church, Ambrose Street, Laidley for the Laidley Lawn Cemetery, TODAY (Wednesday), on conclusion of a service commencing at 2pm. No flowers by request. Donations in lieu to the Laidley S.E.S , preferred and appreciated. Envelopes available and collected at the church. (GS 31May2000 F)

CHANNON Lynette (Lyn), late of Laidley. The Laidley Shire State Emergency Service Unit request the attendance of all past and present members at the funeral service for their late member 'LYN', to be held as per family notice. By request of the Local Controller. (GS 31May2000 F)




BACHMANN, Errol Norman. Passed away 2/6/92. If tears were a silver stairway, And love a golden chain, We'd climb our way to Heaven, And bring you home again. Sadly missed, Brad, Julianne, Janita, Gramps, Gran and families. (GS 31May2000 M)

WEIER, Alex Arthur. 27/6/22 30/5/99. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. Sadly missed by Ivan, Veronica, Brandon and Bradley. (GS 31May2000 M)

Thanks Notices

DULCIE and MERVYN HERRMANN and FAMILY wish to convey their THANKS to all those who offered their condolences on the death of my cousin, Ronald Herbert Schadwell. Also a special thank you to the Ambulance, Police and Laidley Hospital.


CARSTENS, Beryl, late of Railway Street, Gatton. Peacefully on 5th June, 2000 in her 74th year. The relatives and friends of Harold Carstens, Robyn Leigh and Allan Cameron, Erin, Heidi and Abbey. Dayle and Joanne Carstens, Kyl and Jade are respectfully advised that the funeral for his dearly loved wife and their much loved mother, mother in law and grandmother is appointed to leave St Alban's Anglican Church, corner Railway and Spencer streets, Gatton for the Gatton Lawn Cemetery, TODAY (Wednesday) on conclusion of a service commencing at 1.00 p.m (GS 07Jun2000 F)

BEATON, Belmore Henry (Mick), late of Hill St Gatton and formerly of Goodna, Redbank Plains and Tenterfield. (Aged 68 years). The relatives and friends of the late MICK BEATON are respectfully advised that his interment service was held at the Warrill Park Cemetery, Ipswich TUESDAY (6/6/2000).




McINTOSH, Robert John (Bob). 15/8/27 to 5/6/99. I hold you close within my heart, And there you will remain, To walk with me throughout my life, Until we meet again. So rest in peace and thanks for all you've done, I pray that God has given you the crown you've truly won. Lovingly remembered by your wife Margaret (Peg). (GS 07Jun2000 M)

McINTOSH, Robert John (Bob). 15/8/27 to 5/6/99. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our minds, For a day without the thought of you, Is very hard to find. Time may hide our sadness, And smiles may hide our tears , But the memories you have left us, Will remain throughout our years. Lovingly remembered always by Peter, Diane, Trudy, Gemma and Lan. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

DIONYSIUS, Paul. 1/6/66. DIONYSIUS, Noel. 6/6/72. MISCHKE, Gus. 25/5/82. Time and years slip gently by, But love and memories never die. Loved and remembered, Vonnie, Cal and family (GS 07Jun2000 M)

ENGEL, Frederick William (Bill). 7/6/97. So sadly missed but never forgotten. Love from Ellen, Joyce, Des, Dome, Rodney and families. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

McINTOSH, Robert John (Bob). Passed away 5/6/99. Sadly missed and alway respected by your work mates and friends at McIntosh Farms. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

SCHULTZ, Victor. 7/6/99. Forever in our hearts. Sadly missed, Shirley, Trevor and family. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

SCHULTZ, Victor Ernest (Vic). Safe in the arms of Jesus, 7/6/1999. Too dearly loved to be forgotten. Sadly missed by Violet, Ruby and Augie. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

SCHULTZ, Victor Ernest (Vic) In God's Care In loving memory of my dear husband, whom God called home on 7/6/1999. I lost my life companion, A life linked with my own, Only God knows how I miss Vic, As I journey on alone. Sadly missed but lovingly remembered by your dear wife, Lilly. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

LOGAN, Delidree Joan (Freddy) Wife, Mother 11/6/99 One year ago, you were called home and now we're left all alone. We will always remember your glowing face with that beautiful smile, if only we could be with you once more, for our hearts are empty and will always be sore. The special moments we shared will be kept close to our hearts forever more. For remembering you is easy but not having you here is the hardest of all. Loved and deeply missed by Greg, Peter and Daniel. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

LOGAN, Deldree Joan (Mum) Passed away 11/6/99 The golden gate stood open 1 year ago today. Farewells were left unspoken when you slipped away. Little did I know that morning what sorrow that day would bring. When your heart of gold stopped beating, I could not do a thing. It broke my heart to lose you but you did not go alone. For part of me went with you the day God called you home. Lovingly remembered, Troy & Kim. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

LOGAN, Deidree Joan (Mum) Lost in a moment, Loved for eternity Douglas and Kim (GS 07Jun2000 M)

LOGAN, Deidree Joan Called Home 11/6/99 She lived for those she loved And those she loved remember Sadly missed, Mum and Dad Logan. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

ALLEN, Andrew (Bruce). 11/6/97. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name, But all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame Carolyn, Ken and family. (GS 07Jun2000 M)

ENGEL, Frederick (Bill). 7/6/97. Pop, it's 3 years since you went away today, But in our memory you'll always stay. Des, Maarlene and family (GS 07Jun2000 M)

Thanks Notices



VOJCEK, Jan (John), late of Laidley and formerly of Tent Hill, via Gatton. All friends of JAN (JOHN), are invited to help celebrate his life at his funeral service which will be held in the Chapel of the Gatton Laidley Lowood Crematorium, Southern Street, Laidley, TODAY (Wednesday), commencing at 4pm. (GS14Jun2000F)




BUHSE, Phyllis Irene. 13/1/1914 13/6/1999. Deep in our hearts, A memory is kept, Of a very special lady, We'll never forget. Sadly missed, Darryl, Jean, Mavis, Ken, Neville, Gayle and families (GS14Jun2000M)

SCHMIDT, Kevin Michael. 12/6/99. Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts. Anthony, Raymond, Sharon Lee Anne, Andrew and families. (GS14Jun2000M)

WHITTON, Kerrod Jeffrey. 1/6/93 to 17/6/93. We only had you for a short time, but that does not make the pain any easier, when God took you to be with Him. One day we will be reunited. Lovingly remembered, Mum, Dad, brother Matthew and sister Rebecca. (GS14Jun2000M)

Thanks Notices



HOCKENBRINK, Elisabeth, late of Davey Road Gatton. Widow of Fritz George Hockenbrink All relatives and friends are invited to attend the celebration of the life of ELISABETH which will be held in the Chapel of the Gatton Laidley Lowood Crematorium Southern St Laidley, TODAY (Wednesday) commencing at 2.30 P.M. (GS21Jun2000F)


METCALF, Leslie John, late of Gatton and formerly of Grantham, passed away on the 15th June, 2000, aged 82 years. His funeral service was held in Gatton on Tuesday, 20th June, 2000. (GS21Jun2000D)

SIMPSON, Martha Violet "Vi", late of Tabeel Home, Laidley, passed away on the 18th June, 2000, aged 89 years. Beloved wife of Mick (dec'd) and dearly loved mother of John. Her funeral service was held at Laidley on the 20th June,2000 (GS21Jun2000D)


BLOKLAND, Francis James (Frank). 21/6/75. There are a lot of things that have changed in our lives since you have been gone. Though one thing still remains in our hearts, Our souls and our thoughts, and that is you, Frank. You are sadly missed and always remembered. If a wish could be made and come true, it would be that you were here with us to share in all the changes in our lives. Loved and remembered by your family. (GS21Jun2000M)

BROOKS, John Desmond. In loving memory of my dear husband, passed away 26/6/1998. It's hard to walk the road alone, Instead of side by side; To each of us there comes a time, When the path of time divides. My heart still aches with sadness, My secret tears still flow; For what it meant to lose you John, No one will ever know. When I am sad and lonely, And wonder why you're gone; I ask God to forgive my tears, And help me carry on. The heart that was truly loved never forgets. In my heart forever, loved wife, Margaret. (GS21Jun2000M)

LESTER, Douglas Leonard. 17/2/29 - 22/6/99. LESTER, Phyllis Katherine. 20/8/32 - 4/7/94 Remembered always by their children and grandchildren. (GS21Jun2000M)

CUTLER, Jim. 27/6/98. We remember him with love and miss him very much. >From his dearly loved wife Judy. Daughters Leanne, Janet, Sharon and their families. (GS21Jun2000M)

DWYER, Dan. Passed away 1Oth May '99, of Rockmount. Always remembered by the Crowley family. (GS21Jun2000M)

THORNTON, Trevor Passed away 22/6/99.Sadly missed. Shirley and Family (GS21Jun2000M)

LESTER, Doug. 17/2/29 - 22/6/99. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day; Tears in our eyes we can wipe away, But love in our hearts will always stay. Sadly missed, Lyn and family. (GS21Jun2000M)

NIESLER, Gordon. (Husband, father and Poppa.) Flew away home 21/6/99. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name, But all we have are wonderful memories, And your picture in a frame. Gwen and family. (GS21Jun2000M)

Tina Michelle. Time cannot erase the love I have for you, Years cannot diminish the grief I feel anew. I miss you every single day, More than any words can say. Mum (GS21Jun2000M)

Thanks Notices

IVY, GEORGE, COLIN, COLLEEN, RONALD and ELAINE SETCH would like to sincerely THANK friends for flowers, cards, phone calls and support on the loss of Cecil Samuel Setch.

JEAN, MARIE and PETER, FAY and NOEL (deceased), JUDY and WARREN, GAIL and PETER, BRIAN and LEANNE, HELEN and TERRY and their FAMILIES, sincerely THANK relatives and friends who offered their condolences and support on the passing of Merv Bambling, also a special thanks to Dr Thorpe, Rev. Marion Free, doctors and staff of Laidley Hospital. Please accept this as our personal thanks.


MASON, (Wally) Ronald Joseph Lean, M.B.E. QX213598, late of Tabeel (Laidley) and formerly of Placid Hills and Gatton College, passed away peacefully on the 1st July, 2000, aged 80 years. Dearly beloved husband of Billie. Much loved father and father in law of Gary, Lyn and Terry Grant, Trevor and Annette, Bradley and Jillt. Adored grandfather of Tammie, Andrew, Kelly, Casey, Brett, Scott, Angela, Gemma (dec'd), Selena. Chantel and Breeanna. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend WALLY's funeral to be held at St Albans Anglican Church, cnr Railway and Spencer Streets, Gatton, service commencing at 2.00 p.m. TODAY (Wednesday, 5th July, 2000). "A private family interment will follow" (GS05Jul2000F)

TAYLOR, June Margaret of Toowoomba, formerly of Gatton. The relatives and friends of Roy and Yuxin, Mark and Melissa, Wayne and Heather, Julie (dec'd), Shaune and Mandy, John, Louise and Lachlan are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their dearly loved mother, mother in law and grandmother, JUNE, to be held at St Mary's Catholic Church, Gatton, with Funeral Liturgy to celebrate her life commencing at 10.00 a.m. TODAY (Wednesday, 5th July, 2000), followed by the Rite of Committal at the Gatton Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Blue Nursing Service would be appreciated. Envelopes available at the church, (GS05Jul2000F)

WILSON, Fay, late of Cochrane Street, Gatton. The relatives and friends of the late FAY WILSON respectfully advises that her funeral service will be held in the Chapel of the Gatton Laidley Lowood Crematorium, Southern Street, Laidley, TODAY (Wednesday) commencing at 11.30 a.m. (GS05Jul2000F)


AUCHTER, Norman Roy (Norm), late of Larkin Street, Gatton, passed away peacefully in Gatton on Thursday 29th June, 2000. His funeral service was held on Tuesday 4/7/00. (GS05Jul2000D)

BLAIR, Beryl Lillian, late of Nowlanvil, Ipswich, and formerly of Laidley. Passed away on 28/6/2000. Aged 84 years. Beloved wife of Cyril, loved mother of John, Douglas and Jeanette. Her cremation service was held at Mt Thompson on Monday, 3rd July, 2000. (GS05Jul2000D)

SCHULZ, Clara May, late of Feldhahn Street, Gatton. Widow of Richard (Dick) Schulz. Passed away peacefully on 30th June, in Toowoomba. Her funeral service was held in Gatton on Monday, 3rd July, 2000. (GS05Jul2000D)


LOGAN, Leslie Alexander. Cherished memories of our beloved father, grandfather and greatgrandfather, who passed away 7/7/99. We did not see you close your eyes, We did not see you die;, All we knew is that you were gone, Without a last goodbye. It was a sudden parting, Too bitter to forget; Only those who loved you, Are the ones who will never forget. When family chains are broken, Nothing is the same; But as God takes us one by one, He links the chains again. Too dearly loved to be forgotten by Jeanette, Barry, Debbie and Jessika, Jodie and David, and Peter and Lynette. (GS05Jul2000M)

Always Remembered LESLIE ALEXANDER LOGAN Passed away on 7/7/1999 The golden gate stood open one year ago today. Farewells were left unspoken when you slipped away. Little did I know that morning what sorrow that day would bring. When your heart of gold stopped beating, I could not do a thing. It broke my heart to lose you but you did not go alone. For part of me went with you the day God called you home. Ivy, Glenroy, Lynette, Timothy, Kate, Geoffrey and Peita (GS05Jul2000M)

BURCHMANN, Sharon Gail. Taken into God's care 4/7/89. Lovingly remembered and never forgotten. Mum Dad, brother, sisters and nieces. (GS05Jul2000M)

MURRY, Albert. 30/6/1996. Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts. Lovingly remembered, Carrie, Dawn, Rodger and families. (GS05Jul2000M)

NEUMANN, Ian Clive. 7/6/55 6/7/96. In memory of our loved one. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Secret tears still flow; What it meant to lose him, Only those close will know. Loved and sadly missed by his family and friends. (GS05Jul2000M)

REA, Taryin Lee. 5/10/94 8/7/98. We pray for you every night. To tell God to take care of our little Taryn who has been placed in his loving care. R.I.P. Little Angel. Loved and deeply missed. Aunty Diann, Adam, Nanna, Pop and family. (GS05Jul2000M)

REA, Taryn Lee. 5/10/94 8/7/98. In our hearts she will always be. Loved and so sadly missed by her grandparents, uncles and aunties. (GS05Jul2000M)

Thanks Notices



THOMSON, Irene May, late of Amaroo Retirement Village, Gatton. Widow of David Alexander Thomson. The relatives and friends of John and Inez Thomson (dec'd), Lillian and Barry Kieseker, Irene and Stuart Scott, Syd and Maree Thomson and their families, are invited to attend a Celebration Mass for the life and repose of the soul of their much loved mother, mother inlaw, grandmother and great grandmother, which will be celebrated at St Mary's Catholic Church, cnr Spencer and Maitland Sts, Gatton, TODAY (Wednesday), commencing at 10.30 a.m. (GS12Jul2000F)

GUNN, Ewen Cameron, late of Patrick Street, Laidley, passed away peacefully in Brisbane on 7th July, 2000. His funeral service was held at the Uniting Church, Patrick Street, Laidley, YESTERDAY (11th July 2000). (GS12Jul2000F) (Compiler Note - elder brother of William Angus Manson Gunn (former Deputy Premier of Qld)

LINNETH, Lorraine Clair (nee Teys), of Ropely Park, Ropely, passed away on Monday 10th July after her courageous fight with cancer, age 52 years. Beloved wife of Robert. Mother and mother in law of Debra and Gavin, Paul and Michelle Sister and sister in law of Robert and Patricia, Peter and Darlene. Grandmother of Maddison, Ellen, Dylan and Aidan. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral service of LORRAINE at St Mary's Catholic Church, Gatton, commencing at 10.30 a.m. THURSDAY (13th July, 2000). No Cortege (GS12Jul2000F)




LEHMANN, Gladys Eda. 14/7/99, aged 81 years. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our mind. For a day without the thought of you, Is very hard to find. Time may hide our sadness, And smiles hide our tears, But the memories you have left us Will remain throughout our years. Lovingly remembered by your husband Martin, Lola and Joe, Philip and Elaine, Joy and Noel, Norma and Bevan, Myra and David and families. (GS12Jul2000M)

BROOK-STANFORD, Lyn. 1927 1995. In our hearts you will always stay, Lovingly remembered every day. Carol, Graham and Kym. (GS12Jul2000M)

FRIEDRICH, Hermann William. Passed away 9/7/93. Each day your memories I treasure, Loving you always, forgetting you never. Always remembered by your wife Connie. (GS12Jul2000M)

MASON, Ronald Joseph Lean (Wal) MBE. To our dearest brother inlaw. Devoted husband to Lila Aileen. Beloved to his family, Father figure of many, you were truly a wonderful man. Our fondest and cherished memories. Rest now in peace without the suffering. Dearly missed. Jean and John. (GS12Jul2000M)

Thanks Notices

THE FAMILY of the late Doris Osborne wish to sincerely THANK relatives and friends for the support, cards, letters and expressions of sympathy over the past weeks. A special thanks to the staff of Tabeel for all their care and kindness. Please accept this as our personal thanks. GWEN, PEARL, DOROTHY, BRIAN and CLIVE.


MANZ, Edna Mary, late of Victor Street, Grantham. The relatives and friends of Elaine Manz (dec'd), Margaret and Bill Kitzelmann and their families are respectfully advised that the funeral for their much loved mother, mother in law, grandmother and great grandmother is appointed to leave the Salvation Army Hall, corner Ford Street and Old College Road Gatton, TOMORROW (Thursday, 20.7.00) for the Helidon General Cemetery, on conclusion of a service commencing at 2.00 P.M. (GS19Jul2000F)

MINTER, Sydney George 'Syd' late of Glenore Grove, passed away on 14th July, 2000, aged 64 years. Beloved husband of Shirley. Dearly loved father and father in law of Bronwen and Darren Formby, and Scott. Good friend to John Cockburn. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend SYDNEY'S graveside funeral to be held at the Laidley Cemetery, Southern Street, commencing at 10.30 a.m. WEDNESDAY (19th July, 2000). In lieu of flowers. Donations may be made to the Q1d. Cancer Fund. (GS19Jul2000F)

MULLER, Gladys May, late of Karinya Nursing Home, Laidley and formerly of Spicer Street, Laidley. Widow of Victor Muller. Much loved mother and mother in law of Glen and Majella, Karen and Vicki. Loved grandmother of Brendan and Lisa, Marsha and Stephen. The relatives and friends of the late GLADYS MULLER are respectfully advised that her funeral is appointed to leave the Chapel of the Gatton Laidley Lowood Crematorium, Southern Street, Laidley, FRIDAY next (21.7.00) for the Laidley Cemetery on conclusion of a service commencing at 10.00 a.m (GS19Jul2000F)

STOKES, Watter Henry (Wally), late of Frome Street, Laidley. The relatives and friends of Joan Stokes, Noel and Elana, Felicia, Craig and Andrew. Glenn and Michelle, Michael, Kylie and Christopher. Jeff and Jenny Lyn, Shae, Jaydee and Tahlia are respectfulty advised that the funeral for her dearly loved husband and their much loved father, father inlaw, Grandad and Pop is appointed to leave the Uniting Church, Patrick Street, Laidley, TODAY (Wednesday, 19.7.2000) for the Laidley Cemetery on conclusion of service commencing at 2.00pm NO FLOWERS BY REQUEST. Donations in lieu to the Motor Neurone Disease. Envelopes available and collected at the church. (GS19Jul2000F)


CHALMERS, David James Charles (Dave) late of Clarks Road, Tent Hill Lower, via Gatton, in his 75th year. Passed away peacefully on Friday, 14th July, 2000. His funeral service was held in Gatton on Monday, 17th July, 2000. (GS19Jul2000D)

CONNORS, Phyllis Mary late of Fordsdale, passed away on the 16th July 2000, aged 86 years. Her funeral service was held in Toowoomba on the 18th July, 2000. (GS19Jul2000D)

HOGAN, Cedric, late of the Freemasons' Home, Sandgate and formerly of Rosewood and Grandchester. Passed away peacefully in Brisbane on 5th July 2000. His funeral service was held in Rosewood on Tuesday, 11th July and followed by a burial in the Grandchester Cemetery. (GS19Jul2000D)


FROHILOFF, Dustin Edward. 17/7/99. In loving memory of our dear grandson, nephew and cousin. When God came gathering roses for his beautiful garden of rest, He stopped beside our little one and said "I only take the best." Always remembered and loved. Your MaMa, Pa (dec), uncles, aunties and cousins. (GS19Jul2000M)

FROHLOFF, Dustin Edward. 17th July, 1999. Our Special Little Scraper Driver. Daddy, Mummy & Caitlin. Miss you very much. (GS19Jul2000M)

GEHRKE, Fritz Carl (Fred), passed away 19/7/99. In loving memory of my dear husband, our father father in law, grandfather and great grandfather. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day; It's the loneliness without you, That never goes away. Sadly missed by Myrtle and family. (GS19Jul2000M)

KAMMHOLZ, Frederick August. 24/7/21 - 15/7/93. KAMMHOLZ, Mavis Joyce (nee Staatz). 19/8/22 - 10/8/89. In God's care you rest above, In our hearts you stay with love, A little prayer to keep in touch, With the ones we lost and loved so much. Precious memories of our parents, parents in law and grandparents. Sadly missed by your loving family. (GS19Jul2000M)

KING, Wallace Brian. 23/7/96. Treasured memories silently kept, Of the one we love and will never forget. Heather and family. (GS19Jul2000M)

SCHULZ Grace Louisa 22/7/94 We will always love and remember you. Sadly missed. Valma, Noel and family. (GS19Jul2000M)

SCHULZ, Richard Otto (Dick). In loving memory of our precious Dad and Grandpa who passed away on 19th July, 1994, aged 85 years. To hear your voice, to see your smile, To sit and talk with you a while, To be together in the same old way, Would be our dearest wish today. We laugh, we cry, we play our part, But behind it all lies a broken heart, We hide our tears when we speak your name, Without you Dad, life's not the same. All our love forever from your daughter Loretta, son in law Murray and granddaughters Sabrina and Sasha. XXXXX Also from your loving wife Clara who joined you in Heaven on 30th June, 2000. Rest in peace Dad and Mum. You are together now but alive in our hearts. Until we meet again. (GS19Jul2000M)

STEFFENS, Colin Reginald. My darling Dad called home 22.7.97. You were a father so good and kind, I had the privilege to call you mine, Whoever said sorrow would heal with time, Could never have had a darling Dad like mine. It broke my heart to lose you, Dad, But you did not go alone, Part of my heart went with you, The day God called you home. Love you forever, son Russeil, daughter Roslyn and family. (GS19Jul2000M)

STEFFENS, Collin Reginald. Called home 22.7.97. Nothing on earth can ever replace, The sound of your voice and smiling face, But memories are keepsakes, which never grow old. These are the things I treasure like gold. Your loving wife Deidree (GS19Jul2000M)

Thanks Notices

GUNN, Ewen Cameron. THE GUNN FAMILY would like to THANK all relatives and friends for cards, floral tributes and caring support in the time of our sad loss. Please accept this as our personal thanks.

I sincerely THANK all who paid tribute to my dear mother by attending her funeral, expressions of sympathy personally, cards, phone calls, prayers. Thank you to Pastor Chris Stewart, Des Gerhardt and Burstows, the Management and Staff of Karinya Home for your support in allowing me time off work to be with Mum during her decline. Tabeel Home for 6 1/2 years of excellent loving care and for your support to myself while staying with Mum. Please accept this as my personal thanks. JOHN SIMPSON.


TASKER, Albert, died tragically, July 20, at Ipswich, aged 36 years. Relatives and friends of ALBERT are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service which is appointed to be held at the Graveside of the Gatton Lawn Cemetery, TODAY (Wednesday) at 2.00 p.m. "Resting in Jesus (GS26Jul2000F)


GALLAWAY, Joan Elizabeth, late of Atkinson Dam Road, passed away on the 19th July, 2000, aged 63 years. Her funeral service was held in Gatton on the 24th July, 2000. (GS26Jul2000D)

SCHIMKE, Christine Maree, late of Mill Street, Rosewood, (aged 30 years), passed away peacefully in Ipswich on Tuesday, 18/7/2000. Her funeral service was held in Laidley on Friday, 21st July, 2000. (GS26Jul2000D)


HOBAN, Jim. Died 29/7/99. I've never known anyone like you. There was something very special about you. I could never imagine living without you even though I now have to. I'll never regret loving you. All our love. Dawn and Stephen. (GS26Jul2000M)

HOBAN, Jim. I was privileged to have you as my Dad. You were there in my good times and tears, You made me believe I could face my greatest fears, The smiles and laughter you gave made me feel glad, I never believed I could feel so sad, Because I lost the greatest Dad a daughter could ever have. All our love is with you. Lesa, Russell, Ashleigh. (GS26Jul2000M)

HOBAN, Jim. 29.7.99. You were a father and grandfather, Loving and kind, We were so happy you were mine, They said the pain would heal in time, But they didn't have a loving father and grandfather like mine. Love Anne Maree. Tony, Benjamin, Courtney and Kim. (GS26Jul2000M)

Thanks Notices

TASKER, RALPH and JES&E and families wish to express their sincere THANKS and appreciation to the Gatton and Ipswich police and Ipswich hospital and all concerned for their compassion and assistance following the tragic accident which took the life of their loved son and brother Albert on the night of July 20th 2000.

The FAMILY and FRIENDS of the late Joan Galloway sincerely THANK Judy and Jim Stittles, Debbie and Lance Steinhardt, Owen Yates of Burstows Funerals, Minister Nevelle Thulborn and everyone else involed for their cards, floral tributes and thoughts. Please accept this as your sincere thank you the Galloway Family


Any persons having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons is hereby required to send their claims to the District Manager, PO Box 131, Redcliffe, on or before the 21 st day of August, 2000 After that date the Public Trustee may distribute any of such estates to the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. LACEY, Gloria Daisy late of Lot 28 Jamieson Road, Coominya, formerly of 18 Mitchell Street, Lawntor. who died on or about 20th day of May, 2000. A ALBURY, Acting. Regional Manager


MAHAFFEY, John William. Army driver, no. QX16707. All members of the Lowood RSL club are reqested to attend the funeral of John Mahaffey Today as per family notice. (GS02Aug2000F)

MAHAFFEY, John William (Jack) of Don Street, Lowood. The relatives and friends of the late JACK MAHAFFEY are respectfully invited to attend his funeral to move from St Brendan's Catholic Church, Lowood on conclusion of Requirm Mass commencing at 11 o'clock WEDNESDAY morning (2.8.2000) to the Lowood Catholic Cemetery. (GS02Aug2000F)

SHARP, Dorothy Vera, nee Dunlop, late of Tabeel Nursing Home and formerly of Bardon, passed away on the 31st July, 2000, aged 82 years. Beloved wife of John (dec'd). Loved sister and sister-in law of David and Peg, Doug and Gladys and loved aunt and greataunt of their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend DOROTHYS funeral to be held at the Chapel, Laidley Crematorium, Southern Street, service commencing at 1.30 p.m. THURSDAY. (3rd August, 2000), followed by interment at the Laidley Cemetery. (GS02Aug2000F)

SMITH, Mary Elizabeth (Molly), wife of late Reuben Smith, late of 19 Smith Street, Gatton, passed away Pleasantville Nursing Home 30th July 2000. Relatives and friends of Noel and Jeanette, Reg and Wendy, Bruce and Lynn, Darryl and Jenny and their families are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service of their dearly beloved mother, mother in law, grandmother and great grandmother, which is appointed to leave St Marys Catholic Church, corner of Spencer and Maitland Streets, Gatton, after prayers commencing at 2.00 p.m. TODAY (Wednesday, 2nd August 2000) for the Gatton Lawn Cemetery. (GS02Aug2000F)

HOGER, Doris Mabel (Dorrie), late of Whittle St, Gatton The relatives and frineds of Alan and Dulcie Hoger, Audrey Schulz and Doug (dec'd), Bev Sabburg and Graham (dec'd), Ian Hoger, Dianne and Allan Haines, Ian and Cathy Hoger and thier families are respectfully advised that the funeral for their much loved mother, mother in law, grandmother and great grandmother is appointed to leave the Peace Lutheran Church, Spencer St, Gatton, for the Gatton Lawn Cemetery TOMORROW (THURSDAY) on conclusion of a service commencing at 10.00 a.m. (GS02Aug2000F)


JERVIS, Lloyd Jessie, aged 55 years, late of Clarendon via Lowood. His funeral service was held in Lowood on Monday, 31st July, 2000. (GS02Aug2000D)


ALLEN, Veronica. 1/8/97. A golden heart stopped beating, Two hands were laid to rest, God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. Carolyn, Ken and family. (GS02Aug2000M)

ANZALONE, Carol Ann, Passed away 30/7/99. Well, my darling love, the time has finally come for you and Jodie to reach your destination. I know you haven't been happy for you and your loving baby to be where you have been for the past year even though you were always near to me. You can see it is a nice lovely place to rest in peace, the two of you together. As you know it is in my will that when the time comes, to be also with you in the same place. I know you are always near me, and you are taking good care of me. Please be patient with my foibles. You know me very well. In the meantime, rest in perfect peace and watch over me. Until we are together again, with God's blessing, your ever loving husband, John. (GS02Aug2000M)

BATZLOFF, Annie Bertha. 2/8/98. We hold you close within our hearts, We gently speak your name, So walk beside us through our lives, Until we meet again. Lovingly remembered by Jack and family. (GS02Aug2000M)

PACEY, Ada. 5.8.99. With tears we watched you suffer, We saw you fade away, Our hearts were slowly breaking, As you fought so hard to stay, You did not want to leave us, But God called you home that day. Always in our hearts Ma. Beryl, Doug, Graham, Pam, Maree, Ray, Kerry, Julie and families. (GS02Aug2000M)

Thanks Notices

WE sincerely THANK all who paid tribute to my dear husband, father, grandfather by attending his funeral, expressions of sympathy personally, cards, phone calls, flowers. Thank you to all the Staff of Tabeel Nursing Home for your care and support over the years. Please accept this as our heartfelt thanks for the many cards and condolences which are too numerous to answer personally. Thank you. BILLIE MASON & FAMILY


NATALIER, Reginald Vivian (Reg), late of Upper Tent Hill. Passed away peacefully in his sleep at home on Sunday, 6/8/2000 aged 76 years. Much loved husband of Pearl, dear father of Linda, Nail and Ken and adored Pa to their children. Reg's funeral service was held at Ropeley Lutheran Church on TUESDAY (8/8/2000). (GS09Aug2000F)


NEUENDORF, Esther Anna, late of Karinya Nursing Home, Laidley, passed away on the 2nd August, 2000, aged 93 years. Her funeral service was held in Minden followed by interment at the Tarampa Baptist Cemetery. (GS09Aug2000D)


BICHEL, Doug, (Dad) (POPPY). 7.8.97. A day to remember, so sad to recall, Without a farewell, you left us all. Lovingly remembered by Gayle, Michael, Kayla and Emily Burrows. (GS09Aug2000M)

BICHEL, Douglas William. 7/8/97. Those special years will not return, When we laughed and talked together, But the love we have of you in our hearts, Will stay with us forever. Lovingly remembered by Beryl and families. (GS09Aug2000M)

DALLINGER, Dulcie Vera. Cherished mother, mother in law, grandmother and great grandmother, 16.12.1919 - 10.8.1985. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and still very dear. Forever in our hearts. Elaine, Barry, Glenys, Grantley, Debbra, Lester and families. (GS09Aug2000M)

GOSCHNICK, Augusta. 10/8/97. GOSCHNICK, Gottlieb. 28/6/73. Treasured memories keep you near. Lovingly remembered Don, Daphne and families. (GS09Aug2000M)

DAVENPORT, Ivy Elizabeth 25/10/1912 13/08/1998. DAVENPORT, Emest Claud 01/04/1913 13/12/1989. You are always in our hearts, Until we meet again. Dearly and sadly missed by Doreen, Evan, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. (GS09Aug2000M)

Thanks Notices

FAMILY and FRIENDS of the late Syd Minter would like to THANK everyone involved for their help, kindness and support through our difficult time. Please accept this as our personal thankyou.

HERB OLM and FAMILIES wish to sincerely THANK the Management and Staff of Karinya Nursing Home, Laidley, for the kind care given to Maud Olm during the last months of her life. We also would like to extend sincere thanks to Doctors Hudson, Burrell and Kindt, Nursing Staff at the Laidley Hospital, the Blue Nurses and Vaughan's Pharmacy for the kind consideration given to Maud during her illness. We also express our thanks to Pastors Butcher and Stojcic, our church family, all relatives and friends who phoned, sent floral tributes, cards or messages of sympathy after the sad loss of Maud, our much loved wife, mother, mother inlaw, grandmother, and great grandmother. Many thanks to all the people who attended her funeral or offered help in any way and the Gatton Police for their assistance at that time. Your kindness and compassion will never be forgotten. Please accept this as our personal thanks and God bless you all.


BEAVAN, Walter John "Johono", late of Tabeel and formerly of Mangrove Mountain, passed away on the 4th September, 2000, aged 89 years. Beloved husband of Eileen (dec'd). Loved father of Hilda, Claude (dec'd) and Geoffrey and much appreciated friend Joan. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend JOHONO'S Graveside Funeral, to be held at the Gatton Cemetery, service commencing at 10.00 a.m. THURSDAY (7th September, 2000). (GS06Sep2000F)

REID, Winifred Cecilia "Win", nee Masters, late of Gatton. Passed away at the Gatton Hospital on 1st September, 2000, aged 82 years. Beloved wife of Peter (dec'd), dearly loved mother and mother in law of Daph and Jack Smoothy, Barb and Tex Bartholomai, Gary and Jenny, loving Nanna and great grandma of their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend WIN'S funeral, to be held at the Uniting Church, Spencer Street, Gatton, service commencing at 10.30 a.m. WEDNESDAY (6th September, 2000), followed by interment at the Gatton Cemetery. "Resting in Peace in God's Care" (GS06Sep2000F)


DREW, Nita Eileen, late of Hayes Street Laidley and formerly of Mid North Coast NSW. Passed away peacefully on 29/8/2000. Her funeral was held in Laidley on 1/9/00 (GS06Sep2000D) {Compiler's NOTE: Nita was much lovd and respected by the PeeWee (primary school students) Golfers whom she instructed).

EIGEL, Peter William, late of Regency Downs, passed away on the 3rd September, 2000. He will be sadly missed by his family. Private Cremation Service. (GS06Sep2000D)

FINLAY, Renee Latasha Joan, late of Cannon Hill, Brisbane. Much loved daughter of Chris and Gary. Stepdaughter of Gary Chapman. Beloved sister of Jason, Mellissa, Alexander, Kirsty and Stephanine. Aunty to Robert. Loved grandaughter and cousin, passed away tragically near Gladstone on 26.8.00. Forever In Our Hearts. (GS06Sep2000D)

KING, George Vivian, QX014592 of 4 Wilson Court, Laidley. Beloved husband of Esme. Loving father of Pam. Loving stepfather of Lawrence, Judy, Karen, David and Rhonda. Much loved grandfather of Jeffrey, Leachell, Michael, Caroline and Kimba Lea, passed away after a long illness 29th August, 2000. PRIVATELY CREMATED. A wake will be held at his home on Saturday 9th September at 2.00 p.m. All relatives and friends invited (GS06Sep2000D)

MASLEN, Irene Jean (Nee O'Brien) late of Laidley. Passed away peacefully on Saturday 2/9/2000. Irene's funeral service was held on Tuesday 5/9/2000 at Laidley followed by internment at the Laidley Cemetery. (GS06Sep2000D)


WOLENS, Maureen 07 02 17930 08 09 1999 In loving memory of our dear mother, mother in law, grandmother. To hear your voice, and see your smile; To sit and talk for just a while. To be together the same old way, Would be our dearest wish today. Sadly missed Love you always. From your family. (GS06Sep2000M)

MORRIS, Allan Glen. 7/2/35 2/9/99. Treasured memories keep you near. Lovingly remembered by your family and friends. (GS06Sep2000M)

MULVENA, John. 10/10/23 5/9/95. Always missed by your daughter Marcia and grandchildren Tristan and Grace. (GS06Sep2000M)

PHILP, June Patricia. In loving memory of a dear mother and mother in law who passed away 8/9/1999. In time we hope the pain will fade, And only happy memories will remain. You will stay in our hearts forever. Deeply missed by your loving son Craig and daughter in law Joan. (GS06Sep2000M)

WEIGEL, Allan. Passed away 31.8.99. In loving memory of our dear husband, father and Poppy. Sadly missed by all the family. (GS06Sep2000M)

YATES, Pamela Coral. 11/9/98. If tears could build a stairway, And heartache make a lane, We would walk right up to Heaven, And bring you home again. Always in our hearts. John, Julie and family. Janelle, Eric and family. (GS06Sep2000M)

Thanks Notices





RUSSELL, Alan John, M.B.E., late of Gatton and formerly of Narangba, passed away on the 1st September, 2000, aged 78 years. His private Cremation Service was held in Toomoomba on the 4th September, 2000. Details of a Memorial Service will be published at a later date. (GS13Sep2000D)

WAIT, June Margaret, late of Gatton, passed away on the 8th September, 2000, aged 68 years. Beloved wife of Robert. Dearly loved mother and mother-in law of Greg and Yvonne, Julie and Robert Noffke. Loving grandmother of Matthew, Brenton and Sarah. Her funeral service was held on Tuesday, 12th September, 2000. (GS13Sep2000D)


SPANN, Phyllis Grace. Passed away peacefully 18.9.99. Lovingly remembered by Edgar and family. Our loss is God's gain. (GS13Sep2000M)

EVANS, Lily. Sweet is the sleep to end the pain, I won't awake you to suffer again, Tears in my eyes I can wipe away The ache in my heart will forever stay. Sadly missed by your loving husband Leslie and family, Harry, Bryn, Denise and Chris, Leanne, Sheena, Jay and Molly-Rose. (GS13Sep2000M)

FERDINAND, Roy Edward Charles. 16/9/86. It's hard to see the reason, Why things happen as they do, You are in our hearts dear Dad, With each fond memory though. Loved forever. Peter, Kay, Gemma and Shania. (GS13Sep2000M)

FERNINAND, Roy. 16.9.86. Treasured memories keep you near. Remembered always. Wife Esther, Dawn & Trevor, Raymond & Jan, Mervyn, Keith, Kay & Peter, Sandra & Berry, Sharyn & Craig, and their families. (GS13Sep2000M)

WAITE, Amber Jade. 18/7/91 15/9/91. In loving memory of a sweet little angel. Always in our hearts, Julie, Kirby, Zach, Shelby and Libi. (GS13Sep2000M)

Thanks Notices

MRS MERLE GOOS and FAMILY wish to sincerely THANK relatives and friends for their support and kindness following the loss of her beloved husband William, and their father, father-in-law and grandfather. Specialthanks also to Gatton Ambulance, St Vincent's Hospital, and Pastor Kuchel, for their loving care of William and his family.

PEARL NATALIER, LINDA, NORM, DANIEL & ROBERT McNEILL, NEIL, ROSALIE, CAITLAN, ANGELA, CHRISTOPHER & BRENTON NATALIER & KEN, LEANNE, BREEANNA, SARAH & CHLOE NATALIER wish to THANK Rosely Lutheran Ladies Guild members and other members of our Church community, all relatives and friends who attended the funeral of Reg, who phoned, visited, sent messages of sympathy and floral tributes. We also appreciated the kind support of work collegues, the compassionate and professional assistance of Geoff Proudfoot and Pastor Adrian Muller. Your kindness, support and compassion during this difficult time will never be forgotten. Please accept this as our personal thanks as your greetings were too numerous to respond to individually. God bless you all.




LANGLANDS, William, "Bill", late of Laidley, passed away on the 21st September, 2000, aged 88 years. His funeral service was held in Laidley on the 26th September, 2000. (GS27Sep2000D)

McKAY, Kevin Donald "Shady Tree", late of Helidon, passed away on the 21st September, aged 45 years. His funeral was held in Helidon on the 25th September, 2000. (GS27Sep2000D)

MENGEL, Viv, late of Gatton, passed away on the 21st September, 2000, aged 62 years. His funeral service was held in Gatton on the 25th September, 2000. (GS27Sep2000D)


LERCH, Mervyn. Passed away 14 years today. Sadly missed by wife Hazel and family. (GS27Sep2000M)

PAULING, Fay. 23.9.98 WARNER, Arthur John. 24.9.50. Much loved parents and in laws of Jacqueline and Grant Robinson (Kentville) and David and Jane Warner (N.Z.). Always remembered. Always loved. In accordance with Mum's wishes her ashes have been scattered in Jacqueline's garden. (GS27Sep2000M)

STERNBERG, George. You will always be close to our hearts and remembered forever, Love Sarah and Sarah. (GS27Sep2000M)

Thanks Notices





PETERS, Mabel Doris (nee Marsden), late of Laidley, passed away at Karinya Nursing Home on the 27th September, 2000, aged 81 years. Beloved wife of Hugh. Her funeral was held in Laidley on the 2nd October, 2000. (GS04Oct2000D)


CROWLEY, Kathleen, Marjorie and Jinn. Always in our hearts. Sadly missed and fondly remembered by Terry, Terry (Jnr), Maurice and Loretto. (GS04Oct2000M)

NITZ, Don. 8.10.98. Gone but not forgotten. Sadly remembered by Mum and Heather. (GS04Oct2000M)

DIONYSIUS, Maggie. 3.10.96. Precious memories of our wonderful Mum, mother in law, Nana and great nan. Remembering you is easy Mum, We do it every day, It's the emptiness without you, That never goes away. Loved always. Vonnie, Col and family. (GS04Oct2000M)

JACKWITZ, August. 9/10/97. So dearly loved, So sadly missed. By loving wife Minnie and family. (GS04Oct2000M)

MARTIN, Margaret Joyce. 6.10.97. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and always, You are remembered. Sadly missed. Gavin, Sharyn, Tony, Sheryl and families. (GS04Oct2000M)

RAABE, Don. 7.10.92 Another year has passed without you. Sadly remembered by your loving wife and family. (GS04Oct2000M)

ROBECK, Bernard (Ben). 5/10/99 It's been a year since you left us here, But in our memories you are always near. Sadly missed. Des, Marlene and families. (GS04Oct2000M)

ROSE, Hilda. 7/10/99. "Safe in the arms of Jesus" We have lost, but Heaven has gained, A kind and beautiful sister, Whom we hope to meet again. Sadly missed, but lovingly remembered by her sisters. (GS04Oct2000M)

ROSE, Hilda. Passed away suddenly 7.10.99. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our minds, The memories we have of you, Are the everlasting kind. Always remembered. Sadly missed by Ray and families. (GS04Oct2000M)

SIMS, Valerie Doreen (Mischke). In loving memory of Val who passed away on 1/10/99. They say there is a reason, They say time will heal, But never the time or reason, Will change the way we feel. For no one knows the heartache, That lies beyond our smiles, And no one knows how many times We have broken down and cried. You are so wonderful to think of But so hard to live without. So sadly missed. Loved forever. Alf & Doreen, Trych, Jenny, Glenn, Julie and their families. (GS04Oct2000M)

WESTON, James Desmond. 07 10 97. Tender thoughts still bring a tear, For the one we lost and loved so dear. Lovingly remembered by wife Muriel and family. (GS04Oct2000M)

ZEIDLER, Wellington John (Fred). Left us on 4/10/95. Although no longer with us Dad to share in our lives, But in our hearts you're always there. Sadly missed. June and Ron. (GS04Oct2000M)

ZEIDLER, Wellington John (Fred). Time goes on without you, And days turn into years, They hold a thousand memories, And a million silent tears. Love and miss you always. Barbara, Lyle, Kylie and Jodie (GS04Oct2000M)

Thanks Notices

Alan, Audrey, Beverly, Keith, Dianne, lan and Families wish to THANK relatives and ffiends who phoned. sent inessages of sympathy and floral tributes after the loss of our dear Mum, Doris Hoger, of Gatton. Special thanks also to Gatton Ambulance, Gatton Hospital, Pastor Geoff Kuchel, and the Lutheran Ladies. Please accept this a. our personal thanks.




WATSON, Clara Dorothea Munro of Karinya Nursing Home, Laidley, formerly of Gatton and Paisley, Scotland. Beloved wife of the late Herbert Rolls Watson; loved mother and motherin law of Brian and Marion Watson; Nana of Kirsti, Christopher (deceased) and Vicki. Funeral held in Laidley on Tuesday, 1 Oth October, 2000. (GS11Oct2000D)


BUSHE, BARRY WILLIAM In Loving Memory of our Dear Brother in Law and Uncle whom God called Home on 16/10/98. With tears we watched you suffer and saw you fade away. Our hearts were slowly breaking, As you fought so hard to stay, You did not want to leave us, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Lovingly Remembered by Harold & Gwen, Marg & Ron, Stewart, Shirley & Martin, Vall & David & their families (GS11Oct2000M)

BUHSE, Barry William 29/1/47 - 16/10/98. We did so much together, Your memory still brings tears, To those who truly loved you, They were very special years. Sadly missed by your loving family, Glad, Paul, Fiona, Megan, Chris, William and Harrison. (GS11Oct2000M)

CROSBY, Edith Evelyn May (Edie). 11/10/96. In loving memory of my beloved wife, our mother grandmother and great grandmother. Close to our hearts she wil always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Sadly missed by Syd Graham and Jan, Ron and Marg, and families. (GS11Oct2000M)

ROSE, Hilda. Passed away suddenly 7.10.99. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our minds, The memories we have of you, Are the everlasting kind. Always remembered. Sadly missed by Iris, Ray and families. (GS11Oct2000M)

Thanks Notices

SAM, IRENE & FAMILY, and BILL & SHIRLEY, wish to THANK relatives and friends, staff of Karinya Baptist Home, Minister and Ladies of the Church of Christ, for cards and phone calls, flowers and services: after the loss of our mother mother in law, grandmother and great grandmother, Mary Annie Keen. Please accept this as our personal thanks.


LAFFEY, John Simon (Jack) passed away 20 October, 2000, late of the Gold Coast, formerly of Gatton, aged 70 years. Beloved husband of Mavis. Loving father and father inlaw of Narelle and Ross, Patricia and Paul, Annette, Cathryn and Karl, Michael and Jan, Stephen and Michelle. Grandfather of Jody, Michaela, Morgan, Kara, Sophie, Madison, Stephanie, Courtney, Benjamin, Loren, Leroy and Axel. Requiem Mass for the Repose of the Soul of MR JACK LAFFEY will be offered at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Edmund Rice Drive, Ashmore, on THURSDAY (26th October 2000) at 12 noon. At the conclusion of Mass the cortege will leave for the Southport General Cemetery. (GS25Oct2000F)

SHAW, Patricia Elizabeth (nee Brabazon), late of Summerholm and formerly of Brisbane and Beaudesert, passed away suddenly on the 21st October, 2000, aged 60 years. Beloved wife of John. Dearly loved mother, mother in law and stepmother of Tricia and Garry Roots, Colleen and Scott Hoddinott, Tony and Tania Bergman, Tom and Jane Ber'~man, Rosemary and Brian Randle, Margie and Darren Andrew, Jeanette Bergman, Richard and Jenni Shaw, Patrick Shaw, and loving grandmother of their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend PAT'S funeral to be held at the Salvation Army Citadel, Old College Road, Gatton, service commencing at 1.00 p.m. FRIDAY (27th October, 2000), followed by a committal at the Laidley Crematorium. (GS25Oct2000F)

WATTS, George James "Jim" of Gatton, died at St Vincent's Hospital 22nd October, aged 75 years. "His life on Earth is now complete and his eternal life has begun." Sue, Allan, Kim and Luke Duff; Robyn, Jeff, Amy, Jocie and Ben Coutts and Phil, Candy and Thomas Watts invite their family and friends to join them in giving thanks for their Dad's and Poppa's life. A graveside service at the Gatton Cemetery will take place at 10.00 a.m. TODAY (Wednesday, 25th October) followed by a Thanksgiving Service at the Gatton Baptist Church at 11.00 a.m. This day is also to remember JIM'S "beautiful lady" Norma, who died 2 years ago on the 25th October. Donations to the Lockyer Blue Nursing Service appreciated. "He fought a good fight" (GS25Oct2000F)


(GS25Oct2000D) nil


BICHEL, Frank Alan. Passed away 30.10.99. So dearly loved so sadly missed. Vi, Ashley, Nikki and family. (GS25Oct2000M)

In loving memory of Gloria Meryl Mary Brown who passed away 30.10.99. Sadly missed and not forgotten. Always in our prayers by Frank, Ursula, Muriel, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and friends. (GS25Oct2000M)

KIRBY, Roderick (Rod) Myles. 19.2.60 - 22.10.98, Lovingly remembered always. Jake and Jill. (GS25Oct2000M)

SCHEIWE, Edward Otto. Passed away 24/10/1991. Always remembered by his wife and family. (GS25Oct2000M)

KIRBY, Roderick (Rod) Passed away 22/10/1998. In loving memory of Rod. Sadly missed by Lester and Shirley and families. (GS25Oct2000M)

LIVINGSTONE, Mrs Enid M. In loving memory of my dear wife, our mother, mother in law and Nana. Passed away with a deep sigh on the 26th October, 1999. You will remain in our hearts and minds forever. Sadly missed by your husband Des, and family Wayne, Geoff, Gayle, daughter in law Kath, and grandchildren Tod, Sarah, Amelia, Martin and Breanne. (GS25Oct2000M)

MORRISON, Coralie Maud. Passed away 28th Oct. 1997. Your name is often spoken, Our thoughts are with you still. You have never been forgotten Mum, And you never ever will. Loved and remembered always by Keith, Leigh, Cameron and Casie. (GS25Oct2000M)

WEGNER, Roy Thornas. 28.10.92. Always remembered. Never forgotten by Merle and family. (GS25Oct2000M)

WERTH, Stuart. 27/10/97. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, Of a special young man we'll never forget. Ray, Jan and family. (GS25Oct2000M)

WERTH, Stuart. 27/10/97. "Better Man" "The Gambler" "Simply the Best" Your friend Rhys. (GS25Oct2000M)

WERTH, Stuart M 27/10/1997. Years come and go, Tears still flow, But our love, Will always grow. Loved and missed, Mum, Dad, Greta and Aaron. (GS25Oct2000M)

Thanks Notices

Beryl, Lyn, Des, Glenn and Families wish to THANK relatives and friends, Pastors Ralph Bennett and Greg Lobegieger, the Church of Christ Ma Ma Creek, staff and doctors of Prince Charles and Gatton Hospitals, for their support, prayers, cards, phone calls, flowers and visits before and after the loss of our dearly loved husband, father, father in law and grandfather, ROBERT CHARLES POOLE. As they are too numerous to answer personally please accept our deepest appreciation. God bless you all.


REA, Viola Joyce (Joyce) of Gatton Beloved wife of Don, loving mother of Pamela, Donna and Chris, motherin law of Bruce, Lyn and Sandra, loved Gran of Daniel, Renee, Elyse and Matthew. Funeral held in Gatton on TUESDAY (31st October 2000). (GS01Nov2000F)


BAKER, George Edward, late of Laidley, passed away on the 28th October, 2000, aged 90 years. Beloved husband of Elsie and dearly loved father of Rhondda Cooke. His funeral service was held in Laidley on Tuesday, 31st October, 2000. (GS01Nov2000D)

LIVINGSTONE, Vera Constance Evelyn, late of St Michael's Nursing Home, Ipswich, and formerly of Broadbeach and Gatton, passed away 28th October, 2000, aged 98 years. Beloved wife of James Young Livingstone (dec'd). Dearly loved mother and mother in law of Jim and Jean (dec'd), Des and Enid (dec'd) and Dawn and Les and loving grandmother, great grandmother of their families. A private family service will be held at Mt Thompson Crematorium on Thursday 2.11.00. (GS01Nov2000D)


WARD, Marilyn, 25/10/00. Our friendship is eternal. Farewell my friend, until we meet again. Love always, Asia (GS01Nov2000B) (Compiler's Note - Marilyn was a serving Laidley Shire Councillor, as was Asia Byatt, the only two females on council of ten).


LITZOW, Benjamin. In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather and great grandfather whom God called home on 5th November, 1994. Flowers and leaves may wither, The evening sun may set Hearts that love you dearly, Are the ones that never forget. Always remembered by Earl and Gwen, Graham and Lorraine and families. (GS01Nov2000M)

Thanks Notices

HOGER. WALLACE AND FAMILY of the late Maureen Hoger wish to THANK all who attended her funeral and staff of the Gatton Blue Nurses, Gatton Ambulance, Doctors and Father Ryan, also for phone calls and cards too numerous to answer personally. Thank you with all our hearts.


HARDY, Anna Elizabeth "Betty", late of Bli Bli and formerly of Gatton: passed away peacefully at home on the 4th November, 2000, aged 81 years. Beloved wife of the late Jim Hardy. Loved sister and sister in law of Alfred (dec'd) and Mary; Margaret and Ted (both dec'd) Armstrong, Albert and Ula, and loved aunt of their families. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend BETTY'S funeral to be held at the T.S. Burstow Chapel, 1020 Ruthven Street (south), Toowoomba, service commencing at 10.30 a.m. THURSDAY (9th November, 2000). Service complete at Chapel. If preferred, donations to Asthma Foundation would be appreciated. In God's Care (GS08Nov2000F)


SCHULZ, Patrick, aged 76 years, formerly of Gatton, passed away after a long illness on All Souls Day, 2nd November, 2000. His funeral service was held in Gatton on Monday 6th November, 2000. (GS08Nov2000D)

ADAMS, Gary John of Laidley, formerly of Pittsworth. Dearly loved and loving partner of Hazel. Father of Katrina, Ben and Chris. Son of Ben and Pat Adams. Brother and brother in law of Steve and Prue and Sue and Steve and loving uncle of their children. Funeral service was held in Laidley on MONDAY 6th November. (GS08Nov2000D)


STEFFENS, Edna May 10/11/1998 May the gentle wind blow softly, And whisper for you to hear, That I will always love you, And forever hold you near. I miss you every moment mum, Of every single day, Life's emptiness without you, Just never goes away. Your memory has not faded, The hurting does not cease, But within my heart there shines a star, For you are now at peace. They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way I feel. I hold you close within my heart, And always speak your name, So walk with me throughout my life, Until we meet again. Put your arms around her, Lord, Touch her smiling face, For she is someone precious, Who can never be replaced. You can't come back I know it's true, But someday Mum, I'll come to you. I miss you my beautiful mother. Love alwavs, Lyn Brian and grandchildren. (GS08Nov2000M)

SCOTT, Peter Terence. 6.11.88. Time moves on but memories stay. Loved and remembered always by all your family. (GS08Nov2000M)

SMITH, Les. 7/11/95. We never forget to think of you, We never cease to care, We wish that we could turn around, And find you standing there. Lovingly remembered Sheryll and family. (GS08Nov2000M)

STEFFENS, Edna. Passed away 10/11/98. Not a day goes by that we don't remember you. Sadly missed. Kenny and Gayle. (GS08Nov2000M)

STEFFENS, Edna May. 6/3/34 10/11/98. I do not need a special day, To bring you to my mind, For a day without a thought of you, Is so very hard to find. Time may hide my tears, But the memories you have left me, Will remain throughout the years. Remembered with love. Allen. (GS08Nov2000M)

STEFFENS, Edna May. 6.3.34 10.11.98. Tender thoughts still bring a tear, For our Mum we lost and loved so dear. Two years may have passed, But you are always in our thoughts and forever in our hearts. Sadly missed. Jenny, Lloyd, Vicki, Lindsay and families. (GS08Nov2000M)

Thanks Notices

PEG and JOHN OLIVER, together with GARY and LYN HAM - AYR wish to THANK everyone for cards, phone calls and words of comfort in the loss of our grandson, their son, Gerard Ham. Please accept this as our personal thanks.